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Woodville Plant: Steel frames section 2 and 4

Woodville Plant: Steel frames section 2 and 4

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View looking south west showing steel work Sections 2 and 4'. Suburban cottages are seen in the distance.

Woodville Plant: View over yard area

Woodville Plant: View over yard area

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View from high roof area showing yard area, Scrap metal tunnel steel for Section 3 and baling house'. Suburbs and Cheltenham Racecourse in the background.

Woodville Plant: Steel framework for roof

Woodville Plant: Steel framework for roof

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View looking north east showing steel progress and roofing sections 1 and 2'. Cheltenham Racecourse is seen in the background.

Woodville Plant: Section 8 being demolished

Woodville Plant: Section 8 being demolished

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Plant 8 in course of demolition'.

Woodville Plant: View of area after demolition of first section of plant 8

Woodville Plant: View of area after demolition of first section of plant 8

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads 'View of area after demolition of first section of Plant 8. In background residual portion which is to be removed later. To the left is shown the fire brick barrier nearing completion and above is the framework of the sub-station'.

Woodville Plant: View of new building from above showing partial glazing of roof.

Woodville Plant: View of new building from above showing partial glazing of roof.

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads 'View of new building looking east from present high roof area showing glazing of section 2 in progress. Sub-station shown in background with brick surround'. Cheltenham Racecourse is seen in the distance.

Woodville Plant: View of new building from above showing partial glazing of roof.

Woodville Plant: View of new building from above showing partial glazing of roof.

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads 'View of new building looking east from present high roof area showing glazing of section 2 in progress. Sub-station shown in background with brick surround'. Cheltenham Racecourse is seen in the distance.

Woodville Plant: Holden car bodies (probably FJ) on production line

Woodville Plant: Holden car bodies (probably FJ) on production line

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Holden cars bodies on production line. Probably FJ model.

Woodville Plant: View looking south-east showing Section 4 erection and the progress of the sealing of the north wall Sections 1 and 2

Woodville Plant: View looking south-east showing Section 4 erection and the progress of the sealing of the north wall Sections 1 and 2

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View looking south-east showing Section 4 erection and the progress of the sealing of the north wall Sections 1 and 2'.

Woodville Plant: View looking north west showing steelwork erected for Section 5

Woodville Plant: View looking north west showing steelwork erected for Section 5

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View looking north west, showing steelwork erected Section 5'.

Woodville Plant: View of timber kilns and storage sheds, suburban houses in the distance

Woodville Plant: View of timber kilns and storage sheds, suburban houses in the distance

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of timber kilns and storage sheds prior to demolition'. Row of car bodies in foreground include FJ Utilities. Suburban houses are seen in the background.

Woodville Plant: Men working on car body on production line

Woodville Plant: Men working on car body on production line

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Men working on car body on production line.

Woodville Plant: View of Section 5 steelwork being erected

Woodville Plant: View of Section 5 steelwork being erected

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Section 5 steelwork being erected'.

Woodville Plant: View of Boiler House alterations in progress

Woodville Plant: View of Boiler House alterations in progress

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Boiler House alterations with fuel oil tank installation in foreground and ash handling gear relocated right hand side'.

Woodville Plant: View of side frame body assembly at no. 11 plant extension

Woodville Plant: View of side frame body assembly at no. 11 plant extension

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of side frame body assembly at no. 11 plant extension

Woodville Plant: Work on Boiler House in progress

Woodville Plant: Work on Boiler House in progress

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Erection of Boiler House progress'.

Woodville Plant: Yard area north of extensions

Woodville Plant: Yard area north of extensions

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Yard area north of extensions- Construction Office in background, Section 6 steelwork in foreground'.

Woodville Plant: View of Section 5 showing basic building erected and mezzanine floor under construction

Woodville Plant: View of Section 5 showing basic building erected and mezzanine floor under construction

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Section 5 showing basic building erected and mezzanine floor under construction'.

Woodville Plant: View of Plant 4 showing Bay A to be demolished

Woodville Plant: View of Plant 4 showing Bay A to be demolished

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Plant 4 showing Bay A to be demolished'.

Woodville Plant: Timber kilns being demolished

Woodville Plant: Timber kilns being demolished

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of timber kilns in course of demolition looking south-west.

Woodville Plant: Mezzanine floor under construction

Woodville Plant: Mezzanine floor under construction

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Mezzanine floor Section 5, Buffing Room screens left hand side'.

Woodville Plant: Boiler House west brick wall completed

Woodville Plant: Boiler House west brick wall completed

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Boiler House- Erection of west brick wall completed'.

Woodville Plant: Area of demolished timber kilns being prepared for concrete

Woodville Plant: Area of demolished timber kilns being prepared for concrete

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Area of demolished timber kilns preparing for concrete'. Various models of car bodies including early FE are seen in the foreground, suburbs in the background.

Woodville Plant: Interior Section 5 under construction

Woodville Plant: Interior Section 5 under construction

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Interior Section 5, Grinding Room right hand side. Mezzanine floor left hand side'. Exterior including windows is completed.

Woodville Plant: Exterior view of Section 5 showing sprinkler pipes installation on left.

Woodville Plant: Exterior view of Section 5 showing sprinkler pipes installation on left.

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: East wall Section 5 above and below mezzanine floor. Sprinkler installation left hand foreground' Holden utility is parked outside.

Woodville Plant: Demolition of Bay A, Section 4 near completion

Woodville Plant: Demolition of Bay A, Section 4 near completion

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: Demolition of Bay A, Plant 4 near completion.' Workmen on scaffolding.

Woodville Plant: Boiler House showing steelwork and roofing

Woodville Plant: Boiler House showing steelwork and roofing

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'View of Boiler House showing steel work and roofing'.

Woodville Plant: East wall, Section 5

Woodville Plant: East wall, Section 5

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'East wall, Section 5'.

Woodville Plant: Boiler house walling completed

Woodville Plant: Boiler house walling completed

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'Boiler house walling completed'.

Woodville Plant: East wall, Section 5 with brickwork proceeding and wall framing

Woodville Plant: East wall, Section 5 with brickwork proceeding and wall framing

Photograph from an album relating to Woodville Plant building work, extensions and Plant equipment set up. Caption reads: 'East wall Section 5 with brickwork proceeding and wall framing'.