Messenger Press : SUMMARY RECORD [B 70869] • Photograph

Semaphore Park actor Shane Connor with Channel 10 makeup artist Sherrill Pfister.

Semaphore Park actor Shane Connor with Channel 10 makeup artist Sherrill Pfister.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Roger Cardwell.

Roger Cardwell.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Bill Collison, 5AD, Advertiser, GDG Radio 09.

Bill Collison, 5AD, Advertiser, GDG Radio 09.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Jeremy Cordeaux [with a child and another man].

Jeremy Cordeaux [with a child and another man].

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Penny Clark reading news on the weekends with Channel Seven's Steve Whitham.

Penny Clark reading news on the weekends with Channel Seven's Steve Whitham.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Music Express host Greg Clark has released a single. The record titled "Blue Turns to Grey" is currently climbing the 5KA charts. Greg is shown here completing a video clip at the Channel Seven studios.

Music Express host Greg Clark has released a single. The record titled "Blue Turns to Grey" is currently climbing the 5KA charts. Greg is shown here completing a video clip at the Channel Seven studios.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

[Bob Caldicott]

[Bob Caldicott]

[Caption] Bob Caldicott, ABC Adelaide radio announcer.

Channel Seven's publications, "The Adelaide Story" and "Sam and the Dreamtime", have been added to the Adelaide/Austin Sister Cities Literature Project. Channel Seven newsreader, Kevin Crease and author of "Sam and the Dreamtime" is pictured presenting the books to the chairman of the literature exchange committee, Mr. Jack Condus.

Channel Seven's publications, "The Adelaide Story" and "Sam and the Dreamtime", have been added to the Adelaide/Austin Sister Cities Literature Project. Channel Seven newsreader, Kevin Crease and author of "Sam and the Dreamtime" is pictured presenting the books to the chairman of the literature exchange committee, Mr. Jack Condus.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Steve Curtis.

Steve Curtis.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Richard Berry, 5KA.

Richard Berry, 5KA.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Sandra Caddy, Para Broadcasters Association.

Sandra Caddy, Para Broadcasters Association.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Coralie Cheney host of "Adelaide Today" at the launch of the Steam Rangers F251  on Sunday July 23rd.

Coralie Cheney host of "Adelaide Today" at the launch of the Steam Rangers F251 on Sunday July 23rd.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

National Nine News presenter Kevin Crease showing the spirit of South Australia at the International Barossa Music Festival.

National Nine News presenter Kevin Crease showing the spirit of South Australia at the International Barossa Music Festival.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Dr Harry Cooper visited Adelaide's Zoological Gardens as part of a forthcoming special edition of Channel 7's "Talk to the Animals" -  Zoos of the World.

Dr Harry Cooper visited Adelaide's Zoological Gardens as part of a forthcoming special edition of Channel 7's "Talk to the Animals" - Zoos of the World.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Jane Holmes with Christopher Cordeaux (5DN) and 'Monty' the budgie.

Jane Holmes with Christopher Cordeaux (5DN) and 'Monty' the budgie.

'Talk to the Animals' reporter Jane Holmes with Christopher Cordeaux (5DN) and 'Monty' the budgie. [Lyn Davidson was Christopher's producer and Monty's'mum' and the photo (taken in the 5DN studios in 1994) was part of a promotion for their appearance on Channel Seven's 'Talk to the Animals' on Sunday 12th of March 1995. 'Monty' passed away in December 1994; Christopher Cordeaux died in 1999.]

Coralie Cheney, "Adelaide Today", host.

Coralie Cheney, "Adelaide Today", host.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Seven National News reporter Penny Clark covered a story with a happy ending. 2-year-old Jade Lukic caught her hand in the bath drain causing firemen and doctors to cut the drain from her hand. Jade is held by her mother Dannelle.

Seven National News reporter Penny Clark covered a story with a happy ending. 2-year-old Jade Lukic caught her hand in the bath drain causing firemen and doctors to cut the drain from her hand. Jade is held by her mother Dannelle.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Gabrielle Clarke with Bindi and Magic.

Gabrielle Clarke with Bindi and Magic.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Keith Conlon, 891 5AN.

Keith Conlon, 891 5AN.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Gary, 7, gets some expert footy tips from Ken (K.G.) Cunningham at his footy clinic at Parabanks Shopping Centre.

Gary, 7, gets some expert footy tips from Ken (K.G.) Cunningham at his footy clinic at Parabanks Shopping Centre.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Ken Cunningham, NIcole Willis and dalmation dog puppy

Ken Cunningham, NIcole Willis and dalmation dog puppy

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 9 Postcards' host Keith Conlon explores the mighty River Murray and meets up with a friend - Milly - at Chowilla Station.

Channel 9 Postcards' host Keith Conlon explores the mighty River Murray and meets up with a friend - Milly - at Chowilla Station.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Terry Daniher (top left) Mal Brown, Sam Kekovich, Ken Cunningham and Ted Whitten Jun., with the EJ Whitten Trophy.

Terry Daniher (top left) Mal Brown, Sam Kekovich, Ken Cunningham and Ted Whitten Jun., with the EJ Whitten Trophy.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Keith Conlon hosts Postcards from Christchurch.

Keith Conlon hosts Postcards from Christchurch.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Tourism Awards launch, Minister Joan Hall, Keith Conlon & Brenton Adcock (small business award winner).

Tourism Awards launch, Minister Joan Hall, Keith Conlon & Brenton Adcock (small business award winner).

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Tim Bruce, 6, Pasadena; Ken Cunningham; Luisa Maranucei, 5, Marion.

Tim Bruce, 6, Pasadena; Ken Cunningham; Luisa Maranucei, 5, Marion.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

SAFM's Grant Cameron (left) and Peter Harris of Hahndorf admiring the tall colored cyclinders and "brilliant blue arch form", the work of Hahndorf artist Sam Keane (right).

SAFM's Grant Cameron (left) and Peter Harris of Hahndorf admiring the tall colored cyclinders and "brilliant blue arch form", the work of Hahndorf artist Sam Keane (right).

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

"Seven National News" reader, Kevin Crease at the Adelaide Zoo with one of his pet loves.

"Seven National News" reader, Kevin Crease at the Adelaide Zoo with one of his pet loves.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

While doing a "State Affair" story on a TAFE millinery course at the South Australian School of Arts, reporter Tracey Bell found a wealth of hats and headgear, designed by the students, on display.

While doing a "State Affair" story on a TAFE millinery course at the South Australian School of Arts, reporter Tracey Bell found a wealth of hats and headgear, designed by the students, on display.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Channel 10's Janice Beeby & SAS sales executive Kim Baker (married August 7).

Channel 10's Janice Beeby & SAS sales executive Kim Baker (married August 7).

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.