Messenger Press : SUMMARY RECORD [B 70869] • Photograph

Channel 7 news team, (left to right), [Max Stevens, Jeremy Cordeaux, Anne Wills, Graeme Goodings].

Channel 7 news team, (left to right), [Max Stevens, Jeremy Cordeaux, Anne Wills, Graeme Goodings].

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

[The Channel 9 news team supporting the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal, (left to right), Rob Kelvin, Georgina McGuinness, 2 Salvation Army Officers, Kevin Crease].

[The Channel 9 news team supporting the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal, (left to right), Rob Kelvin, Georgina McGuinness, 2 Salvation Army Officers, Kevin Crease].

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

"The Rocky Horror Show" team, (left to right) Ken James and Victoria Nicholls also visited David Day's "Night Shift" set for some great all-night music on Channel Seven Saturday night.

"The Rocky Horror Show" team, (left to right) Ken James and Victoria Nicholls also visited David Day's "Night Shift" set for some great all-night music on Channel Seven Saturday night.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

5UV Radio, feminist radio program, (left to right) Deb Truman, Warradale; Julie Franz, Warradale, Sheryl Bryce, Brompton.

5UV Radio, feminist radio program, (left to right) Deb Truman, Warradale; Julie Franz, Warradale, Sheryl Bryce, Brompton.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 9's "Postcards", Ken Cunningham & 'Hollywood" Syd McDonald.

Channel 9's "Postcards", Ken Cunningham & 'Hollywood" Syd McDonald.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Para Broadcasters (Radio PBA-FM) David Turrell & Denise Guest (volunteer) in new radio studio at Salisbury Education Centre.

Para Broadcasters (Radio PBA-FM) David Turrell & Denise Guest (volunteer) in new radio studio at Salisbury Education Centre.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

"Postcards" Keith Conlon indulges in his frog cake fetish.

"Postcards" Keith Conlon indulges in his frog cake fetish.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Postcards' presenter Lisa McAskill on location for the award-winning Channel 9 program.

Postcards' presenter Lisa McAskill on location for the award-winning Channel 9 program.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Postcards Keith Conlon & Lisa McAskill. Yellow Pages South Australian Tourism Awards winner 1997.

Postcards Keith Conlon & Lisa McAskill. Yellow Pages South Australian Tourism Awards winner 1997.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Keith Conlon and the Postcards crew on location in the Coorong for the hour-long special. Cameraman Jeff Clayfield and audio operator Marco Arlotta.

Keith Conlon and the Postcards crew on location in the Coorong for the hour-long special. Cameraman Jeff Clayfield and audio operator Marco Arlotta.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Postcards' presenter, Lisa McAskill at Port Adelaide's Maritime Museum.

Postcards' presenter, Lisa McAskill at Port Adelaide's Maritime Museum.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Real Life's Stan Grant surprised the Crows Show viewers on Channel 7 recently, when he appeared as a special guest with Max Stevens.

Real Life's Stan Grant surprised the Crows Show viewers on Channel 7 recently, when he appeared as a special guest with Max Stevens.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Real Life's Stan Grant took time out to talk with Radio 1323's Jeremy Cordeaux during a recent whirlwind trip to Adelaide for Channel 7.

Real Life's Stan Grant took time out to talk with Radio 1323's Jeremy Cordeaux during a recent whirlwind trip to Adelaide for Channel 7.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Real Life's Stan Grant talked with AM Adelaide's Anne Wills and Steve Whitham.

Real Life's Stan Grant talked with AM Adelaide's Anne Wills and Steve Whitham.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

The friends and announcers of 5MMM FM show their support for the radio station.

The friends and announcers of 5MMM FM show their support for the radio station.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

5AN's Ralph Bain, Philip Satchell, Judith John & Nigel Starck.

5AN's Ralph Bain, Philip Satchell, Judith John & Nigel Starck.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Seven's "State Affair" producer, Peter Vaughton and associate producer, Ric Jay introducing the famous political satire "Carlton Puppets" to Friday's show.

Seven's "State Affair" producer, Peter Vaughton and associate producer, Ric Jay introducing the famous political satire "Carlton Puppets" to Friday's show.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Greg Clark (left) and Jeff Sunderland (right) met Terry Serio, star of Seven's brilliant mini-series, "Shout! The Story of Johnny O'Keefe" at a special preview of the powerful program.

Greg Clark (left) and Jeff Sunderland (right) met Terry Serio, star of Seven's brilliant mini-series, "Shout! The Story of Johnny O'Keefe" at a special preview of the powerful program.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 7's, John Riddell (left) & Andy Kay (right).

Channel 7's, John Riddell (left) & Andy Kay (right).

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 7's, Jane Doyle & Graeme Goodings.

Channel 7's, Jane Doyle & Graeme Goodings.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 7's, (left to right) Bruce Abernethy, Max Stevens, Andy Kay.

Channel 7's, (left to right) Bruce Abernethy, Max Stevens, Andy Kay.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

SA-FM's new breakfast line-up, Steve Bedwell and the crew. (Left to right), James Brayshaw, Steve Bedwell, Craig Bruce.

SA-FM's new breakfast line-up, Steve Bedwell and the crew. (Left to right), James Brayshaw, Steve Bedwell, Craig Bruce.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

SA-FM's Cactus Voices (left to right) David Bates, Keith Scott, Robyn Moore and Matt Wills in Adelaide for the "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old Lion.

SA-FM's Cactus Voices (left to right) David Bates, Keith Scott, Robyn Moore and Matt Wills in Adelaide for the "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old Lion.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

SA-FM Morning Crew (left to right), Steve Bedwell, Toni Tenaglia, Adam Hills & Trevor Smith.

SA-FM Morning Crew (left to right), Steve Bedwell, Toni Tenaglia, Adam Hills & Trevor Smith.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

STA's Kathleen Talty with SAFM's Rock and Roll Roadie and Mandy Marshall from Young and Rubicam at the "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old LIon last Friday.

STA's Kathleen Talty with SAFM's Rock and Roll Roadie and Mandy Marshall from Young and Rubicam at the "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old LIon last Friday.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Messenger's Wendy Patching and SAFM General Manager Brian Nielsen at SAFM's  "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old LIon Hotel last Friday.

Messenger's Wendy Patching and SAFM General Manager Brian Nielsen at SAFM's "Laugh for Lunch" at the Old LIon Hotel last Friday.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Happy 10th Birthday "Music Express" and Greg and Disey will be celebrating the special event with a three hour birthday show screening on Channel Seven, Saturday, October 9 at 3.00pm.

Happy 10th Birthday "Music Express" and Greg and Disey will be celebrating the special event with a three hour birthday show screening on Channel Seven, Saturday, October 9 at 3.00pm.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Seven's "Music Express" team (left to right) Greg Clark, Di Stapleton and producer, Danny Monaghan were on hand for a Grammy Awards luncheon held at Le Rox recently.

Seven's "Music Express" team (left to right) Greg Clark, Di Stapleton and producer, Danny Monaghan were on hand for a Grammy Awards luncheon held at Le Rox recently.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

KA FM's Greg Clark & Catherine Lambert.

KA FM's Greg Clark & Catherine Lambert.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Greg Clark & Di Stapleton recently hosted a Duran, Duran birthday party and for all their help they were presented with their very own Duran, Duran t.shirts. . . . Now which ones better?

Greg Clark & Di Stapleton recently hosted a Duran, Duran birthday party and for all their help they were presented with their very own Duran, Duran t.shirts. . . . Now which ones better?

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.