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Additional photographs (folio 1) relating to South Australia
A collection of photographs with views of coastline on Kangaroo Island and at Rapid Bay, the lighthouse at Cape Jervis, shipwrecks on the Coorong and Wardang Island, Renmark, Kopperamanna Lutheran Mission, and other places in South Australia. Photographs 1-9 were taken by Rev. N. H. Louwyck, for the Centenary, 8 September 1936 of the landing of Col. William Light at Rapid Bay South Australia. Photographs 10 (see series 22 photo 29), 20, 48 are missing from the set.

Additional photographs relating to exploration and maritime topics
A collection of mounted photographs relating primarily to exploration and maritime topics in South Australia and the Northern Territory, together with a small collection of portraits of people associated with the Royal Geographical Society. Two group portraits of Aboriginal people, from Port Lincoln and from Kopperamanna are included (photographs 9 and 15). Photographs 67-70 relate to the Flinders Centenary 1902. The following photographs have not been digitised (copies are held elsewhere in the Pictorial Collection or not related specifically to South Australia): 2. 'Light on Kingston jetty' with lighthouse keeper, his dog and bicycle; 3. 'Kingston jetty' Also at B 9409; 8. 'The British Hotel Port Adelaide', pencil sketch ca. 1841. Also at B 510; 9. 'Port Lincoln natives, last of tribe, 1897'. See B 512; 13. 'Victor Harbor breakwater'. Also at PRG 280/1/2/39; 20. Distant view of the landing place and iron stores at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Photograph of an artwork of 1838; 25. Horrocks' expedition, showing Horrocks and his party, with laden camel, moving through the bush. Photo of an artwork ca.1846; 26. 'Horrocks after being wounded on his way to Penwortham'. Photograph of an artwork ca.1848. Also at B 475. Original in the Art Gallery of South Australia; 28. Photograph of painting signed by E. Magraith 1904 with inscription 'H.M.C.S. Yatala after a painting by H. C. R. 1849', to Arthur Searcy Esq, President of Marine Board, from G. H. 1904'. See also B 9316; 31. View of the gorge on Mary River by Stephen King 1862. John McDouall Stuart Expedition. See also B 486/9; 33. 'Matthew Flinders, aged 27', photo of a portrait . See B 11153; 38. 'Captain Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, R.N. LL.D' photograph of an engraving of Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, Arctic explorer; 39. 'The late Sir John Franklin' photo of an engraving;40. 'Captain Charles Sturt' (Australian explorer). Also at B 70378/3; 41. 'Relievo of National Memorial to Sir John Franklin. M. Noble, Sculptor', photo of bronze sculpture in London; 51. 'Robert Kyffin Thomas' portrait. Also at B 3687; 52. 'Charles Davies older brother, Gawler'; 58. 'The Right Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Secretary of State for the Colonies'; 59. 'Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, 1880'; 60. Commander Verney Lovett Cameron 1878; 61. 'John McKinlay'. Davies & Co. photographer. Also at B 1782; 65. 'Sir J. Langdon Bonython'. Also at B 2255.

South Australia and Northern Territory views
A half morocco over pebbled cloth album, inscribed on front pastedown 'Zur Erinnerung an Adelaide Sud-Australien / von Herrn & Frau Unbehaun / December 1899' [In memory of Adelaide, South Australia, from Mr & Mrs Unbehaun], and containing 24 window mounted silver gelatin prints, each 100 x 150 mm and with a manuscript caption on the album page beneath.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : nature sites
Photographs relating to 'nature sites', created by Messenger Press.

![Plan of the intended new port, Adelaide, South Australia [cartographic material] /
by J. Dean](
Plan of the intended new port, Adelaide, South Australia [cartographic material] / by J. Dean
Plan of the new port at Port Adelaide as designed by His Excellency Col. G. Gawler, K.H., divided into sections of 80 and 134 acres. Area of plan extends from Torrens Island to part of Albert Town and shows soundings in feet along reaches of the Port River. Sections numbers of land affected by the new development shown, with route of proposed road to the Northern Mines. Outside map area is an explanation of details shown in the plan, and names of proprietors of land sections in new development (S.A. Company, J.A. Smith, J. Morphett & O. Gilles, John Ellis, T.B. Strangways). Issued as supplement to the "South Australian" newspaper 2 January 1846. Lithographed by J. Dean, Adelaide. Scale 2 inches to 1 mile. (Original on same sheet as map 11).

