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A. Coutts
Photograph of A. Coutts in army uniform.

D. Tremaine
Photograph of D. Tremaine in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Lance Sergeant TREMAINE, Daryl James service number SX24844 S6532. Born Kapunda, 1920.

K. Waite
Photograph of K. Waite in army uniform.

Albert James Wardle
Trooper S6176 Albert James Wardle of Naracoorte, South Australia.

Ross Gibbs
Photograph of Ross Gibbs in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Private GIBBS, Ross service number SX32126 S6683. Born Kingston, 1921.

Tom Gibbs
Photograph of Tom Gibbs in army uniform.

J.F. Kelly
Photograph of J.F. Kelly in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Corporal KELLY, John Francis service number SX20259 S6548. Born Naracoorte, 1920.

L.R. Telfer
Photograph of L.R. Telfer in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Trooper TELFER, Lindsay Roland service number SX23653 S6544. Born Tantanoola, 1921.

D.A. Wilson
Photograph of D.A. Wilson in army uniform.

H. J. Dowdy
Photograph of H.J. Dowdy in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Signalman DOWDY, Hartley James service number SX23558 S6695. Born in Kingston, 1920.

Murray Malcolm Kimpton
Photograph of Murray Malcolm Kimpton in army uniform. Service number: SX20991 (S31568).

T.G. Hale
Photograph of T.G. Hale in army uniform.

O. Goldsworthy
Photograph of O. Goldsworthy in army uniform.

W. Kennedy
Photograph of W. Kennedy in army uniform.

R.A. Walsley
Photograph of R.A. Walsley in army uniform.

A.K. Venn
Photograph of A.K. Venn in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Sargeant VENN, Anthony Keith service number SX14236. Born Bordertown, 1918.

L.K. Gibble
Photograph of L.K. Gibble in army uniform.

E.M. Brooker
Photograph of E.M. Brooker in army uniform.

T.L. Lowies
Photograph of T.L. Lowies in army uniform.

Lieutenant Ferguson
Photograph of Lieutenant Ferguson in army uniform.

J.T. Battye
Photograph of J.T. Battye in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Trooper BATTYE, Joseph Tom service number S30768. Born Aldinga, 1920 [sic].

C.W. Wilson
Photograph of C.W. Wilson in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Private WILSON, Clifton William service number S114144. Born Tantanoola, 1915.

R. Cooper
Photograph of R. Cooper in army uniform.

L.C. Ward
Photograph of L.C. Ward in army uniform.

C. Higgins
Photograph of C. Higgins in army uniform.

A. Gibbs and friend
Photograph of A. Gibbs and a friend, both in army uniform.

P.M. Ferguson
Photograph of P.M. Ferguson in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Lieutenant FERGUSON, Peter Mack service number SX22316 S6903. Born Beachport, 1915.

C. Hayes
Photograph of C.Hayes in army uniform.

M.L. Fletcher
Photograph of M.L. Fletcher in army uniform.

J. Hately
Photograph of J. Hately in army uniform.