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Journal of Stephen King Jnr of the Overland Telegraph Line
Handwritten diary relating to Stephen King's work as surveyor and explorer for the northern part of the Overland Telegraph.

Field diary of Stephen King Jnr of the Overland Telegraph Line
Handwritten diary relating to Stephen King's work as surveyor and explorer for the northern part of the Overland Telegraph. Printed diary layout is for 1870, but most entries are from 1871.

Field diary of Stephen King Jnr of the Overland Telegraph Line
Handwritten diary relating to Stephen King's work as surveyor and explorer for the northern part of the Overland Telegraph, including survey diagrams.

Field diary of Stephen King Jnr of the Overland Telegraph Line
Handwritten field diary relating to Stephen King's work as surveyor and explorer for the northern part of the Overland Telegraph, including survey diagrams.

Letters of Mabel Taylor, Governess of the Overland Telegraph Station
Letters, which reveal the daily life, of Mabel Taylor, sister of Violet Lucretia Smith, when she was the Governess of the Overland Telegraph Station at Alice Springs.

Charlotte Waters
Group of officials and staff of the Telegraph Station at Charlotte Waters. This is located close to the South Australian border with the Northern Territory. Surveyers McMinn and Knuckey located it in 1871 during the construction of the Australian Overland Telegraph Line. It was named for Lady Charlotte Bacon. In 1872 a telegraph repeater, post office, residence and general store were built. The photograph shows a group of telegraph officials, the cook and two Aboriginal children outside the brick building. The station was nicknamed Bleak House as it stood on a treeless plain. A researcher has suggested that the gentleman on the far right may be Ernest Giles, explorer, and the man next to him may be Alfred Giles, South Australian bushman and explorer. The same researcher suggests that the boy on the left could be Erlikilyika (Jim Kite) depending on when the photograph was actually taken and that a nearly identical photograph in the Peter Spillett Collection in the N.T. lists Station Master P.M. Byrnes as being on the right of the photo. Another researcher states that Jim Kite is not in this photograph, and that the men seated are Francis Gillen and Patrick Byrne.

James Lawrence Stapleton
Papers of James Lawrence Stapleton, station master of Barrow Creek telegraph station, comprising telegrams and letters relating to his work on the Overland Telegraph, telegrams and letters to Emily Stapleton following her husband's death from spear wounds, photographs, newspaper cuttings, biographical notes and pamphlet relating to the importation of sparrows into Australia by James Stapleton and the consequences of this act.

Planting first pole at Port Darwin of the Overland Telegraph Line on September 15th, 1870. The finished telegraph line was constructed from 36,000 posts. The first pole was planted in the Top End with great ceremony and all went well until the December-January monsoon season hit. Therefore the northern section was not finished until eight months after the deadline of 1 January, 1872. In 1866 it took four to five months to get a reply to a letter from England (there and back). After the installation of the Overland Telegraph Line it only took two days to get a message from Adelaide to London.

Construction Employees
Construction employees of Fowlers Bay-Eucla Telegraph line 1876-77. From left standing are: Joseph McMinn, RR Knuckey, JR Knuckey. sitting: Frank Marchant, Walter Thompson (contractor. Fowlers Bay to Eucla), Carey (Western Australian contractor, Eucla area) and Woods. Eucla Telegraph Station was the largest station in the 1877 East-West Telegraph line. In South Australia workers unloaded supplies at the nearby Eucla jetty. Then the workers scaled the sand hills following the route taken by explorer Edward John Eyre along the tops of the Bunda Cliffs. The West Australian crew used jarrah telegraph poles while the South Australians used metal poles

[General description] A group of men, women and children have assembled for the installation of the first pole of the Overland Telegraph on the 15th September, 1870. One of the men is standing on a ladder propped against the pole. [On back of photograph] 'Planting the first pole of the north-south trans continental telegraph line, Port Darwin. / (September 15, 1870. See Hodder, v.2, p. 25.) / For date of commencement of work at Port Darwin see 140/28, page 2 of letter dated 24/3/71.' (Another hand) 'For key to names see p. 22 of S.W. Herbert's MS Reminiscences (Archives 996) Among those present were: Palmer, R.E. Burton, Dr. Furnell (?), Dr. Milner, D.D.Daly, Miss Douglas, W.T. Dalwood, Mrs. W.T. Dalwood, Willie Douglas, A.T. Childs, Mr. Douglas, Captain Douglas, F.W. Dalwood, Miss Douglas, W.U. Paqualin, W. McMinn, Miss B. Douglas, Jas. Darwent, Mason, Fordham, ....Stapleton. (Names from original photo. lent by Miss B. Dalwood)'.

Camel cart outside the Telegraph Station. In 1841 Eyre and Baxter became the first European explorers to visit the area. The town was proclaimed a township and gazetted in 1885. A jetty and tram line were constructed for offloading supplies brought in by sea. It has a direct view of the Great Australian Bight due to its elevated position. In 1873 work commenced on a telegraph line from Albany to Adelaide. This important telegraph line was opened in 1877 as a conversion point for American Morse Code (used by South Australia) and International Morse Code (Western Australia)

Strangway Springs
[General description] These two stone buildings, one still with an iron roof and intact chimney, are part of the ruins of the settlement at Strangways Springs. Because of its reliable water supply this centre was Hogarth and Warren's pastoral station from 1867. From 22nd August, 1872 its Manager's house was taken over for use as a Repeater Station and Telegraph Office from when the Telegraph first began. The office was closed on 8th October, 1896 when its post and telegraph services were transferred to the nearby town of William Creek on the recently completed Marree- Oodnadatta railway. See B 3400 for another view. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Chronicle, April 24, 1926 / Strangway Springs, remains of the settlement, April, 1926'.

