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A.W. Mead

A.W. Mead

Photograph of three ladies wearing identical satin dresses and short gloves. Their hats and handbags are different and they are dressed for a special occasion, possibly a wedding for which they were bridesmaids.

T.J. Marshall

T.J. Marshall

Photograph of four children from the Marshall family. There are three girls and a boy and their ages range from about eight to two years old. The youngest girl is wearing a smocked dress and is holding a fluffy toy rabbit.

R.A. Lynn

R.A. Lynn

Photograph of three children from the Lynn family, an older sister, her brother and their younger sister with ages ranging from about ten to three years old.

Margaret Stone

Margaret Stone

Photograph of three ladies and two little girls. The lady on the right is Margaret Stone (nee Arthurson), and the two young children are two of her five children, Dolores (dark hair) and Isabelle (blonde). The other young woman is Margaret's sister Lily, and the older lady is their Mother, Elizabeth Arthurson (nee Baker).

Tremelling family

Tremelling family

Photograph of three young boys from the Tremelling family. The eldest is John Desmond, the middle one Paul and the youngest boy is Malcolm. Their ages are about six, four and two years old.

Watson family

Watson family

Photograph of Mrs Watson with two little girls who are wearing floral smocked dresses. Their ages are approximately five and three years old. The younger girl has her hair in ringlets.

S.A. Kerr

S.A. Kerr

Photograph of the three Kerr children. The two older girls are about eight and five years of age and they are holding their younger sibling who is about six months old.

Kent family

Kent family

Photograph of Mrs Kent and her two daughters. The girls are about eight and five years old and are wearing similar dresses with puffed sleeves and large cape collars with ribbons in their hair.

B. Hollis

B. Hollis

Photograph of the Hollis family. The lady is possibly Mrs Hollis and her two sons and a daughter are next to her. Her sons are about two years and ten months old and her daughter is about three years old. The little girl is wearing a smocked dress, has ringlets in her hair and is kneeling on the couch. The two little boys are wearing romper suits.

E.J. Hunt

E.J. Hunt

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Hunt and their two sons. The parents are both wearing Salvation Army uniforms. The boys are about five and four years old and are wearing hand knitted jumpers.

S.C. Davis

S.C. Davis

Photograph of three members of the Davis family comprising of Margaret, Mrs Davis and Beth. Mrs S.C. Davis was Mayoress when the photograph was taken in 1940. Beth is about twelve years old and has long plaits with large ribbons.

D.A. Makin

D.A. Makin

Photograph of Mrs Makin holding her baby son. The baby is about ten months old.



Photograph of Mr Theophilus Otto Talbot with his baby granddaughter Marguerite Louisa Young (nee Bigham). She is about ten months old and is wearing a smocked dress and white shoes.

H. Backman

H. Backman

Photograph of Mrs Backman and her daughter who appears to be about twelve years old. They both have short wavy hair and are wearing floral summer dresses.

A. Bigham

A. Bigham

Photograph of Mr Allen and Mrs Mavis Bigham and their son Donald. He is about five years old and wearing a suit. Mr Bigham is wearing his Australian Army uniform and Mrs Bigham is wearing a plain dress with a brocade scroll and brooch at the neck.

B.S. Richter

B.S. Richter

Photograph of Mrs Richter with two young children. The lady is possibly the grandmother of children. The boy is about five years old and the baby is five months old.

C. Soper

C. Soper

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Soper and their three daughters. The twin girls are about five years old and are wearing identical dresses and belts. The younger daughter is about three years old with long ringlets and is wearing a knitted dress with threaded ribbons.

Pick family

Pick family

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Jim Pick with their children - (from left to right) Anne, Kit, Jim (jnr), Margaret, Jim (snr) and Kath Pick. The girls are about eight, seven and five years old and their son is four years old. The children are wearing hand knitted jumpers.

W.H. Herbst

W.H. Herbst

Photograph of possibly four generations of the Herbst family. The group consists of the great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and baby daughter. The older lady has her silver hair combed into a bun and is wearing a dark dress with a brooch at the neck. The baby is wearing a satin smocked dress and is about ten months old.

A. Guerin

A. Guerin

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Guerin and their two sons and a daughter. The boys are about seven and twelve years old and the daughter is about nine years old.

V.C. Watts

V.C. Watts

Photograph of the three Watts boys. Their ages are about thirteen, nine and five years old.

V.C. Watts

V.C. Watts

Photograph of Mrs Watts and her three boys. Their ages are about thirteen, nine and five years old. Mrs Watts is wearing a short sleeved summer dress.

J. Major

J. Major

Photograph of Mrs J. Major with her daughter who is about four years old. The little girl is wearing a short party dress with puffed sleeves and frills across the bodice. Mrs Major is sitting in an arm chair and her daughter is perched on the arm.

R.M. Holloway

R.M. Holloway

Photograph of the two Holloway children. Possibly the girl is the eldest and is about eight years old and is wearing a smocked spotted dress. The boy has blond hair and is wearing a sleeveless jumper over a shirt and tie.

J. Said

J. Said

Photograph of Mrs Said with her infant child. Both mother and child have thick, dark wavy hair. The toddler is about two years old. Mrs Said is wearing a striped dress.

A. Clark

A. Clark

Photograph of the Clark family consisting of mother, father, son and daughter. The boy is about eleven years old and is wearing a suit and tie. His sister is about nine years old and is wearing a high-waisted short pleated dress and has ringlets in her hair. Mrs Clark is wearing a woollen suit and a large floral buttonhole and Mr Clark is wearing a striped suit with a jumper and tie.

Gregory Clements and Donald Crafter

Gregory Clements and Donald Crafter

Photograph of two boys wearing short trousers with ties. Left is Gregory (Greg) John Clements and on the right is Donald (Don) Craig Crafter. Greg was 6 and Donald was 5 years old at the time of photograph.

J. Davis

J. Davis

Photograph of grandparents holding their twin baby grandsons on their laps. The boys are about ten months old and are dressed in romper suits and cardigans.

M.C. Egan

M.C. Egan

Photograph of the Egan family consisting of mother, father, daughter and son. Mr Egan is wearing an Army shirt with rolled up sleeves and Mrs Egan is wearing a long sleeved dress with embroidery on the bodice. Their daughter who is about four years old is wearing a short smocked dress and a bow in her curly hair. Their son is about six months old and is wearing a long sleeved shirt.

A.J. Blacksell

A.J. Blacksell

Photograph of the Blacksell children taken in the studio in 1944. The three brothers are about nine, seven and five and their sister is about four years old. The boys are wearing jumpers and shirts and their sister is wearing a smocked dress and has her blonde hair pinned back with a ribbon.