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Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 654
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site, truck and crew at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the wreckage contains the following: serial number 654, trial BS138, missile (round) SL405 and launch date 8 December 1966. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (20 December 1966) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 654
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site, truck and crew at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the wreckage contains: serial number 654, trial BS138, missile (round) SL405 and launch date 8 December 1966. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (20 December 1966) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 139
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site, truck and crew at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the wreckage contains: serial number 139, trial BS140/2, missile (round) SL119 and launch date 12 April 1967. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (26 April 1967) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 139
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site, truck and crew at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the wreckage contains: serial number 139, trial BS140/2, missile (round) SL119 and launch date 12 April 1967. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (26 April 1967) are recorded on the back.

'Launch of Sparta SV-2, 13 December 1966, Woomera, Australia '
Missile launch at Woomera, South Australia, on 13 December 1966. Captioned black and white enlargement of a photo taken by TRW Systems. TRW Incorporated (California, USA) was responsible for system development of the Sparta Project.

Missile launch at Woomera
Undated, uncaptioned colour view of a rocket launch at Woomera, SA. The 'unclassified' photo was processed by 'INS Group Film Lab. W.R.E. Salisbury', negative no. BS186 (SL 972).

Missile launch at Woomera
Undated, uncaptioned colour view of a Skylark rocket launch at Woomera, South Australia. The 'unclassified' photo was processed by 'INS Group Film Lab. W.R.E. Salisbury', negative no. BS192/1 (SL 973).

Recovery Team with vehicles at Woomera Rocket Range
Recovery Officer Donald Tungate (wearing shorts) consults with two members of the 'Ranges Team' during a missile recovery mission at Woomera, South Australia. The men are standing next to a white truck, and helicopter and pilot are parked on rocky ground nearby. Arid land vegetation is visible in the background.

Don Tungate with helicopter crew at Woomera Rocket Range
Range Recovery Officer, Donald Tungate (standing) views the missile range at Woomera, South Australia, while 'Ranges Team' members in a nearby helicopter, consult maps. Uncaptioned colour print.

Recovery Team with vehicles at Woomera Rocket Range
Five members of the Woomera Rocket Range Recovery team, including Recovery Officer, Donald Tungate (second from right) are posed at a missile recovery site, a helicopter and four-wheel-drive vehicles also in view. Uncaptioned colour Polaroid print.

Recovery Team with vehicles at Woomera Rocket Range
Five members of the Woomera Rocket Range Recovery team, including Recovery Officer, Donald Tungate (far right), are posed behind a missile recovery site (nose cone). A white truck is parked in the background. Uncaptioned Polaroid colour print.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile (attached parachute is visible) contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) of a rocket recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. A sign placed next to the missile contains: serial number 687, trial BS 222/1, missile (round) SL 1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. This data, photo negative number, and date printed (4 December 1975) are recorded on the back.

Woomera Rocket Range recovery operation - Serial 687
Small 'unclassified' black and white print (proof sheet strip) related to attached photo, PRG 1464/3/36, showing a recovery site at Woomera, South Australia. The sign lists: serial number 687, trial BS222, missile (round) SL1112 and launch date 25 November 1975. The negative was printed 4 December 1975.

Recovery Team with truck and helicopter at Woomera
A member of the Woomera 'Ranges Team' standing next to a truck parked near a white post, possibly a trigonometrical (trig) point marking a missile recovery site. He appears to be in radio contact with the helicopter flying overhead. Black and white print enlargement.

Recovery Team with helicopter and trucks at Woomera
Recovery Officer Donald Tungate (wearing shorts) with four members of the 'Ranges Team' at a missile recovery site, Woomera, South Australia. Overhead a helicopter is preparing to land on the arid terrain (mallee). Two trucks are parked in the foreground. Undated colour print enlargement.

Retirement of Recovery Officer Don Tungate, Woomera
Recovery Officer Donald Tungate (centre, green shirt) and a group of 14 'Ranges Team' members at Woomera Rocket Range on the occasion of his retirement, September 1978. The colour print enlargement (25 cm x 19.5 cm) is attached to a matt.

Retirement of Recovery Officer Don Tungate, Woomera
Range Recovery Officer, Donald Tungate (right) is congratulated by an unidentified colleague at Woomera Rocket Range, South Australia, on his retirement. A small plastic plaque inscribed with, 'To Don from friends in Ranges Group September 1978' was attached to the framed print, a gift from his workmates. The print (25 cm x 19.5 cm) is attached to a matt (frame removed).

Arid landscape with windmill and water tanks, probably Woomera
Uncaptioned colour view of arid terrain, with windmill and water tanks in the distance, probably at Woomera Rocket Range, South Australia.

A decorated woomera
A photograph of an Aboriginal woomera (spear thrower) by Erlikilyika (Jim Kite), decorated with insect figures; the concave side.

An Aboriginal woomera
A photograph of an Aboriginal woomera (spear thrower) by Erlikilyika (Jim Kite) decorated with dingoes; the convex side.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman.

Young girl
Unidentified young girl standing ona dirt road.

4JSTU Reunion at Chateau Yaldara, South Australia
Three men at a barbeque during a reunion of 4JSTU (Royal Air Force No. 4 Joint Services Trials Unit) reunion, Chateau Yaldara, South Australia.