King William Street
Telegraph Office, Operators room. Adelaide Telegraph Office was co-located with the Adelaide General Post Office. It was opened in 1872 and received the first message along the Overland Telegraph Line on 22nd October, 1872. In the photograph there appear to be at least ten operators at their desks.

Views of Eucla
Album of views of Eucla, telegraph stations, overland mail, camels, donkeys, Weebubbie, Wilson's Bluff, Aboriginal Australians, S.A. telegraph staff, 'Excelsior', Mundrabella, Kangaroo Plains, Madura Homestead, Streaky Bay, Gawler Ranges, Yardea, Coolgardie, Albany, Karoona Sheep Station, Murrin Murrin, Gumeracha.

Adelaide-Perth Telegraph Line centenary commemorative ceremony
Photograph of participants in a ceremony to commemorate the centenary of the Adelaide-Perth Telegraph Line, held at North Road Church of England cemetery, Collinswood, 8 December 1977. From left: Ross R. Knuckey, Robert R. Knuckey, J.D. Wood (partially obscured), R.G. Thomson, C.K. Knuckey, J.W. Thomson, S.W. Marchant, C. Davis (partially obscured), D.L. Beames (back to camera), H.W. Johnson, Mrs Vivienne Johnson (nee Marchant), F.S.W. Gubbins, F.P. O'Grady, K.F. Work, M.J. Gooley, J.A. Johinke, K.G.Herbert, G.C. Gaskin, A.T. Booth. Plot 3664, Path 23 North, the men are standing facing Richard Randall KNUCKEY's grave (white tablet seen in bottom left hand corner of photo) Knuckey was appointed as Overseer of Section A of the Overland Telegraph Line from Port Augusta to Darwin in 1870. He was overseer of the construction of telegraph line from Port Augusta to Eucla in WA. [Source: North Road Cemetery historian]

Diary of E.C. Rix
Diary kept by Edward Cecil Rix, Medical Officer with the Overland Telegraph party working south of Darwin, together with group photograph of party, including Rix. 23 July - 23 September 1870. 1 volume and 1 photograph.

Diary and other items belonging to W.A. Crowder
Diary of W.A. Crowder, member of the Overland Telegraph Line construction party, in original canvas bag, with inserts of Roper River Aboriginal words, verse, telegram, card, flying fish wing and hakea leaves, carved 'swagger stick' and telescope. A transcript of the diary is included with the group. See below for details.

Line Party Leaving to go North
Telegraph Station Line party leaving to go North : left to right 2. Pat Moore, 5 line foreman Tom Hanley, 6 Linesman Hablett [or Hallett].

Stapleton & Franks Memorial
The wooden memorial erected to the memory of telegraph operators Stapleton and Franks who were killed by Aborigines in 1874 at Barrow Creek Telegraph Station.

Barrow Creek
Distant view of Barrow Creek including the Overland Telegraph Station and the Police Station buildings.

Overland Telegraph Offices, Darwin - built in 1872.

Palmerston Telegraph Offices and Residency. Buildings noted in the photograph are The Post and Telegraph Office, Cable Company Offices and the Government Residence. Mangroves and scrub can be seen in the foreground rising from the beach to the buildings.

Palmerston Telegraph Offices (including the Post and Telegraph Office and the Cable Company offices) and the Superintendent's quarters. The three buildings looked sturdily built of stones and iron . They all have wide verandahs on two sides. The land has been cleared in the foreground.

Unidentified group of men in front of the first telegraph building.

Powell Creek
[General description] Group of young Aboriginal children posing for the photographer amongst rocks and light scrub. In the distance is the telegraph station. [On back of photograph] 'Powell Creek Telegraph Station / 1903'.

Telegraph Line Survey Party camp, near Alice Springs
The photo was taken during the visit of Lord Kintore's Telegraph Line Survey Party. Mounted Constables Harry Chance and Charles Brookes on the left, and two Aboriginal Troopers at right. The buggy is Lord Kintore's. The expedition travelled along the Overland Telegraph Line in 1891.

Post and Telegraph Office
Post and Telegraph Office, Port Pirie opened in 1874. A new post office was built in 1880. In 1898 a meeting was held to discuss the late arrival and non-arrival of letters and the contents of some telegraphs being divulged and other services being abused at the institution.

Roper River
[General description] Officials at the Overland Telegraph camp posing next to a wagon. All of the men are wearing full beards and two of them are in tall riding boots. [On back of photograph] 'Overland Telegraph party / Taken by Capt. Sweet at the Roper River in 1872 / (see letter from Sir Chas. Todd to his wife, March 2, 1872.) From right to left : A.J. Mitchell / C. Todd / R.C. Patterson / J.A.G. Little (afterwards Pt. Darwin postmaster)'.

Strangways Springs Station
[General description] Strangways Springs Telegraph Station. It was one of a number of repeater stations (at approximately 300 kilometre intervals) along the telegraph line between Adelaide and Darwin and was an important stopping place for travellers. It was abandoned in 1896 when William Creek on the new Central Australian Railway took over its services.

Album of views of Eucla
ALBUM: Personal collection of 25 views of Eucla, the Telegraph Station and staff. The individual photographs in this album have been catalogued separately.