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Aero engines and components manufactured by General Motors-Holden's
Album comprising annotated black and white photographs relating to the manufacturing of aero engines by GMH at the Fisherman's Bend plant, including Gipsy Major, de Havilland, Australian sample components and aero fuselage, and wings. Includes a photograph of a map outlining the 'Allison engine overhaul layout'.

Certificate of discharge for Laurence Neighbour
Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force certificate of discharge for No.18227 Private Laurence Neighbour, 11th Australian Field Ambulance.

Jack and Guy Bonython
'Jack [surname unknown] and Guy Bonython in army uniform standing in front of J's tent.' Location unknown.

Soldiers of the 43rd Battalion
Soldiers of the Eighth Reinforcements 43rd Battalion photographed at the Mitcham army camp, South Australia.

Soldiers of the 9th Light Horse Regiment
Soldiers of the 9th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcements, in Adelaide; names not known. It has been suggested that the man 6th from left in the front row is Ernest Marshal Luxmore.

A large group of army reinforcements
A large group of soldiers, members of Eighth Reinforcements 43rd Battalion.

Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion
Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion. The 3rd Reinforcements comprised the men listed below. They embarked on the HMAT Anchises on 28 August 1916 from Port Adelaide. Identities have not been matched to the image. 2026, ABELSON, Coleman 2027, ADAMS, Herbert 2153A, ADEY, William Frederick Clair 2152, AMEY, Thomas John 2029, BAKER, Ernest Martin 2028, BALD, David 2031, BENNETT, Lindsay Gordon 2032, BERRIMAN, Robert Harold 2170, BETTS, Mark Alfred 2033, BONNEY, Hurtle Oliver 2034, BONNEY, Patrick 2037, BROADBENT, Ralph Leslie 2035, BROWN, Albert Victor 2036, BRYDEN, Edgar Roy 2038, BUTTFIELD, Blinnan Vincent 2039, BUTTFIELD, Hilary John 2040, CANNAN, William Thomas 2051, CARR, Arthur Francis Joseph 2041, CARROLL, Herbert James 2042, CARTER, Ernest William 2052, CARTHY, Phillip George 2045, CHAMBERS, Sidney Harold 2053, CHRISTENSEN, John Thomas 2043, CHRISTIE, Robert 2154A, CLARK, Leonard William 2054, CLARK, William Herbert 2044, CLIFF, Maurice James 2047, COLLINS, Algernon Thomas 2175, CONLIN, Francis Leonard 2176, Conlin, William Thomas Joseph 2055, COOPER, Edwin Albert Henry 2056, COX, George Henry 2057A, COX, Sydney Ivan 2048, CRAM, William Edward 2049, CRANWELL, Horace Leslie 2050, CUGLEY, Harold Herbert 2063, DAENKE, Horace Edward 2060, DALTON, Charles 2061, DATSON, Albert Charles 2059, DAW, Alfred Compson 2064, DEAN, Harold Lewis 2065, DIGHTON, Charles Lealand George 2066, DOWDY, Frank Leslie 2067, DOWER, Thomas 2068, DUNN, Cecil 2070, ELDRIDGE, Albert Francis 2071, EVES, Frederick George 2072, FENWICK, Harry 2074, FIELD, William Melvine 2075, FOSTER, Albert Edward 2076, FOSTER, Albert Ernest 2077, FOUBISTER, Bertram Stanley R2079, GALLACHER, George 2080, GEORGE, Cecil Vaughan 2081, GEUE, William 2083, GILBERT, Frank Roy 2084, GOUGH, George 2085, GRAFF, Frederick William 2086, GREEN, Allan Elliot 2088, GREGORY, Bruce Lionel 2087, GRIFFIN, Albert Leslie 2155A, GROSSER, Ernest Frederick Wilhelm 2082, GUERIN, Charles 2089, GUNNING, Norman Stannus 2090, HAMLYN, James Eustace 2091, HARVEY, Reginald 2093, HAUPT, Otto August 2092, HAYTER, Herbert 2172, HEALEY, Leonard Charles 2097, HEASLIP, James Gordon 2101, HENDERSON, Roy Stanley 2096, HILL, Claude Percival 2094, HILLAM, George Priestley 2095, HILTON, Alfred Ernest Edward 2100, HINDMARSH, Hector Pretoris 2098, HODGES, Norman Thomas 2099, HOOPER, Charles Edgar 2102, HUBBARD, Leslie Herbert 2173, IHMS, Henry Arthur 2103, IVEY, William James Pote 2104, JENKINS, Alfred Edward 2105, JESSER, Thomas Linthal 2106, JOHNSON, Arthur Vaughan 2107, KELLY, John 2108, KELLY, Michael 2110, KING, James 2109, KOTY, George Herman 2156A, LAMBERT, Albert Edward 2112, LEOPOLD, Julius Leberecht 2111, LEY, Frank 2113, LIENERT, Fred Percy 2114, LIVINGSTON, Arnold Glen 2157A, LONG, Henry Howard 2115, LUNDSTEN, William 2121, MAGEN, Carl William Augus 2119, MARKS, Ernest 2116, MARNER, Albert John 2117, MARNER, James Stephen 2118, MARNER, Robert George 2126, MARSLAND, Albert James 2120, MARTYN, Frederick 2123, McKAY, Arthur John 2124, McPHERSON, John Henry 2125, MILES, George Arthur 2127, MUIR, Gordon Frederick 2128, MURRAY, Robert 2129, NEALE, D'Arcy Lewis 2130, NOLL, Herman Albert 2131, NORMAN, Frank 2132, O'DONNELL, Edward Thomas 2133, PARNELL, John Henry 2134, PENS, Murray 2135, RADOSLOVICH, Joseph 2136, RANDOLPH, Ralph 2138, READ, Robert Stanley * 2137, REDDEN, William John 2138, REID, Robert Stanley 2143, RIDDLE, George Henry 2139, RIVETT, Thomas William 2141, RIX, Arnold Darwin 2140, ROAKE, Leonard Edward 2158A, ROBERTSON, Donald Robert 2145, ROSSER, Clement Ernest 2142, ROWE, Henry Malcolm 2152, SAMPSON, Harry Percy 2174, SAUNDERS, Philip Frederick 2149, SHEPLEY, Malcolm Frank 2146, SMITH, Jack 2160A, SMITH, John Livingston 2148, SMITH, Murray 2147, SMITH, Sidney 2150, STANLEY, John David 2151, STEPHENS, Claude Ralph 2159A, STOREN, John 2153, STYANT-BROWNE, Clifford 2154, SUMMERS, Martin Joseph 2155, SUTTON, Frederick John Morris 2156, SWANN, Lyell Keith , SYMONS, Ivor Gordon 2157, TALBOT, Thomas William 2158, TURNER, John Wilfred 2159, UNVOAS, Yves 2160, VERRALL, Frank 2161, VIDITO, Archibald 2162, WALKER, Roy Euston 2163, WARNER, Edward Francis , WATTS, Laurence Stowell 2164, WAYE, Sydney Victor 2165, WHITBREAD, Walter Joseph 2166, WORBY, Percy James 2167, WUNDENBERG, Ferdinand Theodore 2168, WYETT, Victor Leopold 2169, YEATES, Clarence Victor.

