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Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. "The Grange" was Captain Charles Sturt's residence in South australia from 1840-1853. The house is an example of Early Colonial style in South Australia and was built on an area in Grange known as the "Reedbeds". The Sturt family remained in their home until 1853 when the education of their sons required that they return to England.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. "The Grange" was Captain Charles Sturt's residence in South australia from 1840-1853. The house is an example of Early Colonial style in South Australia and was built on an area in Grange known as the "Reedbeds". The Sturt family remained in their home until 1853 when the education of their sons required that they return to England.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange showing deterioration. "The Grange" was Captain Charles Sturt's residence in South australia from 1840-1853. The house is an example of Early Colonial style in South Australia and was built on an area in Grange known as the "Reedbeds". The Sturt family remained in their home until 1853 when the education of their sons required that they return to England.

Mrs. N. G. Sturt
Beatrix Marion Sturt. Wife of Colonel Napier George Sturt who was the son of Captain Charles Napier Sturt. The photographer Evelyn Alderson was her husband's niece

Captain Sturt Monument
Captain Sturt Monument at Broken Hill. Notes on the back of the photograph say "Monument erected at the Stephens Creek pumping station, Broken Hill in honour of Captain Sturt. Unveiled October 30, 1937. Cairn erected in 1937 by members of YMCA. Bronze tablet supplied by the Barrier Field Naturalists Club. Photograph taken in 1937. The plaque on the monument says "The Pass" Captain Charles Sturt camped here Oct. 24, 1844, Nov. 4-22, 1844, Dec. 17-18, 1845".

Charles Sturt's Grave
Charles Sturt's grave Prestbury near Cheltenham, England. The British explorer of Australia is remembered as an ideal family man. He was a careful and accurate observer and an intelligent interpreter of what he saw. He prided himself on his impeccable treatment of Aboriginals and earned the respect and liking of his men. The grave stone remembers Charles Sturt, his wife Dame Charlotte, their daughter Charlotte Sturt, and Charlotte's friend and companion Eve Golding.

Sturt Street, Adelaide
[General description] The whole school appears to have been assembled for this group photograph taken in front of the school building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 547 / Sturt Street, south side / Sturt Street Public School / 1907 / left side of school is 46 yards west of Little Sturt Street. Frontage of school: 36 yards.'

Unveiling of the Captain Charles Sturt monument, Victoria Square.
ACRE 267: Crowds present at unveiling of the Captain Charles Sturt monument, corner of Franklin and King William Streets, Victoria Square corner.

P.S. Sturt with barge tied up and a horse in the foreground
Stern view of 'P.S. Sturt' with barge alongside, tied up at river bank, with a horse drinking from the water's edge in the foreground.

Site of Blanchetown Number 1 Lock, with derrick boat and P.S. Captain Sturt
Distant view of 'P.S. Captain Sturt' in background, with derrick boat at the site of Blanchetown Number 1 Lock, during 1917 flood. Additional information supplied by a researcher: The Captain Sturt does not appear in this photo. The vessel on the opposite side of the river to the left of the image is the Manno dredge. A close look will reveal the bucket of the dredge. The vessel in this photo has only one main deck with a operators platform above, whereas the Captain Sturt had 2 main decks. The vessel to the right of the picture is the 90 foot derrick boat.

Sturt and West Torrens players during a football match
Sturt and West Torrens players compete for the ball during a match. Players left to right - Paul Bagshaw (Sturt), Phil Heinrich (Sturt) and Ian Hanna (West Torrens.) Photograph by The Advertiser, not dated.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
[General description] The Grange is seen on the left and the cottage section which abuts it is on the right. There are large palm trees in front and behind the house, and a picket fence runs across the front od the property. The Grange was built in 1840 and was the home of Captain Sturt and his family from then until 1853 when they returned to England. [On back of photograph] 'House formerly occupied by Captain Sturt at the Grange / Photographed May 12, 1928 / Allotment 289, Kent Street'.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide. This photograph shows the method of building at that time - wattle and daub. The woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide. This photograph shows the original nails used in the construction of the house

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
Captain Sturt's house at Grange: construction. 1965 while the house is being restored. Captain Charles Napier Sturt (1795-1869) was a British explorer of Australia and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent starting from both Sydney and Adelaide. Original bricks and mortar at the house