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'Bermuda' 4 masted barque

'Bermuda' 4 masted barque

Longest unbroken sweep of deck in any sailing ship - British hurricane-decked 4 masted barque 'Bermuda'; looking forward.

'Beatrice' 4 masted barque

'Beatrice' 4 masted barque

Main deck looking aft; 4 masted barque 'Beatrice'.



A fair visitor at the wheel of the ship 'Dimsdale'.

'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship

'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship.

'British Admiral' iron ship

'British Admiral' iron ship

Figurehead, 'British Admiral' iron ship.

Unknown American vessel

Unknown American vessel

Figurehead, Unknown American vessel. Held in the collection of the Mariner's Museum, USA.

Un named vessel

Un named vessel

Figurehead, un named vessel in dry dock.

'City of Lahore' iron ship

'City of Lahore' iron ship

Figurehead, 'City of Lahore' iron ship. [iron ship, 989 tons, ON48911, 202.0 x 31.8 x 21.4. Built 1864 (3) A. Stephen and Sons, Glasgow. Owners George Smith and Sons, registered Glasgow and reduced to barque rig. Wrecked at Newcastle, NSW Dec. 22. 1895]

'Priwall' 4 masted barque

'Priwall' 4 masted barque

Looking forward from poop deck; 4 masted barque 'Priwall' [steel 4 mast barque, 3105 gross, 2849 net tons. 323.0 x 47.2 x 26.3. Built 1918 Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. Owners: Reederei F Laiesz G m b H, registered Hamburg. Laid up in Valparasio at outbreak WW2, c. 1942 taken over by Chilean Government and renamed 'Lautaro' and destroyed by fire off the coast of Peru in 1945]

Unknown vessel

Unknown vessel

Figurehead, Unknown vessel. Held in the collection of the Mariner's Museum, USA.

'Timaru' iron ship

'Timaru' iron ship

Figurehead, 'Timaru' iron ship [iron 3 mast ship, 1363 gross, 1306 net tons. ON71689, 239.3 x 36.1 x 21.1. Built 1874 (12) Scott and Co. Greenock. Owners: Albion Shipping Co., registered Glasgow, later Shaw Savill and Albion Co. Ltd., c.1899 converted into a freezer-storage hulk in South Africa. (Some reports say she was wrecked under Norwegian ownership Feb. 22, 1907)]

'Argomene' ship

'Argomene' ship

Crew of British ship 'Argomene'. [iron ship 1716 tons. ON76415, 241.0 x 38.7 x 24.0 Built 1877 (1) TR Oswald, Southampton. Owners H Fernie and Sons. Liverpool (Later Liverpool Shipping Co. Ltd. managed by Fernies) c.1899 sold to S. Hampton Co. Ltd. (JB Thomson) registered Glasgow (renamed 'Hampton') c.1910 to Italian owners and renamed 'Bianchetto' and drops from registers after 1917.]

'Alicia' wooden schooner

'Alicia' wooden schooner

Figurehead, 'Alicia' wooden schooner.

'Amy Turner' wooden barque

'Amy Turner' wooden barque

Figurehead, 'Amy Turner' wooden barque.

'Irish queen' British vessel

'Irish queen' British vessel

Figurehead, 'Irish Queen' British vessel. Held in the collection of the Mariner's Museum, USA.

'Passat' 4 masted barque

'Passat' 4 masted barque

Bowsprit of 4 masted barque, 'Passat' [steel 4 mast barque, 3091 gross, 2882 net tons. 322.0 x 47.2 c 26.5. Built 1911 (11) Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. F Laiesz, registered Hamburg. Repurchased by original owner after WW1. 19?2 Gustaf Erikson, 1951 sold for preservation as a museum piece at Travemunde, Germany]



'Passat' experiencing heavy weather in the North Atlantic.

'Wave Queen' iron barque

'Wave Queen' iron barque

Figurehead, 'Wave Queen' iron barque [iron 3 mast barque, 853 tons, 190.0 x 30.0 x 20.8. Built 1861 (10) A Stephens and Sons, Glasgow. Owners: The Albion Shipping Company, registered Glasgow, later Park Bros. registered London. Wrecked August 21, 1892 in a collision off the Codling Light Vessel on a voyage London - Glasgow]

Unknown British vessel

Unknown British vessel

Figurehead, Unknown British vessel. In the Collection: Mariner's Museum, USA.

