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Mount Hope Post Office

Mount Hope Post Office

Premises of the post office at Mount Hope on the Eyre Peninsula; an open topped motor car is parked outside.

Post Office at Port Lincoln

Post Office at Port Lincoln

A Royal Mail motor vehicle outside the Post and Telegraph Office at Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Life-boat demonstration

Life-boat demonstration

Spectators watching men rowing out to sea, possibly a life-saving exercise.

Coastline at Elliston

Coastline at Elliston

Sand dunes and part of the coastline at Elliston on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

Lake Wangary Hotel

Lake Wangary Hotel

The Hotel at Lake Wangary, north west of Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Streaky Bay township

Streaky Bay township

Distant view of Streaky Bay township, South Australia.

Tailing lambs at Coulta

Tailing lambs at Coulta

Farm workers tailing lambs at Coulta on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

Distant view of Elliston

Distant view of Elliston

A distant view of Elliston township on the west coast of South Australia.

Railway siding at Cummins

Railway siding at Cummins

Rail trucks waiting in a railway siding at Cummins on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

The Grand Hotel, Port Lincoln

The Grand Hotel, Port Lincoln

Cattle grazing in front of the Grand Hotel at Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Port Lincoln from Quality Hill

Port Lincoln from Quality Hill

Distant view of Port Lincoln with Boston Bay in the background, taken from Quality Hill.

Post office at Minnipa

Post office at Minnipa

Premises of the post office and general store at Minnipa, South Australia.

Railway rainwater tanks at Yantanabie

Railway rainwater tanks at Yantanabie

Railway rainwater catchment sheds and tanks at Yantanabie siding on the Port Lincoln to Thevenard railway line (Eyre Peninsula).

A beach scene at Port Lincoln

A beach scene at Port Lincoln

Small boats beached on the shore at Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Marble Range near Lake Wangary

Marble Range near Lake Wangary

Countryside near Lake Wangary with Marble Range in the background, north west of Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Distant view of Port Lincoln

Distant view of Port Lincoln

Distant view of Port Lincoln, South Australia taken from the old west coast road.

A motorised rail car at Murat Bay town

A motorised rail car at Murat Bay town

A group of engineers standing beside a Wittber motor inspection car and a motor vehicle in the township of Murat Bay, later renamed Ceduna, on the west coast of South Australia; the building in the background is the original Ceduna Hotel.

Group of South Australian men

Group of South Australian men

A large group of South Australian men, purpose and names not known.

Sheep farming at Coulta

Sheep farming at Coulta

A flock of sheep in a paddock at Coulta on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

Telegraph buildings at Smoky Bay

Telegraph buildings at Smoky Bay

Telegraph buildings and a farmhouse at Smoky Bay, South Australia; a man and a woman stand in the foreground with their goats.

Telegraphic equipment

Telegraphic equipment

A room of telegraphic equipment, possibly at Smoky Bay, South Australia.

A forest at Lake Wangary

A forest at Lake Wangary

A forest reserve at Lake Wangary on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

A galvanised iron house at Smoky Bay

A galvanised iron house at Smoky Bay

A deserted house built from sheets of galvanised iron at Smoky Bay, South Australia.

Wheat sheds on Eyre Peninsula

Wheat sheds on Eyre Peninsula

Water tanks and wheat sheds at a railway siding on Eyre Peninsula between Port Lincoln and Thevenard, South Australia.

A train at Wudinna railway siding

A train at Wudinna railway siding

Distant view of passengers and workmen standing beside a mixed train and carriages at Wudinna railway siding, a Wittber motor inspection car waits in the foreground.

The express train to Thevenard

The express train to Thevenard

Distant view of the express train travelling across barren countryside to Cape Thevenard, South Australia.

Blacksmith's shop at Smoky Bay

Blacksmith's shop at Smoky Bay

Premises of a blacksmith's shop and yard near the jetty at Smoky Bay on the west coast of South Australia.

Driving a car on a soft track

Driving a car on a soft track

A man driving a motor car along a sandy bush track in the Smoky Bay district, south east of Ceduna, South Australia; the rear wheels of the vehicle have been fitted with chains to aid traction through the sandy conditions.

A bride and bridesmaid

A bride and bridesmaid

A bride and her bridesmaid photographed outside the entrance to a house in South Australia.

Funeral of Sir Ross Smith

Funeral of Sir Ross Smith

A large crowd of military personnel and civilians attending the state funeral of Sir Ross Smith in Adelaide photographed as soldiers are firing a salute.