Portraits by various South Australian photographers [B 71686/1-67] • Photograph

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a woman wearing a crinoline with ribbon stripes and a fringed top, seated on a tasseled chair by a table with fluted silver service

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
an unknown female wearing drop ear rings, wedding ring, large floral brooch, scalloped scarf and matching ribbon cuffs. She is leaning on a padded chair with tassel and drape

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
an unknown female, bearing a resemblance to the person in No. 32, leaning on a padded chair with fur rug. She wears a decorated hat, drop ear rings, high lace frill collar, wedding ring, large floral brooch, scarf, and a long dark cape with sequined fringes, and matching cuffs

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
An image of a seated girl, holding a posy, in among gum leaves on a grassy bank. She is wearing a dress with high frilled collar, gathered sleeves, dark stockings and high boots, with her hair held back high with a ribbon

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
of a female in a wide lace collar and bustle, leaning on a chair, her long ringlets tied back

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
an unknown woman in a dark high-necked buttoned suit with contrasting bow and brooch

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a woman, her dress with V shaped frills, tucks, high lace collar and brooch, her hair swept back and ringlets framing her face

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a woman in a buttoned, frilled, tucked dress with high lace collar and cuffs, heavy chain pendant and brooch. She is wearing a wedding ring

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young woman, wearing ear rings, a ruffled dress with white cuffs, hair in ringlets, her arms leaning on a floral padded chair

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young woman wearing pendant ear rings, possibly named "Julia" and possibly an older version of the young lady in image No. 39. She is leaning on a fur covered ledge, and wears a tailored buttoned dress with a high lace and crotchet collar, kilted cuffs, pendant and chain

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young woman holding a spray of flowers, her hair in a high braided bun. She is wearing a shiny tailored jacket, lacy cravat, posy and oblong brooch

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a seated lady, hair in a low chignon, leaning on a table with an elaborate pot plant

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a woman similar in appearance to image No. 44. She wears an elaborate dress with beadwork, buttons, fringes, frilly V neck, ribbons and brooches. She has a wedding ring, and wears her hair high in a braid

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young woman, leaning on a fur covered ledge. She wears a gathered bodice dress with white lace collar and sleeves and flowers

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young woman with an open book, her arm on a velvet padded couch. Her hair is in a high braid and she wears a filigree vest over a dress with kilted cuffs and an oval lace decoration with brooch

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a woman, hair up in a braid, wearing large pendant ear rings and a fitted dress with a V shaped lace insert, pleats, buttons, high collar, bow and pendant on a chain. She looks similar to the woman in image No. 45

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
of a woman, hair in a braid, long beaded pendant ear rings, wearing a dress with fine lace collar, large contrasting bows and elaborate embroidered neckband

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
A man wearing lunettes, believed to be a young Samuel Way (solicitor). He has fair hair, long sparse beard, suit and shirt with high collar above a bow

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
A man wearing lunettes, believed to be a young Samuel Way (solicitor). He has fair hair, long sparse beard, suit and shirt with high collar above a bow

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
A man wearing lunettes, believed to be a young Samuel Way (solicitor). He has fair hair, long sparse beard, suit and shirt with high collar above a bow

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a man, perhaps the photographer George F. Jenkinson. He has receding hair and thin beard, and wears a bow tie and double breasted suit coat

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
of a man with receding hair and wispy graying beard wearing a double breasted waistcoat and bow tie

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
A man in a jacket with high buttoning waistcoat, graying whiskers and eyebrows and hair swept back, believed to be the Rev. James Jefferis, a Congregational minister

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a seated lady in a long dress with fringed scarf, fitted jacket and kilted cuffs. A young boy in a dress with wide angular trim stands next to her clutching her skirt. He wears a bow tie, pantaloons, socks, boots and a wide sash draped across his chest (A. Francis, Kadina)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a man with sparse side whiskers in a shiny jacket, double breasted waistcoat and a wide satin tie with a small badge pinned on the wide knot (W. Thwaites, Sen., Tanunda)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a child aged about 4 similar to the one in image No. 54. He is sitting on a velvet upholstered chair and wears a dress trimmed with dark stripes and bows, boots and white stockings. He has fair hair swept back to one side and looks unhappy (Otto von Hartitsch)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a man in a fancy boater hat with wide decorated band wearing a white garment with standup collar and tie (Henry Jones )

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a young man, possibly "W. I. Dawkins Jan 17th 1879", wearing a double breasted suit (Solomon School of Photography)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a child holding the rein of a wooden rocking horse. He wears dark velvet knickerbockers, matching jacket with trimmed edges, white collar, bow tie, contrasting buttons, frilly drawers and square-toed ankle length boots (Spicer & Adey)

Portraits by various South Australian photographers
a child holding the rein of a wooden rocking horse. He wears dark velvet knickerbockers, matching jacket with trimmed edges, white collar, bow tie, contrasting buttons, frilly drawers and square-toed ankle length boots (Spicer & Adey)