Messenger Press : SUMMARY RECORD [B 70869] • Photograph

Marion Community House. Colin McRae Job Supervisor, Phil Dare Project Manager showing June Appleby the building extensions. 1988.

Marion Community House. Colin McRae Job Supervisor, Phil Dare Project Manager showing June Appleby the building extensions. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Ceiling contractors Frank Lane and Keith Daglish put up new ceiling panels at Maslins Beach Community Hall. 11th November 1987.

Ceiling contractors Frank Lane and Keith Daglish put up new ceiling panels at Maslins Beach Community Hall. 11th November 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Wendy McLeod and Julie-Ann Wagstaff with some of the loan equipment from Midway House Young Mothers Group. 15th June 1988.

Wendy McLeod and Julie-Ann Wagstaff with some of the loan equipment from Midway House Young Mothers Group. 15th June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Young mothers Lynn Jones, Donna Sutton, Julie Wagstaff, Karen Myles with their children try out one of the prams for hire at Midway Community House, Elizabeth East. 2nd November 1988.

Young mothers Lynn Jones, Donna Sutton, Julie Wagstaff, Karen Myles with their children try out one of the prams for hire at Midway Community House, Elizabeth East. 2nd November 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Enjoying the Young Mums Group get-together at Midway Community House in Elizabeth are Julie-Ann Wagstaff and two year old son Scott. 27th April 1988.

Enjoying the Young Mums Group get-together at Midway Community House in Elizabeth are Julie-Ann Wagstaff and two year old son Scott. 27th April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Geoff Neilson coaching his star proteges Sean and Daniel White in the finer points of boxing at Midway Community House at Elizabeth East. 3rd August 1988.

Geoff Neilson coaching his star proteges Sean and Daniel White in the finer points of boxing at Midway Community House at Elizabeth East. 3rd August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Jakub Tuma outside Milpara Community House. 4th April 1990.

Jakub Tuma outside Milpara Community House. 4th April 1990.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Correctional Services community workers hard at work building a barbecue and patio area at Morella Community House. 3rd March 1988.

Correctional Services community workers hard at work building a barbecue and patio area at Morella Community House. 3rd March 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

North East Community Assistance Project workers, sorting out winter stock, are (from left) Joe Silverton, Bob Harris, Edna Taylor, Tricia Gale and Patricia Brunnbauer. 30th March 1988.

North East Community Assistance Project workers, sorting out winter stock, are (from left) Joe Silverton, Bob Harris, Edna Taylor, Tricia Gale and Patricia Brunnbauer. 30th March 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Volunteer staff at the North East Community Assistance Project thrift shop Hannah O'Callaghan (left) of Greenacres, and Gloria Cairns of Hillcrest...fear that desperate families will be turned away. 13th July 1988.

Volunteer staff at the North East Community Assistance Project thrift shop Hannah O'Callaghan (left) of Greenacres, and Gloria Cairns of Hillcrest...fear that desperate families will be turned away. 13th July 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

North East Community Assistance Project chairman Peter Panagaris and officer in charge of the Holden Hill police cells Sgt Joe Turnbull take time out for a spot of TV viewing. The set was donated by the project to help keep offenders in the cells occupied. 15th March 1989.

North East Community Assistance Project chairman Peter Panagaris and officer in charge of the Holden Hill police cells Sgt Joe Turnbull take time out for a spot of TV viewing. The set was donated by the project to help keep offenders in the cells occupied. 15th March 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Volunteer Dorothy Tippins helps Rachel Slape with her weaving at North Eastern Community Hospital's day care centre. 6th April 1988.

Volunteer Dorothy Tippins helps Rachel Slape with her weaving at North Eastern Community Hospital's day care centre. 6th April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Dianne Kennedy, Carole Henderson and Tricia Gale prerparing for the North East Community Assistance Project's spring sale at Gilles Plains Primary School on Saturday August 27th. 24th August 1988.

Dianne Kennedy, Carole Henderson and Tricia Gale prerparing for the North East Community Assistance Project's spring sale at Gilles Plains Primary School on Saturday August 27th. 24th August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Gilles Plains North East Community Assistance Project volunteers Bob Harris, Joe Silverton and Diane Kennedy in an exuberant mood after taking delivery of the new pick-up truck. 10th August 1988.

