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People, groups and events around the suburb of Payneham

People, groups and events around the suburb of Payneham

People and groups photographed by Messenger Press around the suburb of Payneham. Titled by Messenger Press as 'Payneham People'. A selection have been digitised and may be viewed online (do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 75111/1-62); the rest may requested and viewed in the Reading Room.

Miscellaneous photos

Miscellaneous photos

A collection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers. The following photos have not been digitised: 3. Vineyard - the 'Southern Times wine area'; 4-5. Accident with ambulance and car on the corner of Pulteney and Flinders Street, 10 May 1997; 6. Occupant of the car after hitting the ambulance on the corner of Pulteney and Flinders Street, 10 May 1997; 8. Jan Beasley, Adelaide Today (Channel 9), 2 November 1988; 9. John Bertram and Lionel Williams; 10. Judi Green and Lionel Williams; 11. Neville Sloss, Brian Waite and Adam Graycar at the opening of the Salisbury East Retirement Estate; 12. Sir Mark Oliphant with Scott Wyllie and Nikki Makin; 13. Tom Chapman and Anne Fulwood; 14. Anthony and Lyneece Schmidt and Wol Blass; 15. Delegates at the opening of the Local Government Conference, 1989; 16. Christine Howard and Bev Harrall; 17. Jane Doyle, Henry Ninio and George Donikian; 18. Helen Hagan, Jenny Weaver and Sylvia Vale at the Women's Investment Network, 1991; 19. John Olson and Roger Baynes junr.; 20. 'Sampson' truck at the speedway, 1989; 21. Stephen Kernahan in action during a South Australia vs Victoria match, ca.1987; 22-23. Glenn (Youth Services); 24. Ray Howell, S.A. Croquet Association, in State uniform & with new style mallet'; 25. Donato Rosella (sculptor), Elizabeth Kosmala (OAM), Leonie Ebert (Graham F. Smith Peace Trust); Eileen Karpny; 26-27. Swans releaded back to the River Torrens, 18 March 1998; 28-29. 33 year old Brustus (hippo) at Adelaide Zoo, 18 August 1998; 30. Colonel Light statue, 26 My 1998; 31. 'Jenna (6) and Bryan (3) from Largs North have some fun at the Botanic Gardens, 5 January 1998; 32. Song & dance legend Phyl Skinner with memorabilia at Unley Museum; National Action leader, Michael Brander, squeezing through the crowd to get to the One Nation meeting;

[Photographs of extensions at Woodville; Automatic Transmission plant, product checking area]

[Photographs of extensions at Woodville; Automatic Transmission plant, product checking area]

Black and white photographs of extensions at Woodville in Plant 11, with the construction of the new Product Checking area in the Automatic Transmission plant at GM-H, Woodville, from the digging of foundations for the support pylons through construction, to the interior fit out and employees working in the checking area and the adjoining offices. Includes images of the construction and concrete pouring of the mezzanine cloaking area above the product checking area, and the construction of the oil filtration and recirculation room and installation of machinery. Also contains an image of a gauge for base checking made by De Haviland Co.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Turner

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Turner

Probably Mary Ann Turner, 1835-1927; nee Abbott, married George Swords Turner. Arrived in South Australia in February 1837 on board the ship the "John Renwick". Resided in Salisbury; Bendigo, Victoria; Hamilton, Reynella.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Elizabeth Kinsey

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Elizabeth Kinsey

Martha Elizabeth Kinsey, 1848-1935; married George John I'Anson. Arrived in South Australia in January 1849 on board the ship the "Samuel Boddington". Resided in Salisbury, Steelton, Wonna, Payneham.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Eleanor Goddard

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Eleanor Goddard

Eleanor Goddard, 1826-1913; nee Warner, married James Goddard. Arrived in South Australia in May 1840 on board the ship the "Eliza". Resided in Salisbury, Humbug Scrub.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Ayles

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Ayles

Elizabeth Ayles, 1818-1894; nee Lansley, married Joseph Ayles. Arrived in South Australia in December 1840 on board the ship the "Fairfield". Resided in Para Plains, Salisbury.