Second Re-inforcements, 50th Battalion
A group of men of the 2nd Re-inforcements, 50th Battalion who embarked from Outer Harbor, South Australia, on H.M.A.T. A60 'Aeneas' 11th April 1916 for Egypt; the two officers, front row carrying canes are possibly Second Lieut. Guy Spencer Packard and Second Lieut. Reginald John Rudall.

Men of the 3rd re-inforcements, 43rd Battalion
Soldiers of the 3rd re-inforcements, 43rd Battalion photographed before their departure overseas; names not known.

Soldiers of the 5th Pioneers
A large group photograph of Australian soldiers described as members of the 5th Reinforcements of the 5th Pioneers (5th Pioneer Battalion); officer commanding is Lieutenant Hill. The soldier in the second row, fifth from the left, has been identified as No.2603 Private Frank Hazelton Groom, of Yacka, South Australia.

Soldiers of the 43rd Battalion
Soldiers of the Eighth Reinforcements 43rd Battalion photographed at the Mitcham army camp, South Australia.

Reinforcements for the 27th Battalion, Mitcham Camp
A group portrait of the twentieth reinforcements 27th Battalion, at Mitcham Camp, South Australia.

Soldiers of the 13th Reinforcements, 9th Light Horse
Soldiers of the 13th Reinforcements, 9th Light Horse, at the Mitcham Camp. The man 4th from left, front row, is Alexander Joseph Watt.

Soldiers of the 48th Battalion
Soldiers of the 48th Battalion, Lieutenant Jones, officer commanding.

