Find • river torrens • Results 31 to 60 of 1,209

Views of SA, WA, Vic & NSW : River Torrens
A section of the River Torrens. A single boat can be seen.

Views of SA, WA, Vic & NSW : River Torrens
A section of the River Torrens.

Views of SA, WA, Vic & NSW : River Torrens
River Torrens near its source at Birdwood. A woman is standing on a log at the edge of the river.

River Torrens, Adelaide
One of 3 photographs of the River Torrens, Adelaide (B 69058/16 - B 69058/18). This photograph shows repairs to the river bank, east of Jolley's Boat House. Photograph taken 20 May 1989.

General view of the River Torrens with the City Bridge in the background
General view of the River Torrens with the City Bridge in the background; a young man sits reading on the river bank near wild duck enjoying a swim.

River Torrens at Fulham
Stereograph image of a still, narrow river between gentle sloping banks thick with vegetation. Caption on rear reads 'River Torrens at Fulham'.

River Torrens, Fulham
Stereograph image of a calm river. Large gum trees dominate the sloping left bank, and willows line the lower right bank. Caption on rear reads 'River Torrens at Fulham'.

River Torrens, Thebarton
[On back of photograph] 'A coffer dam on the River Torrens near Taylor's Road Bridge, Thebarton / November 1939 / Dam completed November 1939 / Reproduced in the News, November 22, 1939'.

River Torrens Aquaduct
River Torrens Aquaduct.

River Torrens
View of the River Torrens.

Excavations, River Torrens
Excavations, River Torrens, near underdale: Part of the metropolitan Floodwaters Scheme. Reproduced in the News 29 October 1938. The photograph shows two horses pulling carriages of sand and sediment along rails away from the excavations. The top of the bank has been reinforced to prevent soil erosion.

River Torrens
River Torrens, looking South East. This photograph shows a rower in the river with the Rotunda behind, and the North Terrace buildings visible in the background.

River Torrens
Head waters of the River Torrens. One woman on stepping stones while another gives her a hand to step across.

The Wenmouth Collection : River Torrens
Ernest's Restaurant on War Memorial Drive on the River Torrens.

River Torrens and University footbridge
Scene along the River Torrens in the Grundy Gardens near Victoria Drive, with the University footbridge, buildings of Adelaide University and the city in the background.

Scene along the River Torrens
Country scene along the upper reaches of the River Torrens.

River Torrens near the Zoo
The River Torrens near the Adelaide Zoological Gardens, with the Albert Bridge and the pleasure craft 'Popeye' with passengers disembarking. The Grundy Gardens section of the Parklands is in the foreground.

Photographs of River Torrens in flood near South Australian Brewing Company
Collection of photographs taken of the South Australian Brewing Company Christmas display damaged by flood waters on the Banks of the River Torrens on 8th November 2005. See 'contents' for description of individual items.

River Torrens
Adelaide city skyline, looking south east from a point on the northern bank of the River Torrens.

River Torrens
Mother and infant and two young women on a grassy bank of the River Torrens. Willows line the bank. The same family group is pictured in B 43045.

Catching oranges in the River Torrens
Following heavy rain men and boys on the Hindmarsh Tramway Bridge caught oranges in the River Torrens with improvised nets attached to long poles.

Water flowing over River Torrens weir
Photograph of fast flowing water pouring over the weir on the River Torrens in Adelaide.

Water flowing over River Torrens weir
Photograph of fast flowing water pouring over the weir on the River Torrens in Adelaide. Two people are watching the water flow over the weir from the walkway above.

Water flowing over River Torrens weir
Photograph of fast flowing water pouring over the weir on the River Torrens in Adelaide.

River Torrens
Trees and other vegetation on the banks of the River Torrens.

Horses in the River Torrens
A man on horseback with two other horse among the reeds in the River Torrens in Adelaide.

Boating on the River Torrens
Three women and a man in a row boat on the River Torrens. In the background is the Morphett Street bridge and city buildings.

Men standing on the bank of the River Torrens
Three men standing on the bank of the River Torrens.

Water flowing over River Torrens weir
Photograph of fast flowing water pouring over the weir on the River Torrens with Adelaide city area in the background.

River Torrens
Trees and other vegetation on the banks of the River Torrens.