Find • telegraph • Results 481 to 510 of 871



T. Brass's residence, W. A. telegraphist in doorway.



Residence of a W.A. operator.



Residence of a W.A. operator.



Panoramic view looking west from the tennis court and recreation ground.



Panorama showing beginning of sand-drifts.



Unveiling the Telegraph Memorial plaques, see B33678-80 for further information.



Unveiling the Telegraph Memorial Plaques - See B33678-80 for further information.



Horse and trap with three telegraph staff : A. Besley, W. Looney, A.E. Brown.



Three men with bicycles: Francis Birtles (touring); Arthur Warren & Robert Lennie who were attempting to break the Perth-Sydney cycling record. According to a researcher, the trio arrived at Eucla Telegraph Station on 22nd March 1907. Birtles joined the other two at Balladonia on 14th March as arranged but after Eucla continued on his own. A wonderful welcome was afforded them all at Eucla after some very trying conditions.

Gunn Street, Eudunda

Gunn Street, Eudunda

Street scene in Eudunda. The founder of Eudunda was John Henry Hannan who owned the land that was surveyed and divided for sale. Pastoralism was the first European activity in the area. This photograph shows the Edwardian streetscape of the town in the 1880s. The Nadjuri Aboriginal people named the area Eudundacowi meaning "water out of the ground". A researcher has provided the following information: "The photo in question is of Gunn Street, Eudunda, looking in a south-easterly direction. The second building from the right is the former National Bank of Australasia Limited, which was constructed in 1880. The building third from the right was the first Courthouse and Police Station in Eudunda. It was completed in October 1883. The building at the end was the first Post Office constructed in Eudunda. It was completed in 1879 at a cost of £888. It also served as the telegraph exchange and later, in 1911, it was connected to telephone lines. Every building on this street survives to the present day."

Glenelg Post Office

Glenelg Post Office

Glenelg Post Office. The first post office in Glenelg opened on 5 December 1849 and the first postmaster was John McDonald of St Leonard's Inn. A telegraph office was opened in September 1859 and the two offices amalgamated in 1868. The post office building in Moseley Square was built in 1912

Post Office at Glenelg

Post Office at Glenelg

Premises of the Post Office at Glenelg on the corner of Moseley Square and Victoria Place. The first post office in Glenelg opened on 5 December 1849 and the first postmaster was John McDonald of St Leonard's Inn. A telegraph office was opened in September 1859 and the two offices amalgamated in 1868. The newer post office building in Moseley Square was built in 1912

Glen Osmond

Glen Osmond

A large gum tree on the road to "Mountain Hut" Hotel. Post and rails fencing and early telegraph poles can be seen.

Gumeracha Bridge

Gumeracha Bridge

[General description] Gumeracha Bridge is a single arch of timber supported on stone abutments with a span of 100 feet. It was the largest bridge so far built in South Australia in February 1858 when it was completed. A gumtree studded hillside forms a backdrop to the view. Note the telegraph pole and wire.

Main Street, Hamley Bridge

Main Street, Hamley Bridge

[On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Observer June 12, 1926 / Hamley Bridge / Main Street / 1926' [General Description] Looking west down Light Street towards the Institute Building. Two motor cars and some horse drawn vehicles are seen in the street which is lined with township buildings and telegraph poles. I. C Francis' Hamley Bridge Hotel is on the right. Marked 1 of a series of 4 photographs.

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

Man on wooden steps thought to be erecting a telegraph pole.



[General description] This perspective view down the Clare Road at Kapunda shows a line of telegraph poles receding into the distance. The corner store on the right is S.Wright, Fruiterer and on the left is J. Skull & Co.'s General Stores with advertisements for Viceroy Tea and Arab Coffee painted on the side of the building. Gum trees are grouped behind the store. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Chronicle, Oct. 16, 1926 / Kapunda / 1926' (Another hand) 'Clare Road, from Main St., Kapunda'.



[General description] Perspective view along Kapunda's main street showing town buildings, telegraph poles and parked cars. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Chronicle, Oct. 16, 1926 / Kapunda / 1926' (Another hand) 'Main street looking south'.



[General description] Three men stroll across the main street of Kapunda which is lined with town buildings and telegraph poles. Traffic is a mix of motor and horse-drawn. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Chronicle, Oct. 16, 1926 / Kapunda / 1926' (Another hand) 'Main Street looking north'.



[General description] Township buildings and gardens can be seen on either side along the Clare Road. Telegraph poles run along the road, from S. Wright , Fruiterer's corner. On the left is H.J. Skull's General Store which displays a large advertisement for Viceroy tea on the side of the building. [On back of photograph] 'Clare Road, Kapunda / Before 1927'.



[General description] This is a view looking along the main street showing township buildings on either side. Telegraph poles line the right side of the street. A man in a white coat is posing in front of two striped verandah poles, next door to the Chemist's. Perhaps he is a barber? [On back of photograph] 'Main street, Kapunda, looking north. / Before 1927'.



[General description] This newly renovated two storey building was acquired for theSavings Bank of S.A. in 1909. It was previously the premises of the E.,S.,& A. Bank. Abutting the building is E. Thomas, Tobacconist with advertisements in its windows for American Eagle Twist and Yankee Doodle Plug tobacco. A large telegraph pole stands in front of the building.

Spring Vale Station, N.T

Spring Vale Station, N.T

Springvale Station, Katherine River was founded by Alfred Giles following his successful 14 month journey in 1879 overlanding the cattle and 12,000 sheep from South Australia. The location he chose is eight miles below the Telegraph Station and on the northern side of the Katherine River near two springs. Giles constructed the manager's house and store from local stone.

Katherine Police Station

Katherine Police Station

Katherine Police Station. Katherine is 320 kilometres south east of Darwin. It began as an outpost on the Australian Overland Telegraph Line in 1872 and later in 1889 gold mining was established north of the town at Mount Todd. The photograph shows two small buildings with wrap around verandahs set on a slight rise in an area prone to flooding.

Rock Formation, Katherine

Rock Formation, Katherine

Rock formation near Katherine Telegraph Station.

Post Office, Kingston

Post Office, Kingston

[General description] Built in 1867 this ornate post office building served an important role in the town as the telegraph brought in the latest prices for grain and produce. [On back of photograph] 'Post Office, Kingston / Probably in the eighteen sixties or seventies.'

Post Office, Kingston

Post Office, Kingston

Telegraph & Post office at Kingston.

Jetty, Largs Bay

Jetty, Largs Bay

View of the Largs Bay jetty. Note on the back of the photograph says "Possibly later that B 12549, as that view does not show telegraph poles" The photograph shows ladies with parasols walking along the jetty, small boats are in the background. The jetty has a small arm attached at the end facing north which would provide mooring space for visiting shipping

Devil's Elbow, Leawood Gardens

Devil's Elbow, Leawood Gardens

General view of the Devil's Elbow at Leawood Gardens. A post and rails fence features in the foreground and telegraph wires run across the centre.

Mountain Hut Hotel

Mountain Hut Hotel

[General description] Taken from the hill opposite, the photograph shows the stone hotel building, horse stables and yards set into the base of a gum studded hill. Various people and a horse team and dray are posed in front of the hotel. The road is bounded by post and rails fencing and the telegraph line. Piles of stones have been dropped by the roadside. [On back of photograph] 'Mountain Hut Hotel / Mount Barker Road, north side, on section 1284, about 300 yards from a sharp elbow in the road, between the Eagle on the Hill and Glen Osmond. Probably in the eighteen eighties'.