Find • world war 1914 • Results 871 to 900 of 2,752

Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth and A.W. Pearce of the A.I.F

Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth and A.W. Pearce of the A.I.F

Lieutenant-Colonel J.K. Forsyth, Commander of the First Brigade, Australian Infantry Battalion, out riding with A.W. Pearce, left, in Egypt during World War I.

Australian Military Forces camp at Giza, Egypt

Australian Military Forces camp at Giza, Egypt

Distant view of the Australian Military Forces camp at Giza, Egypt during World War I; the pyramids can be seen in the background.

Wounded soldiers at the London Botanical Gardens

Wounded soldiers at the London Botanical Gardens

A large group of wounded World War I soldiers photographed during a visit to the Botanical Gardens in London; a woman is seated in front of them with an officer identified as Captain Collins standing beside her.

Violet Memory Day in Adelaide

Violet Memory Day in Adelaide

Crowds attending a Violet Memory Day ceremony in honour of the Fallen of World War I held near Anzac Arch in Adelaide, South Australia; the buildings in the background are the Cheer-Up Hut, left and the City Baths, centre.

A recruiting rally in South Australia

A recruiting rally in South Australia

A uniformed soldier, leaning on a stick, addresses a crowd of spectators during a World War I recruiting rally at Burra. the rotunda in Market Square is visible at right, background.

French ration tickets

French ration tickets

Ration tickets for bread washed ashore from a French vessel on the south east coast of South Australia, possibly for use during World War I.

Prime Minister Billy Hughes and conscription

Prime Minister Billy Hughes and conscription

A cartoon depicting Prime Minister Billy Hughes and his support for the conscription issue during World War I entitled: 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating'.

A group of seven soldiers

A group of seven soldiers

A group of seven soldiers relaxing before going overseas during World War I.

Uniformed soldiers carrying out physical training exercises

Uniformed soldiers carrying out physical training exercises

Uniformed soldiers carrying out physical training exercises during World War I.

A contingent of soldiers of the Light Horse leaving their camp

A contingent of soldiers of the Light Horse leaving their camp

A contingent of soldiers of the Light Horse leaving their camp which can be seen in the background during World War I.

Surgeon Major Hinton talking to the boys from the Front

Surgeon Major Hinton talking to the boys from the Front

Surgeon Major Hinton, who was once a member of the Indian army, talking to five soldiers returned from the conflict of World War I: copy 1.

Army officers and men

Army officers and men

Army officers and men photographed with four women guests in Adelaide during World War I. A researcher believes that the photograph is of the 16th Reinforcements 3rd Australian Light Horse. Walter Frederick Frick, Trooper 2313, is 5th in 5th row in from left.

Army officers and men

Army officers and men

Army officers and men photographed with four women guests in Adelaide during World War I, identity unknown: copy 2.

Surgeon Major Hinton talking the boys from the Front

Surgeon Major Hinton talking the boys from the Front

Surgeon Major Hinton, who was once a member of the Indian Army, talking to five soldiers returned from the conflict of World War I: copy 2.

Shoppers in Rundle Street watching a small military display

Shoppers in Rundle Street watching a small military display

Shoppers in Rundle Street watching a small military display; Sammy Lunn, a major South Australian fund-raiser figure during the First World War is standing to the right of the soldiers.

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

A group of South Australian volunteer recruits for army service during World War I.

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

South Australian volunteer recruits with two uniformed officers, presenting for service in the army during World War I on the oval at Jubilee Camp (old show grounds).

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

South Australian volunteer recruits for service in the army during World War I, January 7th 1917.

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1918

South Australian volunteer recruits presenting for service in the army during World War I on the oval at Jubilee Camp (old show grounds).

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1919

Army recruits, World War, 1914-1919

South Australian volunteer recruits for serving in the army during World War I, January 1917.

Army Recruiting Office staff, World War, 1914-1918

Army Recruiting Office staff, World War, 1914-1918

Men of the Army Recruiting Office staff in Adelaide during World War I.

Officers and men ready for a march.

Officers and men ready for a march.

Soldiers at Mitcham camp lining up for a march through Adelaide during World War I. According to a researcher, Colonel Walter Dollman is at bottom right hand side of photograph with adjutant Harper behind him to the left. Colonel Dollman was Camp Commandant between 1917 and 1919.

Women charity workers

Women charity workers

Women charity workers in Adelaide during World War I holding collecting boxes.

Soldiers for the World War, 1914-1918

Soldiers for the World War, 1914-1918

A group of unidentified soldiers during World War I.

A group of women who were all members of the Red Cross during World War I

A group of women who were all members of the Red Cross during World War I

A group of women who were all members of the Red Cross during World War I; they all wear light dresses, some with badges, and hats.

Anzac Beach day of landing 25 April 1915

Anzac Beach day of landing 25 April 1915

View of the beach on the day of the landing at ANZAC Cove in World War I, captioned 'Anzac Beach day of landing 25 April 1915. Left to right. Gens [Generals] Godley, [Birdwood?], Burgess, Major Casey, Gen C. B. B. White, Colonel Patterson with paper in his hand'.

John (Jack) Hedly Marshall Dyer

John (Jack) Hedly Marshall Dyer

Portrait of John (Jack) Hedley Marshall Dyer in his World War I uniform.

World War 1 diaries of James Churchill-Smith

World War 1 diaries of James Churchill-Smith

Diaries kept by Captain (later Major) James Churchill-Smith during his service in the A.I.F. in Gallipoli and France, 26 August 1915 - 1 January 1920.

Medals and identity discs

Medals and identity discs

Two World War I medals awarded to Private Sidney Waine, 4378, 32nd Battalion, (father of Helena Rosina Waine), and medal awarded to Private Hurtle Richardson, 1173, 10th Battalion, with Sidney Waine's identity discs. Photographs available for reference; originals in reserve.

Letters written to his family from Egypt & Palestine

Letters written to his family from Egypt & Palestine

A selection of fifteen World War I letters, January 1916 - December 1918, written by Bert Penna to his mother and family in Sevenhills, South Australia while he was serving in the 11th Light Horse Regiment in Egypt, Heliopolis and Palestine. He describes the people he meets, including some whom he knows from the Clare Valley.