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Wallaroo showing the Cornucopia Hotel. The proprietor at this time was Mrs Elizabeth D Bryden. This hotel in Owen Terrace existed since 1862. This two storey hotel is located in the heart of Wallaroo. The flag on the hotel is at half-mast. The store of JC Hissey is also shown.

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo, operated by W. Ogilvie [also at B 23862].

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

View of the Globe Hotel, Wallaroo, operated by Mildren.

Wallaroo Inn

Wallaroo Inn

Wallaroo Inn. The proprietor at the time of the photograph was Ellen Waters. She held this position from 1884 - September 4, 1895. One of the two ladies in the photograph is possibly Ellen Waters.

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

WALLAROO: The Globe Hotel, Wallaroo; the hotel was leased to Sarah Jane Francis (formerly Nottle) from 1890-1895, she is the shortest woman standing in front of a window with her husband, William Francis, and their four daughters, left to right: Jane, Margaret, Alice, and Elizabeth (sitting). A note on the back of the photograph states "Built by W. Square (late of Gawler Town). Since building the above he has made additional alterations. The luxury of baths will be added to the establishment." This is an abstract from an advertisement in JB Austin's "Mines of South Australia", 1863. This single storey building existed from 1861 and was also known as the Globe Hotel and the Weerona Hotel. It was built by W. Square in 1861. Mrs Sarah Francis was the proprietor from 1890-1895.

Wallaroo Smelting Works

Wallaroo Smelting Works

Wallaroo Smelting Works, Jack Bigg's Coffee Pot.

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band.

Congregational Church, Wallaroo

Congregational Church, Wallaroo

Congregational Church at Wallaroo.

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band

Wallaroo Mines Federal Band.

Celebrations, Wallaroo Mines

Celebrations, Wallaroo Mines

Members of the Old Folks Committee at Wallaroo Mines Institute Hall : Mrs. J. Boase, Mrs. H. Woodcock, Mrs. W. Boundy, Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs. Barndon, Miss F. Brown, Mrs J. Brown, Mrs Burton.

Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club

Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club

Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club. Premiers Y.P.C.A., season 1906-1907. Wallaroo scored 2133 runs for 100 wickets, average 21.33. Top row (from left): P. Perkins, G. Dodd, G. Langdon, F. Dodd. Secomd row (from left): E. Head (Scorer), A. Dean, A. Pannan, E. Edwards. Third row (from left): W.J. White (Secretary), J. Birtles (Captain), T. Tamblyn (President), A. Dodd (Vice-Captain), W.H. Pennifold (Umpire). Bottom row (from left): H.Langdon, B. Rowe, T. Tamblyn jnr.

Cornucopia Hotel, Wallaroo

Cornucopia Hotel, Wallaroo

View of the Cornucopia Hotel, Wallaroo, operated by Frank C. Speed.

Commercial Hotel, Wallaroo

Commercial Hotel, Wallaroo

Commercial Hotel, Wallaroo existed from 1861-1984. It was also known as the Peninsula Hotel. The Bollmeyer family were proprietors of the Commercial Hotel from 1869-1914. Mrs Jane Bollmeyer was proprietor from 1878-1889.

Ship Inn, Wallaroo

Ship Inn, Wallaroo

Ship Inn, Wallaroo in Alexander Street (formerly Clara Street). The name on the hotel is Slack-Cropley. He was proprietor from 1878-September 4, 1889. According to a researcher, his name was Slack. His mother's maiden name was Miss Slack. The Ship Inn is a single storey sandstone building occupying a corner position. Several men are standing outside the hotel.

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel, Wallaroo

Globe Hotel at Wallaroo [also at BRG 400/1/53].

Wallaroo Smelting Works

Wallaroo Smelting Works

Wallaroo Smelting Works staff.

Church of Christ, Wallaroo

Church of Christ, Wallaroo

Church of Christ at Wallaroo.

Kadina and Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club

Kadina and Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club

Kadina and Wallaroo Mines Cricket Club. Premiers Y.P.C.A. season 1910-1911. Top row: B. Hand (Umpire), E. Head (Scorer), Alf Dodd (Umpire). Second row: P. Raymond, G.P. Perkins, T.H. Raymond, W.J. White, A.A. Dodd. Sitting: F.S. Brown [school teacher], Geo. Dodd (Captain), T. Tamblyn (President), J. Rilston (Vice-Captain), Ern Edwards. In front: R. Raymond, Harry V. Langdon.

