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Gordon's Leap, Mount Gambier

Gordon's Leap, Mount Gambier

Adam Lindsay Gordon's monument on the Lakes Road at Mount Gambier. Series number M.790.

'Border Watch' Newspaper

'Border Watch' Newspaper

Printing press of 'Border Watch' which printed first newspaper in 1861 at Mount Gambier.

"Border Watch" Printing Press

"Border Watch" Printing Press

Mount Gambier newspaper "Border Watch" first printing press, Mr. Sid Pearson at the press.

'Border Watch', Mount Gambier

'Border Watch', Mount Gambier

Watching the Staff of 'Border Watch', Mount Gambier newspaper, at work.

"Border Watch", Mount Gambier

"Border Watch", Mount Gambier

Centenary issue of the 'Border Watch', Mount Gambier newspaper being handed to Miss B. Laurie by Reg Watson.

'South Eastern Star' Staff

'South Eastern Star' Staff

Staff of 'South Eastern Star', Mount Gambier newspaper.

Blacksmith, Mount Gambier

Blacksmith, Mount Gambier

Employees of Samuel Barratt - Blacksmith.

Mc Leish's Tannery Staff

Mc Leish's Tannery Staff

Mc Leish's Tannery staff at Mount Gambier.

McArthur's Butcher Shop

McArthur's Butcher Shop

McArthur's Butchers staff in the back yard with two horses (possibly racehorses) at Mount Gambier.

Staff of Gilletts Blacksmith

Staff of Gilletts Blacksmith

Staff of Gilletts Blacksmiths at Mount Gambier.

C. Crafter, coachbuilder

C. Crafter, coachbuilder

Staff of C. Crafter - coach builder at Mount Gambier.

Tailor's staff at Mount Gambier

Tailor's staff at Mount Gambier

Staff of M. J. Hannagan - tailor.

T. H. Williams staff, Mount Gambier

T. H. Williams staff, Mount Gambier

Mount Gambier Flour Mill (T. H. Williams) staff.

Mount Gambier workmen

Mount Gambier workmen

Group of workmen outside Mount Gambier Post Office.

Preservation of light poles

Preservation of light poles

Preservation of electric light poles - Ferrers street Mount Gambier.

Sunshine Motors, Mount Gambier

Sunshine Motors, Mount Gambier

Lange and Co. - Sunshine Motors staff outside their premises at Mount Gambier.

Lange and Co., Mount Gambier

Lange and Co., Mount Gambier

Lange and Co., - Sunshine Motors staff at Mount Gambier.

Adult Education at Mount Gambier

Adult Education at Mount Gambier

Class - Adult Education College at Mount Gambier.

Staff Picnic at Mount Gambier

Staff Picnic at Mount Gambier

Staff picnic of employees of Fidler and Webb.

Holy Cross Anglican Church, Mount Gambier

Holy Cross Anglican Church, Mount Gambier

Holy Cross Anglican Church at Mount Gambier.

Mount Gambier

Mount Gambier

From top of Claraville. Copy of postcard. No copying without permission.

Valley Lake, Mount Gambier

Valley Lake, Mount Gambier

Valley Lake & Brown's Lake.

Soldier's Memorial Mount Gambier

Soldier's Memorial Mount Gambier

Vansittart Park with Soldier's Memorial at Mount Gambier.

The Valley Lake, Mount Gambier

The Valley Lake, Mount Gambier

The Valley Lake & Brown's Lake within the crater at Mount Gambier.

Umpherston's Cave

Umpherston's Cave

Umpherston's Cave at Mount Gambier.

Lakeside lilies at Mount Gambier

Lakeside lilies at Mount Gambier

Lakeside Lilies at Mount Gambier.

A winter scene, Mount Gambier

A winter scene, Mount Gambier

A Winter Scene at the Lakes of Mount Gambier.

Commercial St. Mount Gambier

Commercial St. Mount Gambier

Commercial Street, Mount Gambier.

Council Chambers

Council Chambers

A street scene showing the early Council Chambers at Mount Gambier.

Town Hall, Mount Gambier

Town Hall, Mount Gambier

Street scene with Town Hall on the left at Mount Gambier.