Find • portrait collection • Results 7,261 to 7,290 of 10,681

R.T. Green

R.T. Green

Portrait of R.T. Green, one of the members of the Dingo Glee Club, Darwin, featured on a composite photograph. To view the composite do a number search on B 24243.

W.J. Barnes

W.J. Barnes

Portrait of W.J. Barnes, one of the members of the Dingo Glee Club, Darwin, featured on a composite photograph. To view the composite do a number search on B 24243.

Inese Petersons

Inese Petersons

Inese Petersons.

Horst Salomon

Horst Salomon

Horst Salomon.

U2 band in Adelaide

U2 band in Adelaide

Irish band U2 frontman 'Bono' (Paul Hewson) signing autographs before leaving Adelaide airport in a black limousine, in November 2006.

U2 band in Adelaide

U2 band in Adelaide

Irish band U2 lead guitar 'The Edge' (Dave Evans) wearing fish motif t-shirt, beanie and sunglasses, at Adelaide airport in November 2006.

John McGinnis Williams

John McGinnis Williams

Portrait of John McGinnis Williams, wearing a naval style cap.

Mary Weston

Mary Weston

Mary Weston pictured in her wedding dress.

The Boas family

The Boas family

Rabbi Abraham Boas and his wife Elizabeth (nee Solomon) with their nine surviving children. Seated (from left) are: Isabella, Victor Albert (Bill), Doris, and Ruth. Standing (from left) are Laura, Lionel, Isaac Herbert (always known as Eidy), Esther and Harold. Note that the image of Bill was superimposed later.

The Boas family

The Boas family

Rabbi Abraham Boas and his wife Elizabeth (nee Solomon) with their grandchildren. From left: John Boas, Harold Krantz (seated on arm of lounge), Bern Boas, Elizabeth Boas (nee Solomon) holding Betty, Arthur Moses, Abraham Boas holding Ida Moses and Peggy Boas, Phyllis Kranz, Hubert Moses and Braham Moses.

Young lady leaning on a pillar

Young lady leaning on a pillar

Studio portrait of young lady in long sleeve dress with high collar. There is an arrangement of flowers on a narrow table on her left, and an urn on top of the pillar on which her left arm is resting.

Young man with moustache

Young man with moustache

Head and shoulders studio portrait of young man with moustache.

Young woman with brooch

Young woman with brooch

Head and shoulders studio portrait of young lady wearing a dark coloured dress with high collar on which is a brooch.

Henry J. Raphael

Henry J. Raphael

Studio portrait of Henry Joseph Raphael 'aged 19 years March 13th 1874'. Henry Joseph Raphael, son of Ralph and Esther (nee Simmons) is pictured, on his birthday, seated at a small table with a hand over what appears to be a photograph album.

Thos Scott

Thos Scott

Full length studio portrait of Thomas Scott 'on his 51st birthday to his affect son John J Scott'. The photograph was taken in Northumberland Street, Liverpool.

Young lady leaning on pillar

Young lady leaning on pillar

Studio portrait of young lady in a dark coloured long sleeve dress with pulled in waist and white cross-over tie collar. Name on back is Mary [surname can't be deciphered].

Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh

Studio portrait of the Duke of Edinburgh in Melbourne. He is shown leaning against an ornate writing desk which has his top hat on it. He is holding a riding crop.

Young woman with hands on chair

Young woman with hands on chair

Studio portrait of young woman dressed in a white dress with her hands resting on the back of a chair.The photograph has been tinted to emphaise her cheeks.

Old woman with baby on her lap

Old woman with baby on her lap

Studio portrait of an old woman looking down at a sleeping baby on her lap. The baby's cheeks and the pillow on which he or she is resting have been tinted.

Man with goatee beard

Man with goatee beard

Head and shoulders studio portrait of man with goatee beard and receding hairline.

Young lady leaning on round pillar

Young lady leaning on round pillar

Studio portrait of young lady in a dark coloured long sleeve dress with pulled in waist. Her hair is parted down the centre and pulled back. She is resting her right hand on a book on a round pedestal pillar.

Young man with moustache

Young man with moustache

Head and shoulders studio portrait of young man with moustache. He appears to be wearing a gold fob-watch.

Lady leaning on arm of sofa

Lady leaning on arm of sofa

Studio portrait of a lady who is wearing a light coloured dress with dark stripes on the cuffs and hem. Her left elbow is leaning on the arm of a sofa. Her hair is done in a severe, pulled back style. The photograph is in very poor condition.

Young lady leaning on a pillar

Young lady leaning on a pillar

Studio portrait of lady in long sleeve dress of what appears to be velvet material. There is an urn or vase on a table on her left. She is leaning on the back of an ornate chair.

Man with beard

Man with beard

Head and shoulders studio portrait of man with beard and and thinning hair. He is wearing a bow-tie.

Man with bushy beard

Man with bushy beard

Head and shoulders studio portrait of man with bushy beard and moustache and wavy hair. His cheeks have been tinted.

Young lady with decorations in hair

Young lady with decorations in hair

Studio portrait of a young lady. Her left elbow is leaning on a table[?] which has a book on on it. Her hair is done in a high, ornate style and she is wearing a black choker around her neck. There is a bow on her dress to which a brooch with chain is attached.

Man with hand on writing desk

Man with hand on writing desk

Studio portrait, full length, of a man who is resting his hand on a writing desk. The photograph is in poor condition with part of the man's face obscured.

Older woman with brooch

Older woman with brooch

Head and shoulders studio portrait of woman wearing a dark coloured dress with lace collar on which is a brooch. Inscription on the back reads 'To Dear Mother with love from Mutter'.

Marcie Muir and Fran Awcock

Marcie Muir and Fran Awcock

Author Marcie Muir (left) with the State Library's Director, Fran Awcock, at the launch of one of her books.