Find • telegraph • Results 211 to 240 of 871

Views of Eucla : South Australian staff at work
The twelfth of 25 photographs in an album. A group of telegraph operators at their posts, with another group of men standing by watching.

Men at Alice Springs telegraph station
A group of eight men, including two Aboriginal men, pictured on the verandah of a stone building. It seems likely they were staff at the Alice Springs telegraph station.

Sketches by Babbage : Crossing of Neales
Overland Telegraph Route, 1870-71. Overland Telegraph - Crossing of Neales.

Sketches by Babbage : Beresford Hill
Overland Telegraph Route, 1870-71. Overland Telegraph - Crossing of Neales [Lat 29. Long 136].

The 'Light Brigade' moored near Gravesend
The wooden ship 'Light Brigade', 1211 tons, moored in the River Thames off Gravesend [wooden ship, 1244 tons, ON45775, 212.9 x 40.4 x 25.2 Built by JO Curtis. Built 1854 Medford USA as 'Ocean Telegraph'. Operated for James Baines of Liverpool in his Blackball Line. Owners: Thomas McKay, registered London. Eventually converted into a coal hulk and stationed at Gibraltar. Often in the Australian passenger trade, and made three trips to New Zealand with troops for the Maori war].

Sir Charles Todd
Sir Charles Todd, 1826-1910: astronomer, meteorologist, and electrical engineer; Postmaster General and Superintendent of Telegraphs in South Australia from 1870, supervisor of the construction of the Adelaide to Darwin Overland Telegraph Line.

Diary of Charles Johnston
Diary kept by Charlie Johnston while station master at the Daly Waters telegraph station. The almost daily entries chronicle his day-to-day activities, including interaction with the local Aborigines. The main diary runs from 16 March 1872 to 6 October 1873, including working on the Overland Telegraph Line with references to Charles Todd, and a folio page covering the period 16 June 1875 - 28 June 1875. The last entry (Monday 29 June 1875) is written in another hand detailing Johnston's death following a spearing. A ditigal transcript is available.

Diary of Livingston Chalmers
Diary kept by Livingston Chalmers as a member of the Overland Telegraph construction party, September 1871 - October 1872. In two parts.

Papers of Stephen King junior, surveyor, member of the John McDouall Stuart Expedition, comprising sketches, photographic cartes, correspondence, testimonials and newspaper cuttings relating to the Expedition, diaries and field books of surveys in the Northern Territory, Overland Telegraph and South East, papers of J.W. Billiatt relating to an English colony in Paraguay, and postcard letters to his grandson Tom King, son of Freer Barnes King, and F.B. King's wife Isabella, nee Macdonald from female relatives. Item 275, Stephen King's 4-part panorama sketches 'The Great Exploring Expedition on the march from Chambers Creek January 8th 1862' has been digitised as No. 39/1-4 of a collection of Stephen King drawings of the expedition. See B 486/1-45 in the South Australiana Database. A later donation of items collected by Miss Shirley Cameron Wilson and donated by her executors after her death in 2003 is arranged and described as items 338-519 as an addendum to the original item listing of 1994. They relate to Stephen King junior, his parents and his brother-in-law John William Billiatt and their families over several generations. Includes the journal of the Billiatts' return trip to England on the 'Coonatto' in 1863-64. Photographs have not been listed individually but arranged in groups from item 471-480. Copies have been made and originals placed in Reserve collection. Other photographs relating to the Billiatt and King families have been digitised and available to view: see separate records for PRG 627/501 and PRG 627/511 on the catalogue. See item list for details.

Diary of journey from Adelaide to Alice Springs
Diary kept during a journey from Adelaide to Alice Springs [through] MacDonnell Ranges, 15 September - 28 December 1871, with stores and equipment for the Overland Telegraph, written by Edwin John Harris, then aged 20. He was in the company of R.P. Boucaut (in charge), E. Flint, & ? Rollo. After the 'Lubra' arrived at Port Augusta on 29 September Messrs Mueller, Watson, Clarke, Bowley and Bell joined them. The diary concludes on their arrival at the Todd Creek in Alice Springs. Diary last page has 'A.G. 14 September 1872' circled.

