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Australian soldiers on parade

Australian soldiers on parade

Half-plate glass negative of Australian soldiers wearing World War One military uniform on parade, possibly at a military camp. In the foregrouand are two soldiers in full uniform standing with Australian flags.

Australian navy officer with bugle

Australian navy officer with bugle

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified Australian naval officer in uniform, holding a bugle. The officer's name may be C.H. Howard. Written on original paper envelope: 'Sharp Rau A. C.H. Howard. 1 DOz. Cabs and Bro. 25-06'.

Unidentified mounted soldier, believed to have been photographed at Morphettville Camp.

Unidentified mounted soldier, believed to have been photographed at Morphettville Camp.

Half-plate glass negative of a soldier in World War One military uniform mounted on his horse and holding a rifle in one hand, in a field with trees in the background. Written on original paper envelope: 'Mr Rogers C/O P. O'Neil, Hackham, See proof. 1161. 1 Doz 1/2 Cabs and 12x10 Bwm. Quote 18/6 Tuesday. Reorder 12x10 Bro. to be framed. Packed and Posted H.A. Mayfield, Mt Bryant, SA, quoted 17/6'.

Private Clarke and Private Chivell on a horse

Private Clarke and Private Chivell on a horse

Half-plate glass negative of Private Clarke and Private Chivell wearing World War One uniforms, mounted on a horse, winners of the Gretna Green race. Taking part in sports at the Mitcham Camp, with other soldiers and horses in the background. The photograph appeared in the 'Observer' on Saturday 31 August 1918.

Unidentified soldier

Unidentified soldier

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified soldier wearing World War One military uniform, standing outside in front of a building. Written in pencil across top of glass plate: '1 Doz, 10 Cards'.

Unidentified Australian Field Ambulance soldier

Unidentified Australian Field Ambulance soldier

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified soldier in World War One uniform, with a Field Ambulance red cross patch on one arm, and holding a horse whip. Written on original envelope: 'Kwable A. Wob 1696'.

W.L. Lynch

W.L. Lynch

Half-plate glass negative of W.L. Lynch in World War One military uniform, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'No. 2406. Recieved Jan 18. To be completed Jan 22. Name W.L. Lynch. Order 1 Dz P.C'ds. Reorder 6 post cards, Feby cent'. This is possibly No. 2067 William Lawrence Lynch, who worked as a store assistant in New South Wales before enlisting with the AIF on 7 October 1915, aged 25. He embarked with his unit from Adelaide on board HMAT A28 'Miltiades' on 7 February 1916, serving with the 32nd Battalion on the Western Front, and was mentioned in despatches.

H.G. Earl

H.G. Earl

Half-plate glass negative of H.G. Earl in World War One military uniform, holding a cane and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'H. Earl. 1 Doz Cabs 15x12. 1832'. Written in pencil on glass plate: '2B. H G Earl'.

Samuel James Baker

Samuel James Baker

Half-plate glass negative of Private Samuel James Baker wearing World War One military uniform including a slouch hat, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'S.J. Baker. 65 Solomontown Pt Pirie. Quarter 12-6 1 Doz Cab & Bron. 1 Doz P.C. Deposit 7-6 Thurs. R.O. 6 Post Cards. Re Order Post with 4 Cabs, 2 hof'.

August Fredrick Pobke

August Fredrick Pobke

Half-plate glass negative of Private August Fredrick Pobke wearing World War One military uniform and holding a cane behind his back. Written on original paper envelope: '728 A.F. Pobke. 6 Cabs & 2 Bro Coupon Style. 1 doz Post cards by Wednesday May 31st cert. 1 Doz post cards'.

Frederick George Sylvester McNeill

Frederick George Sylvester McNeill

Half-plate glass negative of Private Frederick George Sylvester McNeill in World War One military uniform, including slouch hat and rifle by his side, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'F.G.S. McNeill 2505. 1 Doz Cab. + Brom. Q note 12/6'.

J.R. Price

J.R. Price

Half-plate glass negative of J.R. Price in World War One military uniform, holding a cane in one hand, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'J.R. Price. 728. 1 Doz cabs and Bro. 16/-Pd Friday. 1 Doz Cabs. Rush.'

A. Anderson

A. Anderson

Half-plate glass negative of A. Anderson wearing World War One military uniform. On the upper arm of his right sleeve is a badge featuring two crossed flags, possibly denoting a Regimental Signal Instructor. Written on original paper envelope: 'A. Anderson. 3126. 1 doz bro ovals + Bro. Aug 5th'.

D. Powell

D. Powell

Half-plate glass negative of D. Powell wearing World War One military uniform including a slouch hat and holding a cane behind his back, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'No. 1700. Name D. Powell. Order 1/2 doz C 2 Bros coupoun style. Bros not made. To be completed March 16th'.

