c. 1845, Archival map/chart, BRG 42/120/10
Map of the River Murray from a point near the site of Monteith down to its entry into Lake Alexandrina, south of Wellington (called the Mouth of the Murray in the map's title) with land sections along the river, all numbered. Those marked 'S.A.C.' are the South Australian Company lands, 'J.M.' are John Morphett's, 'E.S.' are Edwards Stephens', and 'S.S.' for the Trustees of the late Samuel Stephens. The allotments in the townships of Wellington (surveyed in 1840 by John Morphett) and East Wellington are shown. The land west of the river is located in the Hundred of Brinkley. Ink and watercolour on paper, ink and pencil notation. No scale given.