![Plan of the Northern Territory annexed to South Australia [cartographic material] /
compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General, South Australia](
Plan of the Northern Territory annexed to South Australia [cartographic material] / compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General, South Australia
Shows exploration tracks - Stuart, Sturt, A.C. McKinlay and Leichhardt, telegraph lines, detailed description of natural features. Ink annotations of telegraph line. Printed at the Government Printing Office.

![Plan of the Northern Territory annexed to South Australia [cartographic material]/
compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General, South Australia](
Plan of the Northern Territory annexed to South Australia [cartographic material]/ compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General, South Australia
Shows exploration tracks - Stuart, Sturt, A.C. McKinlay and Leichhardt, telegraph lines, detailed description of natural features. Ink annotations of telegraph line. Printed at the Government Printing Office.

Morse Key used by Sir Charles Todd
'The Morse key used by Sir Charles Todd when the Overland Telegraph Line was joined - 1872'. Written on reverse: 5449.

Advertisement for mosquito tents and clothing
Photograph of a newspaper advertisement for mosquito tents and clothing manufactured by G.C. Shierlaw. Originally printed in 'The Express and Telegraph', Monday 15 August 1870, Page 4, 'Advertising'. Written on reverse: P.M.G. Dept. Engineering Divn. South Australia Drafting Section Photograph. Neg No. 9027/4, taken 27-4-72.

Wagon at Telegraph Station
Horse team belonging to Bob Purvis pulling out of Alice Springs Telegraph Station.

Horses, Alice Springs
Mounted party from the Alice Springs Telegraph Station with Bradshaw on the right.

Alice Springs
Telegraph Station workers and families on a day off work.

Alice Springs
Telegraph station, looking north-east.

Telegraph Station Cemetery
Cemetery at theTelegraph Station, Alice Springs.

Telegraph Station Christmas
Staff and families at theTelegraph Station near Alice Springs at Christmas 1901. Left to right, back row: Charlie Meyers with child Herman Meyers, Pat Moore, Harry Dixon, Tryphena (nurse) holding Donnell Bradshaw, Jack Supple, Atlanta Bradshaw, Jack Bradshaw (child), Thomas Bradshaw, B.W. Harris, Miss Conigrave, P. Squire; front row: Mabel Harris, Doris Bradshaw, Constance Bradshaw, Mrs Harris, Mortimer Bradshaw, Mrs Meyers, Dorothy Myers, and unknown.

Telegraph Linesman's Camp
Tom Hanley's (or Handley) camp - Line Foreman.

Telegraph Station Families
Telegraph Station wives and families.

Telegraph Station
Thought to be Mrs McFeat, Telegraph Station, Alice Springs.

Telegraph Station
Thought to be a resident at the Telegraph Station : Mrs McFeat.

Telegraph Station
Water-hole at the Telegraph Station, Alice Springs.

Alice Springs Cliffs
Area near the Telegraph Station at Alice Springs. See Miss Easom, governess to the Bradshaw children, at the very bottom of the photo. A researcher has identified the young girl in the centre, wearing a white dress and standing on the cliff, as Doris Bradshaw. Doris was eight years old when her family arrived in Alice Springs in 1899, and she was 17 years old when the family left in 1908. In 1922 she married Alec Thomas Blackwell

Well Sinking Party
Edward Ryan's camel team transporting a well sinking party for the Overland Telegraph Line.

Stapleton & Franks Memorial
The memorial to telegraph operators Stapleton and Franks killed by Aborigines in 1874.

Barrow Creek
Distant view through a cutting of Barrow Creek telegraph station.

Cape Borda
Telegraph Station, Cape Borda - family members standing out the front.