Scenes at Wallaroo [B 72086/1-2] • Photograph

Scenes at Wallaroo
Stormy sea beside Wallaroo jetty, 10 cm x 20.4 cm on mount 18.2 cm x 30.4 cm with 'REG. 103' at bottom left of image and label on mount at bottom left 'E. Duryea, Wallaroo, S.A.' On verso - handwritten caption, partly illegible: 'this is while storm was raging following the No.1 / -- 4.5.6. --------------- left / moorings came ashore --------- Gale of wind.'

Scenes at Wallaroo
Panorama view of Wallaroo township (at right) and smelters (chimney stacks and buildings in middle view) with Presbyterian Church (with spire) on hill and old railway station in right foreground, 7.8 cm x 25.5 cm in plywood frame 15 cm x 36.5 cm