Herbert Hadden Rogers

Herbert Hadden Rogers

Half-plate glass negative of Private Herbert Hadden Rogers wearing World War One military uniform, with a cane in one hand, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'H.H. Rodgers. 3 th 27th. Devon St Goodwood. 1165- see proof'.

Private Beyers

Private Beyers

Half-plate glass negative of Private Beyers wearing World War One military uniform, including a bayonet in a scabbard attached to his belt. He is standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: '3148 Pte Beyers'. Written on glass plate: 'Beyas 6 Cabs'.

John Kellaway

John Kellaway

Half-plate glass negative of Private John Kellaway wearing World War One military uniform, holding a cane in one hand, and standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'J. Kellaway 8th 10th. 74 Franklin St. 2409. 1 Doz + Bro. 12/6. Aug 9th'.

Soldier Eley

Soldier Eley

Half-plate glass negative of soldier Eley wearing World War One military uniform including a peaked cap, ammunition bandolier, and a belt with pouches. He is holding his rifle in one hand with the butt resting on the ground, and has a sheathed bayonet attached to his belt on the opposite side. He is standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on the original paper envelope: 'Eley. 1837. 1/2 Doz P.C'ds 2/6. 3 Cabs 3/9. 6/3. Monday shop'.

L. Planes

L. Planes

Half-plate glass negative of L. Planes wearing World War One military uniform, including a slouch hat, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'L. Planes 1699'. Written on glass plate: 'L. Planes 6 Cabs.'

Francis Thomas Elvidge

Francis Thomas Elvidge

Half-plate glass negative of Private Francis Thomas Elvidge wearing World War One military uniform, holding a cane in his hands, and standing outdoors in a field, with some trees in the background. Written on original paper envelope: 'F.T. Eldridge. 1836 6 Cabs. Paid 1-6. 15 x 12 Bro. Mrs S. Eldridge, Carlton Street, Railway Town, B. Hill. 2 Bro. 2 Cab.'

Unidentified soldier

Unidentified soldier

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified soldier in World War One uniform including slouch hat.

William Percival Hughes

William Percival Hughes

Half-plate glass negative of Private William Percival Hughes, wearing World War One military uniform including peaked cap, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: No. 183. 1904. Received 27-11-15. To be completed Dec 1st. Name W.P. Hughes. Order 6 Cab. 2 Bro.'

Unidentified soldier

Unidentified soldier

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified Australian soldier wearing World War One military uniform, including slouch hat, standing in front of a background of a woodland path and next to a wooden bench upon which his great coast is resting. Written on original paper envelope: '314? Franklin Street, City. 1 doz P. Cds'.

J.J. Foggo

J.J. Foggo

Half-plate glass negative of J.J. Foggo wearing World War One military uniform including a slouch hat, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: 'No. 463, 1285. Received March 11th. To be completed March 16th. Name J.J. Foggo. Order 1 doz C Brom Br Mts.' Possibly Private James Foggo.

Henry Rowe

Henry Rowe

Written on original paper envelope: 'Pte H. Rowe. 1163. 6 Cabs & Bro. 6 Cabs. Mrs Rowe, No 8. Field St, Call at shop. Reorder 1 Doz Pos. Cards 5/-'.

Private Albert Elsey

Private Albert Elsey

Half-plate glass negative of Private Albert Elsey wearing World War One military uniform including knee-high boots, slouch hat and bandolier, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: '183 Elsey 6 Cabs. Quote 7/- R.G. 6 cabs & Bro.' See also B 74972.

J. Emery

J. Emery

Half-plate glass negative of J. Emery wearing World War One military uniform including peaked cap and bandolier, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: '1835 J. Emerey. 1 Doz PC. Friday. Oval Mask'. Possibly Driver Joseph James Emery.

Mounted Light Horseman

Mounted Light Horseman

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified Light Horseman wearing World War One uniform and mounted on his horse, holding a long wooden lance under one arm.

Soldier Veitch

Soldier Veitch

Half-plate glass negative of soldier Veitch wearing World War One military uniform including peaked cap, standing in front of a background of a woodland path. Written on original paper envelope: '15-5-3. Veitch. 1 12 x 8 Bro.'

Unidentified Quartermaster-Sergeant

Unidentified Quartermaster-Sergeant

Half-plate glass negative of an unidentified soldier wearing World War One military uniform, standing side-on and reading a piece of paper that he is holding. On his lower sleeve is the rank insignia for a Regimental or Brigade Quartermaster-Sergeant, and he has a braid on the opposite shoulder. His collar badges do not appear to be the the AIF Rising Sun collar badges, so he is possibly a soldier from Great Britain.