SANFL State Team 1986

SANFL State Team 1986

South Australian National Football League state team that played Victoria at Football Park on 13 May 1986. Final score South Australia 18.17 (125) Victoria 17.13 (115). Back Row: Dave Boyd (Chairman of Selectors), Neil Craig, Martin Leslie, Danny Hughes, Max Parker, Stephen Kernahan, Cory Williams, Clayton Lamb, Chris McDermott, Scott Salisbury, Barrie Robran (Selector). Centre Row: Rex Leahy (Property Steward), L. Longman (Drink Steward), Mark Williams, Greg Phillips, Grenville Dietrich, Matthew Campbell, G. Anderson, K. Thomas, Todd Viney, John Paynter, I. Kerr (Medical Officer), M. Tippett (Team Manager). Front Row: Grantley Fielke, T. McGuinness, John Platten, Michael Aish (Captain), Graham Cornes (Coach), Bruce Lindsay (Vice-Captain), David Bolton, Craig Bradley, T. Jacques (Runner). Absent: M. Naley and Michael Redden.

SANFL State Team 1986

SANFL State Team 1986

South Australian National Football League state team that played Victoria at Football Park on 13 May 1986. Final score South Australia 18.17 (125) Victoria 17.13 (115). SANFL sponsored by Radio SA-FM. Back Row: Neil Craig, Martin Leslie, Danny Hughes, Max Parker, Stephen Kernahan, Cory Williams, Clayton Lamb, Chris McDermott, Scott Salisbury. Centre Row: Mark Williams, Greg Phillips, Grenville Dietrich, Matthew Campbell, G. Anderson, K. Thomas, Todd Viney, John Paynter. Front Row: Grantley Fielke, T. McGuinness, John Platten, Michael Aish (Captain), Graham Cornes (Coach), Bruce Lindsay (Vice-Captain), David Bolton, Craig Bradley. Absent: M. Naley and M. Redden.

SANFL State Team 1986

SANFL State Team 1986

South Australian National Football League state team that played Western Australia at Football Park on 27 May 1986. Final score Western Australia 18.19 (127) South Australia 12.16 (88). Back Row: Dave Boyd (Chairman of Selectors), Chris McDermott, Bruce Lindsay, Mark Mickan, Richard Cousins, Michael Redden, Wayne Henwood, D. Kappler, B. Veale (Head Trainer). Centre Row: L. Longman (Drink Steward), T. Jacques (Runner), R. Leahy (Property Steward), John Paynter, D. Herbert, Matthew Campbell, Greg Anderson, Craig Williams, C. McDonald, Tony Hall, I. Kerr (Medical Officer), M. Tippett (Team Manager). Front Row: Andrew Jarman, D. Robertson, Grantley Fielke, Michael Aish (Captain), Graham Cornes (Coach), Neil Craig (Vice Captain), S. Sims, A. Antrobus, Scott Salisbury. Absent: M. Naley and G. Dietrich.

SANFL Team 1988

SANFL Team 1988

South Australian National Football League team that played Western Australia at Football Park on 24 May 1988. South Australia 17.17 (119) defeated Western Australia 11.13 (79). Back Row L-R: A.Jarman, C. Lamb, K. Sporn, D. Jarman, S. Sims, S. Riley, A. Stringer. Centre Row L-R: Dr. D. Graham (Medical Officer), B. Robran (Selector), R. Said (Runner), T. Symonds, M. Redden, R. Mandemaker, P. Carey, P. Bennett, P. Bubner, R. Leahy (Property Steward), P. Clisby (Head Trainer), L. Longman (Drink Steward). Front Row L-R: D. Boyd (Chairman of Selectors), R. Anderson, M. Aish, C. McDermott (Captain), M. Nunan (Coach), G. Whittlesea (Vice-Captain), J. Paynter, S. Salisbury, M. Tippett (Team Manager). Absent: B. Abernethy, G. McIntosh, G. Phillips.

SANFL Team 1988

SANFL Team 1988

South Australian National Football League team that played Western Australia at Football Park on 24 May 1988. South Australia 17.17 (119) defeated Western Australia 11.13 (79). Back Row L-R: A.Jarman, C. Lamb, K. Sporn, D. Jarman, S. Sims, S. Riley, A. Stringer. Centre Row L-R: Dr. D. Graham (Medical Officer), B. Robran (Selector), R. Said (Runner), T. Symonds, M. Redden, R. Mandemaker, P. Carey, P. Bennett, P. Bubner, R. Leahy (Property Steward), P. Clisby (Head Trainer), L. Longman (Drink Steward). Front Row L-R: D. Boyd (Chairman of Selectors), R. Anderson, M. Aish, C. McDermott (Captain), M. Nunan (Coach), G. Whittlesea (Vice-Captain), J. Paynter, S. Salisbury, M. Tippett (Team Manager). Absent: B. Abernethy, G. McIntosh, G. Phillips.