Gilles Plains North East Community Assistance Project volunteers Bob Harris, Joe Silverton and Diane Kennedy in an exuberant mood after taking delivery of the new pick-up truck. 10th August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Gilles Plains North East Community Assistance Program volunteers Wayne Clarke of Smithfield and Desmond Smith of Kilburn with President Peter Panagaris. 1989.

Gilles Plains North East Community Assistance Program volunteers Wayne Clarke of Smithfield and Desmond Smith of Kilburn with President Peter Panagaris. 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Meredith Treloar of Norwood assisting Mrs Trudy Wilson and Mrs Bessy Cureton board the Norwood Community bus. 9th March 1988.

Meredith Treloar of Norwood assisting Mrs Trudy Wilson and Mrs Bessy Cureton board the Norwood Community bus. 9th March 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Elizabeth Recreation Centre Bradley Ritter (3 years old) from One Tree Hill. 1989.

Elizabeth Recreation Centre Bradley Ritter (3 years old) from One Tree Hill. 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Onkaparinga Community House participant Sarah (12) from Balhannah tastes the chocolate crackle mixture during the school holiday cooking program. 5th October 1988.

Onkaparinga Community House participant Sarah (12) from Balhannah tastes the chocolate crackle mixture during the school holiday cooking program. 5th October 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Doll making classes at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House in Kesters Road. Pictured are Lynne Doherty and Inge Wellnitz. 8th June 1988.

Doll making classes at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House in Kesters Road. Pictured are Lynne Doherty and Inge Wellnitz. 8th June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Doll making classes at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House in Kesters Road. Pictured are Lynne Doherty and Inge Wellnitz. 19th July 1989.

Doll making classes at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House in Kesters Road. Pictured are Lynne Doherty and Inge Wellnitz. 19th July 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Pat Drury and Joan Scott embroiderers at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House. 8th August 1990.

Pat Drury and Joan Scott embroiderers at the Paddocks Neighbourhood House. 8th August 1990.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Mark, 9, and Rebecca, 10, monkey around at the Para Hills West Child Care Centre's out-of-school program. 7th September 1988.

Mark, 9, and Rebecca, 10, monkey around at the Para Hills West Child Care Centre's out-of-school program. 7th September 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Look, no hands! Heather Stewart descends the rock-climbing wall at the Parks Community Centre. 17th February 1988.

Look, no hands! Heather Stewart descends the rock-climbing wall at the Parks Community Centre. 17th February 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

General Manager of the Parks Community Centre John Mitchell. 1988.

General Manager of the Parks Community Centre John Mitchell. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Lou Schermer cooks up a barbie treat at Park Centre's annual fete at Fremont Park. 9th December 1987.

Lou Schermer cooks up a barbie treat at Park Centre's annual fete at Fremont Park. 9th December 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

The Parks Children's House manager Fay Rickard surrounded by local pre-schoolers. Fay is concerned for the fate of single-parent children at the centre. 1st June 1988.

The Parks Children's House manager Fay Rickard surrounded by local pre-schoolers. Fay is concerned for the fate of single-parent children at the centre. 1st June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Parks Community Centre on the set of the new play about street kids. Tessa Bremner (Director, from Henley Beach), Lisa Philip-Harbutt (designer, from Unley) and Andrew Copeland (Stage Manager, from Kensington). 1989.

Parks Community Centre on the set of the new play about street kids. Tessa Bremner (Director, from Henley Beach), Lisa Philip-Harbutt (designer, from Unley) and Andrew Copeland (Stage Manager, from Kensington). 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Ryan Potts, (3 years) of Clarence Gardens participating in the "Parks Community Centre Sundays are Fundays." 9th May 1990.

Ryan Potts, (3 years) of Clarence Gardens participating in the "Parks Community Centre Sundays are Fundays." 9th May 1990.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

The Parks Community Centre Mad Hatters Group "Salute to the Stars". (left to right) Pom (at rear with kettle) from Campbelltown, Nola Lynch from Woodville Gardens and Betsy Donaldson from Mansfield Park.  1989.

The Parks Community Centre Mad Hatters Group "Salute to the Stars". (left to right) Pom (at rear with kettle) from Campbelltown, Nola Lynch from Woodville Gardens and Betsy Donaldson from Mansfield Park. 1989.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Ben proudly holding the "ghetto blaster" he made during the holiday activity program at the Parks Community Centre. 4th May 1988.

Ben proudly holding the "ghetto blaster" he made during the holiday activity program at the Parks Community Centre. 4th May 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.