Family album [B 69054] • Photograph

Dog jumping
A dog jumping over a railing held by two men.

Young boy
Portrait of a young boy. (See also B 69054/37.).

Angas Park sports
Identified as 'Angas Park sports', the photographs features a number of men standing around, about half of whom are wearing striped football guernseys. (See also B 69054/30).

Young man
Portrait of a young man, dressed in his best and with a pipe. (See also B 69054/36 and b 69054/38.).

A group of women
A group of five young women photographed sitting on a fur rug in a garden. (See also B 69054/28 and B 69054/42.).

Young man
Portrait of a young man, dressed in his best. (See also B 69054/34 and B 69054/38.).

Young boy
Portrait of a young boy. (See also B 69054/32.).

Young man
Portrait of a young man, dressed in his best. (See also B 69054/34 and B 69054/36.).

Dog in yard
A dog photographed in the yard of a home.

Three men on a tennis court
Three men standing, with tennis racquets, standing at the net on a tennis court. (See also B 69054/44.).

People with cannon
Two young men and two young women, with a small cannon pointing down an avenue of trees.

A group of women
A group of four young women photographed sitting on a fur rug in a garden. (See also B 69054/28 and B 69054/35.).

Young man
Portrait of a young man, dressed in his best.

Three men on a tennis court
Three men playing tennis. (See also B 69054/40.).

Young men
A young man with two younger boys in a rocky area.

Boy and horse and buggy
A young boy standing in front of a horse and buggy, with a man sitting in the driver's seat. (See also B 69054/50.).

Boy and dog
A young boy sitting in the garden with his dog.

Man gardening
A man, in shirt sleeves and bowler hat, working in the vegetable garden. (See also B 69054/52.).

Tea party
Three women haveing a tea party in the garden.

Horse and buggy
A horse and buggy, with a man sitting in the driver's seat. (See also B 69054/46.).

Family high jinks
A group of family members playing up for the camera.

Man gardening
A man, in shirt sleeves and bowler hat, working in the vegetable garden. (See also B 69054/48.).

Kapunda from Baptist Church
View of Kapunda from the tower of the Baptist Church, with Murphy's Kapunda Hotel in the middle ground and Christ Church (Church of England) in the background.

Illuminated manuscript
Photograph of an illuminated manuscript presented to Thomas Nock by members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church on the occasion of his departure from Kapunda for Wallaroo.

Interior of Methodist Church, Kapunda
Interior view of the Kapunda Methodist Church showing the alter and the organ behind it, and decorated for a harvest festival. (See also B 69054/10.).

View of Adelaide
View across a fenced paddock with Adelaide and the hills in the distance.

HMS Protector
View of HMS 'Protector' moored at Port Adelaide.

Adelaide Steamship Company wharf
View across the Port River to the Adelaide Steanship Company wharf at Port Adelaide.

Port River view
Port River. View along the Port River, with a number ships moored at various points.

Family outing
One of a sequence of photographs taken on a family outing (B 69054/60 to 69054/66). This one features two young girls standing at the heads of horses harnessed to the family waggonette.