Aerial photograph of Woomera, South Australia. Terry Clark provided the following information: 'The story behind the taking of the photo is interesting. I was taking a series of photos to update the Woomera postcards. I felt an aerial shot would be a key to the series. I made a number of approaches to security, the stumbling block was the fact that not far away the Americans had just started building Narrunga. Eventually I got permission, with strings attached. There was a guy in Woomera, can't remember his name, who owned a Tiger Moth. He agreed to fly me over the town to get the photo. Security were still nervous. We taxied to the end of the runway. A Commonwealth Policeman came to the end of the runway and watched as I loaded my Koni Omega camera with a roll of 120 Ektachrome transparency film. I took the photo. When we landed the Commonwealth Policeman met us again and watched as I unloaded the film and sealed the tag. He then took it from me and put it in a security bag that was sent to WRE Salisbury where the film was processed and returned to security in Woomera. They inspected the pictures, to make sure I did not have any pictures of Nurrungar, then returned them to me. I finished the series of postcards and stored them in my collection for about forty three years.'



Aerial photograph of Woomera, South Australia. The photographer provided the following information: 'The story behind the taking of the photo is interesting. I was taking a series of photos to update the Woomera postcards. I felt an aerial shot would be a key to the series. I made a number of approaches to security, the stumbling block was the fact that not far away the Americans had just started building Narrunga. Eventually I got permission, with strings attached. There was a guy in Woomera, can't remember his name, who owned a Tiger Moth. He agreed to fly me over the town to get the photo. Security were still nervous. We taxied to the end of the runway. A Commonwealth Policeman came to the end of the runway and watched as I loaded my Koni Omega camera with a roll of 120 Ektachrome transparency film. I took the photo. When we landed the Commonwealth Policeman met us again and watched as I unloaded the film and sealed the tag. He then took it from me and put it in a security bag that was sent to WRE Salisbury where the film was processed and returned to security in Woomera. They inspected the pictures, to make sure I did not have any pictures of Nurrungar, then returned them to me. I finished the series of postcards and stored them in my collection for about forty three years.'

Squash trophy, Woomera, South Australia

Squash trophy, Woomera, South Australia

Squash trophy made by Terry Clark for competition between W.R.E. Salisbury Squash Team and Woomera Squash Team. The photo in the trophy is of the winning Woomera team.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Wiggins

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Wiggins

Thomas Wiggins arrived in South Australia in January 1837 on board the ship the "Coromandel". Butcher, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : William Coker, Jnr

Old colonists 1836-1840 : William Coker, Jnr

William Coker, Jnr arrived in South Australia in November 1838 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Andrew Melville Goodall

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Andrew Melville Goodall

Andrew Melville Goodall arrived in South Australia in November 1838 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, 'Para Hill Farm', Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : George William Hill

Old colonists 1836-1840 : George William Hill

George William Hill arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "Asia". Farmer, 'Gum Park', Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Charles Frost

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Charles Frost

Charles Frost arrived in South Australia in December 1837 on board the ship the "Lady Emma". Labourer, carrier, farmer; Bowden, Para Plains, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Andrew O'Leary

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Andrew O'Leary

Andrew O'Leary arrived in South Australia in October 1840 on board the ship the "Mary Dugdale". Farmer, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : David Dow

Old colonists 1836-1840 : David Dow

David Dow arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Harvey

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Harvey

John Harvey arrived in South Australia in October 1839 on board the ship the "Superb". Pastoralist, Member of Parliament, founder of Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Francis Raymond

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Francis Raymond

Francis Raymond arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Farmer, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Enoch Algernon Jackson

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Enoch Algernon Jackson

Enoch Algernon Jackson arrived in South Australia in March 1839 on board the ship the "Buckinghamshire". Publican, Railway Hotel, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Meek

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Meek

John Meek arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "City of Adelaide". Farmer, Para Plains, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John H. Fidge

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John H. Fidge

John H. Fidge arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Duchess of Northumberland". Farmer, Salisbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Dayman

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Dayman

Thomas Dayman arrived in South Australia in June 1839 on board the ship the "Hooghly". Farmer, 'Riverton Farm', Salisbury; poundkeeper.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : William Raymond

Old colonists 1836-1840 : William Raymond

William Raymond arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Farmer, Salisbury.

South Australian pioneers 1840 : Andrew O'Leary

South Australian pioneers 1840 : Andrew O'Leary

Andrew O'Leary arrived in South Australia in October 1840 on board the ship the "Mary Dugdale". Farmer, Salisbury.