Find • world war 1914 • Results 541 to 570 of 2,752

Men from the Light Horse Brigade
Men of the 9th Light Horse Brigade getting water from a desert well in the Middle East.

Men from the Light Horse Brigade
Men of the 9th Light Horse Brigade posing in front of their tents wearing gas masks.

Postcard from the front
A postcard sent by Jack Seeley to his wife and sons. The front features two photographs and a verse; the inscribed message on the back reads 'to you and the boys from your loving husband Jack XX'.

Postcard from the front
A postcard sent by Jack Seeley to his wife and sons. The front features an illustration of a soldier writing and a woman reading, and a verse (by Terry?); the inscribed message on the back reads 'to you and the boys from your loving husband Jack XX'.

Postcard from the front (verso)
A postcard sent by Jack Seeley to his wife and sons. The front features two photographs and a verse; the inscribed message on the back reads 'to you and the boys from your loving husband Jack XX'.

Postcard from the front (verso)
A postcard sent by Jack Seeley to his wife and sons. The front features an illustrating the soldier and his wife, and a verse (by Terry?); the inscribed message on the back reads 'to you and the boys from your loving husband Jack XX'.

Lighthorse at Tiberias
Soldiers from the Australian Lighthorse resting with horses 'at Tiberias' during World War I.

Lighthorse at Baniyas, Syria
A 'view of the country at the village of Bannias [Baniyas] in Syria', during World War I, with members of the Australian Lighthorse walking with horses across a hill.

Robert Edwards
Robert Shakel Edwards, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Sailors from the North Sea in Adelaide
Information from the back of the photograph: '1st World War. 1916. Cheer Up Hut. Indoor way centre background right (with mmoustache) Mr george Henderson, Secretary the Adelaide Club sho designed the Cheer Up Hut in 1915. Standing right / members - (2)Neil Smith, (3)Mrs Truran. Sitting right (1)Miss Knowles (2)Elva Harding (3)Jean Fraser (4)Mrs Stock (5) Mrs G.McEwin (6)Commander Symonds (7)Mrs Wallington (8)Mrs Seager. Flo Fhort (standing) (9) Ettie Parker (10)Miss - Caln. Commander Symonds R.A.N. later became President of the Socy World War II'. Written elsewhere 'Elva Harding 1916 (Lieut Comm R Symonds between Mrs McEwin & Mrs Wellington'.

Thomas Henry Bowman
Portrait of Thomas Henry Bowman in his World War I uniform.

Papers of Collins and Murdoch Family
Records comprising correspondence, papers, photographs, cards, war records and correspondence, ephemera and travel documents belonging to members of the Collins and Murdoch families, across generations. Records mostly relate to Enoch Henry Murdoch and his daughter Daphne Murdoch and Frederick William (F.W.) Collins including diaries and his World War I correspondence.

Three Australian soldiers at a bridge
Three Australian soldiers of the First World War sitting on the rails of a bridge made of branches. The soldier on the left is possibly Pte David Alexander Brandis Cameron, No. 7648, 14th Company, Australian Army Service Corps (AASC).

A view of the town of 'Damascus' during World War I.

Pilgrim's Rest
A view of a building called 'Pilgrim's Rest on bank of Dead Sea' during World War I.

City of Aleppo
A view of buildings in the city of Aleppo, Syria, during World War I.

A Tiberias street
Townspeople on 'a Tiberias street', during World War I.

A building in the Jordan Valley
A view of a building in the 'Jordan Valley' during World War I.

Tiberias from the Lake
A view of the town of 'Tiberias from the Lake', during World War I, with boats in the water.

Turkish officers
Six 'Turkish officers' during the first World War.

Soldiers near Jericho
A 'view near Jericho' during World War I, with soldiers standing on a road beside a car.

Stonewheeled cart, Kanutra
A farmer sitting on 'a stonewheeled cart at Kanutra', pulled by two head of cattle, during World War I.

Jordan Valley
A view across the 'Jordan Valley with [the] Dead Sea at foot hills in background' during World War I.

Ruins in the Jordan Valley
A view of the ruins of a building in the 'Jordan Valley' during World War I.

A village near Jaffa, Israel
A view across a field of a 'village near Jaffa', in Israel, during World War I.

A view of the town of 'Nazareth' during World War I.

Buildings at Jenin station
A view of 'Jenin [railway] station buildings' and the surrounding landscape during World War I, with a train on the line.

Jordan River
A view along the 'River Jordan' during World War I.

Nurse Beatrice
Studio portrait of nurse Beatrice, who servied during the First World War. Written on back: 'To Dave, with best wishes from Yours Sincerely, Beatrice, 1917'.

Deceased German soldiers and machine gun
Caption reads 'Two dead Germans and a captured M.G.[machine gun] at Semakh' during the first World War.