'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque

'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque

Figurehead, 'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque [steel auxiliary 5 mast barque, 3901 gross, 3229 net tons. 369.8 x 49.3 x 26.9. Built 1921 (9) Ramage and Ferguson, Leith machinery aft, single screw 4 cylinder diesel by Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen. Owners: East Asiatic Company , registered Copenhagan, sail training ship for the company. Missing left Buenos Aires Dec. 14, 1928 for Melbourne, spoken 8 days later and then disappeared. 60 lost including 45 cadets]

'British Admiral' iron ship

'British Admiral' iron ship

Figurehead, 'British Admiral' iron ship.

'Emma' wooden ship

'Emma' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Emma' wooden ship.

'Maud' wooden ship

'Maud' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Maud' wooden ship.

'Lawhill' 4 masted barque

'Lawhill' 4 masted barque

A long pull and a strong pull. Sailors at work on 4 masted barque 'Lawhill', 1948 [steel 4 mast barque, 2942 tons. ON99215, 317.4 x 45.0 x 25.1 Built 1892 (9) WB Thompson and Co. Ltd. Dundee. Owners: C Barrie, registered Dundee, then Anglo-American Oil Co., registered London, 1912 Windram and Co., and after other changes became a unit in Gustaf Erikson's fleet in 1919 and was frequently in the Australian grain races. Seized by South African Government during WW2, she was employed in various trades until sold after the war to Portugese owners who did not use the vessel and she was finally broken up near Lourenco Marques in 1957]

'Hawaiian Isles' 4 masted barque

'Hawaiian Isles' 4 masted barque

4 masted barque 'Hawaiian Isles' riding out a rising gale in the Indian Ocean [steel 4 mast barque, 2097 tons. 270.0 x 43.1 x 23.6. Built 1892 (2) C Connell and Co. Glasgow for A Nelson, registered Honolulu, sold 1910 and renamed 'Star of Greenland' by Alaska Packers Association, sold 1929 and renamed 'Abraham Rydberg' and converted into sail training ship and as such shown in Lloyds; 2179 tons, owners: Rederi A. and Sunnan B, registered Stockholm. During WW2 became the Portugese 'Foz Do Douro' and engaged in Red Cross work and was converted to an auxiliary twin screw motor ship. Masts reduced after the war and made a full powered ship. Laid up at Lisbon in 1953. Ref. 5 (Vol. 2) mentions sale price in 1910, and speed. Ref. 8 considerable attention under the name of 'Abraham Rydberg' SB. Vol. XIV (New Series) notes visit to Melbourne of 'Foz Do Douro' page 153. Vol. XVIII (NS page 271/2) service for Matson Company and subsequent outline history. Vol. XVI (NS page 124 in relation to sail training in item re. ships on stamps)]

'George R Skolfield' wooden ship

'George R Skolfield' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'George R Skolfield' wooden ship.

'Glory of the Seas' wooden ship

'Glory of the Seas' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Glory of the Seas' wooden ship.

'Pamir' 4 masted barque

'Pamir' 4 masted barque

Some members of the crew of the 4 masted barque 'Pamir' [steel 4 mast barque, 3020 gross, 2777 net tons. 316.0 x 46.0 x 26.2. Built 1905 (10) Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. Owners: F Laiesz, registered Hamburg. From 1931 until 1951 owned by Gustaf Erikson, although operated by the Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd, during WW2 sold to German owners for use as a training vessel and lost at sea in 1957]



Fo'c's'le-head of 'Lawhill'.

'Abraham Rydberg' 4 masted barque

'Abraham Rydberg' 4 masted barque

Boats of 4 masted barque 'Abraham Rydberg' at Wallaroo, 1937 [steel 4 mast barque, 2097 tons. 270.0 x 43.1 x 23.6. Built 1892 (2) C Connell and Co. Glasgow for A Nelson, registered Honolulu, sold 1910 and renamed 'Star of Greenland' by Alaska Packers Association, sold 1929 and renamed 'Abraham Rydberg' and converted into sail training ship and as such shown in Lloyds; 2179 tons, owners: Rederi A. and Sunnan B, registered Stockholm. During WW2 became the Portugese 'Foz Do Douro' and engaged in Red Cross work and was converted to an auxiliary twin screw motor ship. Masts reduced after the war and made a full powered ship. Laid up at Lisbon in 1953. Ref. 5 (Vol. 2) mentions sale price in 1910, and speed. Ref. 8 considerable attention under the name of 'Abraham Rydberg' SB. Vol. XIV (New Series) notes visit to Melbourne of 'Foz Do Douro' page 153. Vol. XVIII (NS page 271/2) service for Matson Company and subsequent outline history. Vol. XVI (NS page 124 in relation to sail training in item re. ships on stamps)]