Find • woomera • Results 421 to 447 of 447

Remnant of a Blue Steel rocket, McDouall Peak Station, South Australia
Remnant of skin of a Blue Steel rocket recovered on McDouall Peak Station, South Australia.

Blue Steel reunion, Weapons Research Establishment, South Australia
Group of men and women at a Blue Steel reunion dinner, Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury, South Australia.

Blue Steel reunion cake, South Australia
Cake at a Blue Steel reunion dinner at the South Australian Aviation Museum, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Blue Steel Reunion cake, South Australia
Blue Steel reunion cake, South Australia Aviation Museum, Port Adelaide, South Australia. Next to the cake are pieces of a recovered Blue Steel rocket mounted on wood, they were presented to all attendees.

4JSTU reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
Former members of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) and partners at a reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia.

4JSTU Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
At a barbeque during a reunion of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) reunion, Chateau Yaldara, South Australia. L-R: Anne Smith, Ray Smith, Isobel Potter.

Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
At a barbeque during a reunion of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) reunion, Chateau Yaldara, South Australia. L-R: Janet Clark, Gerald 'Gerry' Maidment, Violet 'Vi' Maidment.

4JSTU Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
L-R: Hermann Thum, John Ison and Dennis Pfeiffer talking at a barbeque during a reunion of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) reunion, Chateau Yaldara, South Australia.

4JSTU Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
Dennis Pfeiffer sitting at a picnic table with two other people during a reunion, at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia.

4JSTU Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
L-R: Hermann Thum, John Ison and Dennis Pfeiffer talking at a barbeque during a reunion of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) reunion, Chateau Yaldara, South Australia.

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
A collection of photos taken for the 'News' and 'Mail' newspapers during 1969. A selection have been digitised and may be viewed online; the remainder may be viewed inhouse. See contents for details of individual images.

Photos from Don Burnard's work as a young engineer
A collection of photos from the first years of work by Don Burnard, featuring images of equipment and field work.

People associated with the City of Adelaide
'City People B': a collection of photographs of people associated with the City of Adelaide whose surnames start with 'B'. In addition to the photographs it also includes a number of photocopied pages with additional photos and the captions which were used with the images. A selection have been digitised and may be viewed online (do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 71859); the rest may requested and viewed in the Reading Room.

ELDO logo at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
ELDO logo on 1 of 2 guidance control equipment trailers, at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Telemetry Antenna at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Telemetry Antenna (Phillips, Netherlands) at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Interferometer Antenna at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Interferometer Antenna (Belgium) at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Array of Interferometer Antennas at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Interferometer array showing all 4 antennas in the form of a 'L', with one long and one short side at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. Using a triangulation function, the exact position of a launched vehicle may be obtained. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Interferometer Antennas at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
3 of the 4 Interferometer antennas at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. Using a triangulation function, the exact position of a launched vehicle may be obtained. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Tracking camera site at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Tracking camera site used to calibrate antenna systems at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. A pod contains a very brilliant light plus equipment to allow the interferometer array to track a RAAF Aircraft, which flew a pre-determined pattern at night. The light flashed every few seconds, the cameras were on a time exposure and viewed the track of the aircraft as a series of white dots against the night sky. A much smaller camera was fitted to the centre of the guidance antenna dish. Information from the interferometer array allowed the guidance antenna to then track the path of the aircraft. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Tracking camera site at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Tracking camera site used to calibrate antenna systems at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. A pod contains a very brilliant light plus equipment to allow the interferometer array to track a RAAF Aircraft, which flew a pre-determined pattern at night. The light flashed every few seconds, the cameras were on a time exposure and viewed the track of the aircraft as a series of white dots against the night sky. A much smaller camera was fitted to the centre of the guidance antenna dish. Information from the interferometer array allowed the guidance antenna to then track the path of the aircraft. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Technician at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Technician adjusting a camera at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Jamboree on the Air scouts, Yirrkala
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) scouts from Yirrkala, using on site amateur radio equipment. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Camera site generator at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Camera site generator at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

European technicians from the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
European technicians from the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove, having a day off after fishing in Melville Bay. The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Technician and assistant at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove
Technician and assistant at the Down Range Guidance Station, Gove The station tracked and guided ELDO vehicles that were launched from Woomera into a polar orbit.

Photographs and slides relating to Coober Pedy
Photographs selected to be incorporated into a book about Coober Pedy. Initial discussions took place between John Dallwitz and Rigby Ltd. in 1977 but it is unclear as to whether the book was published. Photographs were to be used in various chapters .... which was to be titled 'Photographic essay of present day Coober Pedy'. Also an index to the photographs. Not all the photographs have been digitised. Also includes colour slides with the name 'Busbridge' on them.

Material relating to 'Outback Highways'
Original sketches for book, original photographs, negatives and correspondence.