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Henley Beach after a storm

Henley Beach after a storm

HENLEY BEACH: Damage just north of the jetty on 21st May 1953 after a storm.

Henley Beach after a storm

Henley Beach after a storm

HENLEY BEACH: Near Kirkcaldy Road, 60 chains north of the jetty on 21st May 1953 after a storm.

Storm damage at Henley Beach swimming pool

Storm damage at Henley Beach swimming pool

HENLEY BEACH: Damage to the locker room at the swimming pool on 21st May 1953 after a storm.

Rough seas at Henley Beach

Rough seas at Henley Beach

HENLEY BEACH: Rough seas near South Street, 15 chains south of the jetty on 18th May 1953 during a storm.

Storm damage at Henley Beach

Storm damage at Henley Beach

HENLEY BEACH: Damage caused by a storm near South Street, about 15 chains south of the jetty on 21st May 1953.

Henley Beach swimming pool

Henley Beach swimming pool

View of the Henley Beach swimming pool photographed from the RSL building.

Pageants in Glenelg, Henley Beach and surrounds

Pageants in Glenelg, Henley Beach and surrounds

Coloured slides of pageants on Jetty Road, Henley Beach and the surrounding area, including details of procession floats and participants. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

Avenue near Reedbeds on the road to Henley Beach

Avenue near Reedbeds on the road to Henley Beach

Photograph of a dirt road leading over a crest, with a wooden post and rail fence on the side and a cottage just visible through the trees. Caption reads '"On the road to Henley Beach" 1898', while on copy two the caption reads 'Avenue, near Reedbeds'.

Old swimming pool racing blocks, Henley Beach

Old swimming pool racing blocks, Henley Beach

Old swimming pool racing blocks, Henley Beach.

Photographs of storms at Henley and West Beach

Photographs of storms at Henley and West Beach

Comprising six digital photographs by David Jobling, documenting Henley and West Beach following the September 2016 storms in Adelaide. Four of the photographs show the Torrens Outlet Bridge and the volume of water coming through including flooded walkways alongside the river. Also including a photograph of driftwood left on the beach and one of the storm clouds over Henley South.

Henley Beach

Henley Beach

A beach scene at Henley Beach. The Henley pool, located on the Esplanade opened in 1934-35. The sandy beach is covered in seaweed. Children are playing in the sea and in canoes. Sun shades and tents litter the beach. A small sailing boat is in the shallows. The photograph has been taken from the jetty

Beach scene

Beach scene

Beach scene with refreshment rooms in the background. According to a researcher the photograph was taken on the beach at Henley Beach opposite what is now Henley Square, with the Henley Beach horse trams (1883-1910) and the Ramsgate Hotel visible in the distance.

Storm damage, Henley Beach

Storm damage, Henley Beach

Damaged by storm along the foreshore at Henley.

Members of the Henley and Grange Band

Members of the Henley and Grange Band

HENLEY BEACH: Members of the Henley and Grange Band, taken at Henley Beach. Seventh from the left: A.J. Roberts; tenth from the left: L.J. Roberts.

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Damage from the 1948 storm that hit Adelaide: this shows damage to the walkway along the beach. Taken south of the jetty, with the Henley baths on the left.

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Damage from the 1948 storm that hit Adelaide; this shows damage to the retaining wall along the beach. Taken south of South Street, looking south from Delmonte.

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Storm damage on the Henley Beach foreshore

Damage from the 1948 storm that hit Adelaide: this shows damage to the walkway along the beach. Taken south of the Sailing Club.

Henley and Grange Municipal Band

Henley and Grange Municipal Band

HENLEY BEACH: The Henley and Grange Municipal Band, photographed at Ballarat, 1959.

Henley North tram, No. 265

Henley North tram, No. 265

Henley North tram, No. 265, at the western end of the Henley Beach viaduct.

Picnic, Henley Beach

Picnic, Henley Beach

Family beach party on Christmas day sheltering from the sun under a beach shade.

Beach, Henley Beach

Beach, Henley Beach

Children on the beach enjoying the sun.

Lady Galway Home

Lady Galway Home

Lady Galway Home for Convalescent Soldiers, Henley Beach August 1938. Lady Galway, married to Sir Henry Galway Governor of South Australia was a British charity and civic worker and advocate for women's rights. The home was opened in 1916 after the work performed by the charity outgrew the Ballroom at Government House. The British Red Cross Society packed items for members of the Australian Defence personnel serving overseas. The home was used by returning soldiers of any rank who needed a period of rest.

Henley Beach Institute

Henley Beach Institute

Henley Beach Institute on Military Road.

Horse trams, Henley Beach

Horse trams, Henley Beach

People, dressed in their Sunday best arriving and departing in horse trams outside the Ramsgate Hotel on the Henley Beachfront. The nearest tram displays advertisements for Walkers Whisky and Seppelts Wines.

Sanctuary, Henley Beach

Sanctuary, Henley Beach

"Jerusalem" wild life sanctuary, Henley.

Jetty, Henley beach

Jetty, Henley beach

From the jetty. According to a rewearcher, this photograph must have been taken prior to 1934 as Henley Pool is not visible.

Henley Beach

Henley Beach

Buildings (both public and private) along the foreshore at Henley Beach.

Beach fashion parade

Beach fashion parade

A number of young women, most in 'neck to knee' bathing suits, on a rough boardwalk at Henley Beach, watched by a large crowd and a mounted policeman.

Floods, Henley

Floods, Henley

Henley Beach Road during a flood in 1905. Adelaide registered 0.75 on July 11, 1905. Country areas also received squalls and rain.

Main Street at Henley Beach, South Australia

Main Street at Henley Beach, South Australia

Two boys stand in Seaview Road, Henley Beach, looking south to Tapleys Hill in the far distance; the road is dominated by a network of overhead electricity wires for trams and telegraph poles.