Messenger Press : SUMMARY RECORD [B 70869] • Photograph

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Old Adelaide Gaol - Rear garden.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Old Adelaide Gaol - Rear garden.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Old Adelaide Gaol - Rear garden.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House - Question time in the Lower House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

The Great Debate - Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Legislative Council - Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Legislative Council - Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Legislative Council - Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Parliament House.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Passenger Information Display - Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

People pass through unattended gates at Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station - Interior.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

North Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station - Interior.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Train arriving at Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Train arriving at Adelaide Railway Station.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Leigh Street.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

James Place.

Places (Adelaide)

Places (Adelaide)

Hutt Street between Carrington & Halifax Streets.