Portraits by various South Australian photographers [B 71686/1-67] • Photograph

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young man in a double breasted jacket, a flower in his buttonhole, a shirt with standup collar and a narrow striped tie (Spicer & Adey)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
an unknown man in a double breasted morning coat with bow tie, flowers in button hole, shirt with standup collar, and contrasting striped trousers (James R. Dobson & Co)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a man with fair hair similar in appearance the person in images No. 56 and No. 59. He wears a suit and shirt with standup collar folded down over a striped tie (James R. Dobson & Co)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
an unknown man leaning on a pedestal. He appears older but similar in appearance to the person in images No. 56 and 59 and 63 and wears a velvet collar edged jacket, patterned waistcoat, shirt with stand up collar and narrow neckband (James R. Dobson & Co)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a man bearing strong similarities to the person in images No. 56, 59, 63, and 64 leaning on a carved pedestal. He wears a morning coat with rose in his buttonhole, a striped bow tie and the same patterned double breasted waistcoat as in No. 64 and wears a signet ring of pale gemstone on his ring finger (S. Solomon)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young man in a rough coat with striped bow tie (S. Solomon)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
young baby in a padded stitched shell-backed chair. The baby has fair hair, pale eyes, and wears a fancily trimmed dress arranged over a cushion. The cushion is embroidered with large flowers and swirls and is possibly studio equipment (S. Solomon).