Men of the 2nd reinforcement, 5th Pioneer Battalion
Officers and men of the 2nd reinforcement for the 5th Pioneer Battalion (5th Pioneers); Lieutenant McKay was the commanding officer. Of the four officers pictured at the centre of the front row, two should be George Collier Blunt and Lionel Thomas Carew Jackson (probably the two in the centre; the others are likely to be camp instructors. Jackson was 6 feet, 6 inches tall so likely to be the one on the left hand side. [Duplicate of PRG 280/1/9/135.]

Reinforcement to the 10th Battalion
Men of the 17th reinforcement to the 10th Battalion, Captain Sexton commanding officer.

Men of the 2nd reinforcement, 5th Pioneer Battalion
Officers and men of the 2nd reinforcement for the 5th Pioneer Battalion (5th Pioneers); Lieutenant McKay was the commanding officer. Of the four officers pictured at the centre of the front row, two should be George Collier Blunt and Lionel Thomas Carew Jackson (probably the two in the centre; the others are likely to be camp instructors. Jackson was 6 feet, 6 inches tall so likely to be the one on the left hand side. [Duplicate of PRG 280/1/9/76.]

Officers and men of the 32nd Battalion
Men of the 8th reinforcement to the 32nd Battalion; Lieutenants Grant and Burt sitting front centre.

Portrait of Clarence Shepley
Studio portrait of Clarence Shepley in his army uniform. Note on back reads 'Clarence Shepley (Mabel's brother)'. He enlisted in 1918, served with the 5th (S.A.) Reinforcements and died in France in 1919.

Corporal Dodd's tent group.
Soldiers of the 7th Reinforcements, 10th Infantry Battalion, 1st Australian Imperial Force, from "Corporal Dodd's tent" in camp in South Australia prior to embarkation for Egypt.

Eleventh reinforcements for the 27th Battalion
A group portrait assumed to be of the eleventh reinforcements, 27th Battalion, possibly at Mitcham Camp, South Australia. Second lieutenant Arthur Bruce Durdin is front row, 6th from left. Front row, fourth from left is assumed to be Second lieutenant Clarence Everard Pellew (promoted to Captain in 1918). [If you compare this to the copy of the same photo that was published in 'The Chronicle', Saturday 25 March 1916, page 26, it is clear that the left third of the photo is missing.]

'Some of our hut boys'
A group of Australian soldiers pictured outside a weatherboard hut, with the inscription on the back 'Love from George - this is some of hut boys'.

Australia Day
Australia Day procession, King William Street, Adelaide. Opposite the saluting base there was "a street guard of 100 men from the 10th Reinforcements of the 50th battalion, under Lieutenant Fendler. The Mitcham Camp Band played the troops past." The Advertiser newspaper 28 July 1917, page 7.

Unidentified soldier
Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified soldier, holding a cane behind his back, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Part of the original paper envelope has stuck to the emulsion on the back of the negative, and part of the section containing the name of the soldier has been ripped off. The words that can be read include: 'A.C. Sa... 9th...1 Doz P.C. (camp)'.

A.H. Mundy
Half-plate glass negative head and shoulders portrait of A.H. Mundy, probably No. 3287 Private Adrian Henry Mundy. Written on original envelope: '3476. A.H. Mundy. 1 Bro'.

Australian navy officer with bugle
Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified Australian naval officer in uniform, holding a bugle. The officer's name may be C.H. Howard. Written on original paper envelope: 'Sharp Rau A. C.H. Howard. 1 DOz. Cabs and Bro. 25-06'.

Australian army camp
Landscape view of tents in a field in an Australian army camp.

J.H. Flynn
Written on original paper envelope: 'No. 1289 Received Dec 10th To be complete Dec 17th. Name J.H. Flynn. Order 1 Dz Cabs & Bro. Brn Kts'. Possibly Private John Henry Flynn.

Unidentified Australian soldier
Half-plate glass negative portrait of an unidentified Australian soldier wearing a greatcoat and slouch hat with a sprig of wattle in the band, standing outside with a building in the background.

Officers observing an army cook
Half-plate glass negative of six army officers observing a cook preparing a meal in an army camp. The army cook is placing large pots of food into ground ovens to cook. In the background are tents in a field. A researcher has identified the following officers standing around the fire (from left): Major Bentley S. Connor (Governor's Aide-de-camp); Governor Sir Henry Gallway; Lieut-Colonel F.M. Rowell; Colonel Stanley Weir; Major W. de Passey, Colonel Irving (South Australian Commandant).