Find • police • Results 61 to 90 of 1,474

Police officer, Marree
Mounted Police officer and his Aboriginal Assistant. Note: any reproduction to include the acknowledgement "Photograph by Mrs. A.M. Hopewell".

Police Station, Moonta
Moonta Police Station built 1865/66. Demolished January 1962. The Governement township of Moonta was surveyed in March 1863 on a grassy plain mid way between the mine shafts and the sea. By 1865 Moonta boasted a Church of England, Bible Christian Chapel, Baptist and Wesleyan Chapels, Police Station and cottages with inhabitants numbering 4,000

Police Station, Morgan
[Notes on back of photograph say: "The police station at Morgan, 1879-1889 on the banks of the Murray. The morgue was built at the end of the stables in 1886 as is the only building now existing. The flood of 1889 reached its floors. Taken in 1886/87. Formerly an eating house or accommodation house. Taken over when the railway was opened 1878/9. People in photograph are JR Edwards, and Edith and Leonard Ewers and Sergeant Rowe. Stables, Paull(?) Gate, Cells, Bush Outhouse, Police station and Residence. The structure on the right is believed to be the Nor West Bend Hotel"]

Police Station, Norwood
The Police Station, Osmond Terrace, Norwood. Several uniformed Police Officers are assembled out the front.

Two police trackers
Two police trackers at Oodnadatta.

Police Station, Pine Creek
Police Station, Pine Creek. Pine Creek is located in the Katherine area. It is on the border of land traditionally owned by the Wagiman people, Jawoyn people and the Waray people. It became populated by workers during the gold rush and installation of the Overland Telegraph. The photograph shows a man dressed in white with his dog standing outside the police station which is surrounded by a fenced garden.

Police Officers, Pine Creek
PINE CREEK: Back Row: Aboriginal Tracker Delta , Urinditbah; Middle: Mounted Constable W.F. Johns; kneeling Koolmutchki. M.C. Johns returned from active service in the first World War and eventually became Commissioner of Police for S.A. in 1944.

Mounted Police Barracks
Water colour painting of Mounted Police Barracks entrance to the quadrangle, painted by Annie J. Duncan. See also B 6417, B 10480 and B 10481. This archway was built in 1854 as part of the first building for the Mounted Police Barracks. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west.

Strathalbyn Police Station
Strathalbyn Police Station. The Police Station was built in 1858. The man on left is Trooper Paul Foelsche. He left Strathalbyn in 1869 having been appointed a sub-inspector at Palmerston in the Northern Territory. He remained in the Territory where he had a very distinguished career. (information supplied by a researcher).

Wellington Police Station
Wellington Police Station. [This photograph appears in the book 'Sand On The Roof', written by Robert Turner (2nd ed.1978 on page 43), where the caption identifies it as "Wellington Police Station and Ferry House photographed on its completion in 1864 and prior to the addition of the new Stables in 1865". [Additional information provided by B. Schellen.]

Police Troopers
Mounted police troopers at Morphettville Race Course in January 1935. The six troopers are riding Police Greys horses.

Police Commissioners' Conference
Police Commissioners' Conference, Adelaide ; Chairman : W. F. Johns.

Mounted Police
Mounted police and blacktrackers.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police barracks quadrangle. The Governor, Sir Henry Galway, is presenting the King's Medal for Bravery to Constable J. Rowney of the Adelaide Police Force, on the 6th May, 1915.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks: stairway in front of the Armoury was removed July - August 1958. See also B 3181 and A 559. This sketch appeared inside a Christmas card from 'The Officers of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of SA' 1933-34. It is captioned 'within the precincts of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery, Adelaide. Land now dedicated for Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery purposes includes portion of that on which stand the old Military and Police Barracks'.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks. Archway leading to the former Mounted Police Barracks at the back of the South Australian Museum. The archway which was renovated in 1968 having been built in 1854. It was probably designed by W Bennett Hayes who was the Colonial Architect. Originally another archway stood at the west of the quadrangle.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks archway. Archway leading to the former Mounted Police Barracks at the back of the South Australian Museum. The upper level of the Barracks can be seen through the archway. This was added in mid 1880's.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks : the Barrack Master's Office and Orderly Room. The Mounted Police Barracks and the Armoury complex were purpose built as part of a group surrounding a large courtyard that was entered by two swing gates surmounted by arches. This photograph shows deck chairs placed in the sun in the courtyard.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks, showing the portion once occupied by the "Workers' Educational Association". The Mounted Police Barracks and the Armoury complex were purpose built as part of a group surrounding a large courtyard that was entered by two swing gates surmounted by arches. On extreme left is the archway leading to the quadrangle.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks archway leading to the quadrangle behind the South Australian Museum, looking east, 9th December 1941.This photograph shows the masonry work on a limestone wall in the 1850s. The archway was built in 1854 as part of the first buildings for the Mounted Police Barracks probably to the design of W Benett Hayes the Colonial Architect. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west. When it was first erected it was likened to dog kennels.The archway was renovated in 1968.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks gateway was built in 1854 as part of the first buildings for the Mounted Police Barracks, probably to the design of W Bennett Hayes, the Colonial Architect. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west

Mounted Police Barracks
[General description] Rooftops of the Mounted Police Barracks buildings taken from an elevated part of a nearby building focusing on the staircase in front of the Armoury building. [On back of photograph] 'Mounted Police Barracks: Armoury / The stairway in front of the Armoury was removed July-August 1958'

Mounted Police Constables
Mounted Police Constables after a parade at the Mounted Police Barracks.

Mounted Police on Parade
Mounted police on parade at the Mounted Police Barracks, showing the eastern side of the barrack square at the rear.

Mounted Police
Mounted Police at the Mounted Police Barracks, Adelaide.

Mounted Police Barracks
Mounted Police Barracks, showing Eugene Sandow instructing Police.

Police Band
Police band at the Mounted Police Barracks.

Mounted Police Barracks
MOUNTED POLICE BARRACKS: The old police barracks gates.

Police troopers escort the Governor
A troop of mounted police escort the governor's car (at Wayville showground?).

Mounted police at Prince Memorial Oval
A troop of mounted police on parade at the Prince Memorial Oval at Mitcham War Charity Day.