North & Harman's General Store, Wallaroo

North & Harman's General Store, Wallaroo

The front of North & Harman's General Store at Wallaroo, with a number of adults standing on the verandah.

Wallaroo Town Band

Wallaroo Town Band

Three members of the Wallaroo Town Band, pictured in their uniforms. From left: W. Strongman (with drum), J.F. Herbert and H. May.

Kernewek Lowender and other celebrations in Kadina, Wallaroo and Moonta.

Kernewek Lowender and other celebrations in Kadina, Wallaroo and Moonta.

13 colour photographs of the Cornish festival Kernewek Lowender and other celebrations in the Yorke Peninsula region including Kadina, Wallaroo and Moonta. Events include the 'Kernewek Lowender' at Moonta the 'Furry Dance' at Kadina, the Royal Caledonian Pipes and Band at Wallaroo Town Hall and Fireworks at Wallaroo Bay, 2001.

Wallaroo Mines views

Wallaroo Mines views

Views of Wallaroo Mines mine areas and township (captions as written in white ink on frames). See 'Contents' note for details. Part of a collection of lantern slides of the Copper Triangle towns - see also B 72434/1-7 and B 72436.

Murray's snapshots of Wallaroo

Murray's snapshots of Wallaroo

A selection of eight views of Wallaroo taken in the 1930s or 1940's, produced by Murray Views, Gympie (Qld). The jetty featured was built in 1927, and the demolition of the smelters is complete. Each image has a number, but the numbers in the set are not sequential. See 'contents' for details of items.

Views around South Australia

Views around South Australia

A selection from travel photographs taken by amateur photographer G.R. Oliver, from Bridgewater, Mannum, Robe, Poonindie, Wallaroo and Port Lincoln.

Scenes at Wallaroo

Scenes at Wallaroo

Two photographs by Edwin Duryea of Wallaroo scenes. See 'Contents' for details.

New Wallaroo Jetty

New Wallaroo Jetty

[General description] Steam and horse-power work together at the new Wallaroo jetty. A smoke plume puffs from the funnel of the Swedish steamship Unden as she lies alongside the new jetty as bags of wheat are hoisted aboard. A small locomotive approaches along the jetty and some heavy horses can be seen behind a wagon. In the foreground rail tracks criss cross the jetty. [On back of photograph] 'South Australia / New Wallaroo jetty, first vessel to load wheat. Opened for traffic Aug. 1, 1927'.

Wallaroo Smelters

Wallaroo Smelters

Wallaroo Smelters. Copper was discovered at Wallaroo in 1859 and later a smelter was built near the port facility. More chimney stacks were added and after only seven years Wallaroo was described as the largest in the world. By 1875 Wallaroo was one of the largest seaports in South Australia as water transport was the only means of bringing in coal for the smelters and shipping out the copper metal. In 1909 copper converters were imported from the United States which resulted in energy savings.

Wallaroo Smelters

Wallaroo Smelters

Wallaroo Smelters, unloading rough ore at acid burners. Copper was discovered at Wallaroo in 1859 and later a smelter was built near the port facility. More chimney stacks were added and after only seven years Wallaroo was described as the largest in the world. By 1875 Wallaroo was one of the largest seaports in South Australia as water transport was the only means of bringing in coal for the smelters and shipping out the copper metal. In 1909 copper converters were imported from the United States which resulted in energy savings.

Wallaroo Mines

Wallaroo Mines

[On back of photograph] 'Elder's Pumping Engine / Wallaroo Mines / Made by Harvey & Co., Hayle, Cornwall for the short-lived 'New Cornwall' mine near Kadina. It cost 30,000 pounds and was sold to the Wallaroo Mining Company for 3,000 pounds. The stones of the building were numbered and put up in the same position at Elder's shaft at Wallaroo Mines / Diameter of cylinder 80 inches / weight of beam 30 tons / stroke 13 feet / diameter of steam pipe 16 inches / diameter of pump column 14 inches / average speed 5 strokes per minute / Beam was branded 'New Cornwall Mines, South Australia; F.W. Basset Engineer 1892' (Oswald Pryor 12-2-52)

Flotation Machine, Wallaroo

Flotation Machine, Wallaroo

Flotation machine; showing rich copper concentrate flowing into launder which conveys it to the storage bin. The first small flotation unit was installed at Devon Plant, Wallaroo Mines in 1911 (vide Annual Report Wallaroo and Moonta Co. 1911) at the Wallaroo Mines.