![[Tracing showing sections in the Hundreds of Mobilong and Burdett(parts)] [cartographic material]](
[Tracing showing sections in the Hundreds of Mobilong and Burdett(parts)] [cartographic material]
Tracing of map showing land sections on both banks of the River Murray, in the Hundreds of Mobilong and Burdett, from the part of the river north east of the site of Murray Bridge down to Thompson's Hut (the present Swanport). James Thompson's Hut, Miss Gawler's Island, stockyard and Long Island in the river are shown, together with swamp and backwater regions of the Murray. At bottom of map is pencil note "Not correct with large Map only put down in Pencil." Section numbers from the Murray Bridge location down to near Thompson's Hut have been slighty changed since this map was drawn, according to later printed versions. Ink and watercolour on paper, ink and pencil notation. No scale given. Numbered 25) at top left hand corner. Stamped 12.2.[18]55. (Original on same sheet as maps 75).

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : Boats, ships and yachts
Photographs relating to transport - boats, ships and yachts, created by Messenger Press.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : trains
Photographs relating to transport - trains, created by Messenger Press, including South Australian Railways (S.A.R) locomotives.

Anlaby homestead
Photograph of buildings at the rear of Anlaby homestead near Kapunda, South Australia. Several people are on the back verandah and another person holds a horse outside the fence.

Photographs of Captain Bagot's Northern Territory Tour from Adelaide to Darwin
A collection of photographs given to Sydney Ray Wallage, who was the motor specialist and member of 'Bagot's Northern Territory Tour, Adelaide-Darwin'; the photos were a gift to Wallage from Capt. Bagot 'in appreciation of his services and a souvenir of the first passenger motor tour of Northern Territory...'

Arts and Crafts : Exhibitions
[Len Springbett of Gawler discusses the paintings at the Andris Jansons exhibition at Studio Z in Glenside, with Sarmite Jansons of Skye.] 9th March 1988.

J. H. McKay's homestead at Thurlga
The McKay homestead, Gawler Ranges, about eighty eight miles (about 140 kms) from Cowell.

Adult education : Employment Education : CYSS
Gawler CYSS. Richard Chapman (22 years old) touching up his painting skills. 10th August 1988.

Several men at the front of Anlaby homestead
Several men photographed at the top of the stairs of Anlaby homestead Part of the drive leading to the house can be seen. The older man sitting on the chair may be the explorer John McKinlay, who lived at Oaklands with his wife Jane Pile and her family. He died in December 1872.

'Yardea' from the hills
View of '"Yardea" from the hills' with the homestead building visible in the distance on a plain.

Robert Kay memorial plaque
A photograph of a relief of Robert Kay, who was Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Institute and Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia 1859-1904. The photograph has faded, and the label on the back reads: "By special appointment to His Excellency the Governor. From E.A. Hunt, gilder, picture framer, and mount cutter from Artistic Framing Works, 30 Gawler Place, Adelaide". The original memorial plaque was created by Harry Pelling Gill (1855-1916), director of the School of Design, South Australian Institute, and the likeness may have been created as a plaster medallion after a model wax bust was first made. The plaque features a portrait of Robert Kay, seen in three-quarter view, wearing a coat and bow tie. The decorative border features leaves in an Art Nouveau style. The inscription reads at the top: 'Loyal and True', and in a scroll underneath the portrait: 'Robert Kay. Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Institute and (subsequently) Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia from 1st June 1859 until his death 24th April 1904.' The memorial plaque featured in an exhibition held at the Art Gallery of South Australia on 1 June 1909, which included Specimens of the Assay Offices such as dies for printing tokens, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the appointment of the late Robert Kay as secretary of the South Australian Institute. The memorial plaque was intended to hang in the library.

Men and child in the garden at Anlaby homestead
Four men and a boy in the garden of Anlaby homestead near Kapunda, South Australia. The garden leads down to a flat open paddock with many gum trees. The older man sitting on the chair may be the explorer John McKinlay, who lived at Oaklands with his wife Jane Pile and her family. He died in December 1872.

Mule Team
Mule team hitched to cart. Photograph taken between 'Mt. Ives' and 'Siam'.

G. & R. Wills & Co. : SUMMARY RECORD
Records of G. & R. Wills & Co., merchants and importers, comprising letters and invoices of Hodgkins & Farmer, drapers, 1848-1951, London letters of George Wills to Robert Wills 1862-1879, ledgers 1853-1866, in-house ledgers 1933-1977, minutes 1913-1987 including minutes of G. & R. Wills, George Wills & Co and Wills Gilchrist & Sanderson, balance sheets, shipping code, scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, share scrip, company die, pay records, architectural plans (including North Terrace elevation ca.1874), photographs, including two outsize mounted collections of staff in formal, informal and work occasions ca. 1949-1980, corset (1903) and sports shields.

Wallace A. Lillebo : SUMMARY RECORD
Papers of the late Wallace Alfred Lillebo, comprising typescripts of literary works, photograph albums of Central Australia scenery and life, Australian Grand Prix and his Vietnam war service medals.

Pritchard family photographs
A series of Pritchard family photographs covering four generations. Many are taken at the family home 'Valhalla' at 31 Verona Street, North Kensington; and others at a community playground in Corinda Avenue, Kensington Park. There is also a sequence taken on a family holiday to the Darling - Murray region, including Mildura and Wentworth in the 1930s.

Certificate for Industry
Certificate awarded to E.H. Bird for 'Industry' by Whinham College, North Adelaide and signed by John Whinham & Son, Principals, 1884. The certificate features a fine coloured lithographed panoramic view of the College and surrounding area, executed by L. Henn & Company, of Currie Street, Adelaide. It shows land covered by Town Acres 769-771, 792 and 816, with Jeffcott Street at left, Ward Street on right, Ward Court on extreme right of the Ward Street frontage, Wellington Square on extreme left with the Wellington Hotel on SE corner.

Reminiscences of Richard Dewdney
Reminiscences of pastoral life in South Australia entitled 'Reminiscences past and present' and covering the period 1842 to 1924, together with a letter to the editor on the foundation and development of Yardea Station in the Gawler Ranges.

Architectural ground floor plan of building for the South Australian School Society
Ground floor plan of the public school being erected for the South Australian School Society on the north west corner of Gawler Place and North Terrace, Adelaide (Acre 19). Ink on paper, ink notation. Scale 1 inch to 10 feet.

Photographs of bank premises
Photographs of bank premises in Adelaide, suburbs and country areas. Included are some albums of photographs of the opening ceremonies for some buildings.

Silver trophies
Three silver trophies awarded to Lawson family members: 1) 'Won by P.H. Lawson at the S.A. Gun Club grounds on 6th April 1915'; 2) S.A. Centenary Claybird Championship decided at Gawler. Won by Paul F. Lawson, 14-11-36'; and 3) 'Southern Gun Club, presented by J.T. Mortlock 1948-1949 Season', won by P.H. Lawson. The first is an example of ornate Victoriana design, the second an example of art deco design, and the third a round salver tray with raised grape and leaf cluster edge and embossed design around the inscription (Strachan 5014).

'Grey Album' of photographs
Photograph album with the title 'Grey Album' on the cover, with photographs of mills in the Adelaide Hills; buildings in Adelaide; and views of Bideford and Clovelly, England. Some of the pages are missing photographs. See 'contents' for more details.

Minter Ellison (Firm), photographs
Photographs absorbed by association with the Minter Ellison legal firm. Includes images made by the studios of Duryea, Mora, McNeill in Adelaide and Marchant's in Gawler.

SAGASCO photographs : Metropolitan and country sites
Photographs of SAGASCO sites and premises in metropolitan and country areas (Thebarton, Henley, Christies Beach, Plympton Park, Wayville, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Mount Gambier). Photos 16-17, Proof sheets for publicity event at Port Lincoln showroom (Lincoln Studios), and 1975 colour photos of Mount Gambier SAGASCO facility (74-77), Flagstaff Hill steel main (86-128) & suburban Gas Energy Saving Centres (129-140), Kapunda gas depot buildings (144-147) and street locations with mains, Gawler gas depot building, list of street main locations and street map (148-149), Strathalbyn works, map & details(150-152) have not been digitised. Photograph 154 of the Port Adelaide Gasworks after completion in 1866 is shown in the SAGASCO 1986 history (page 1) as part of the Bowden site buildings ca.1895. This is a copy made for SAGASCO ca.1986 from B 21542 (date given as ca.1900).

Heinrich family album
Heinrich family album, compiled by Ilona Oppenheim from loose family photographs. Notes found on the verso of photographs are noted in the caption in inverted commas. Topics include life at Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory in the nineteen twenties, with photographs of some Aboriginal people and visitors to Hermannsburg, including scientists, government officials and tourists. Photos 293-295 are restricted from view pending assessment of Aboriginal content. These images include 293. Ceremonial tjuringa stones of the Hermannsburg area (restricted); 294. 'Manangananga' sacred cave (restricted); 295. 'Holy cave 17 April 1929 (Dad's birthday)'. Large group of Aboriginal people from the Hermannsburg Mission gathered at a sacred spot (restricted). Photos 296-302 have not been digitised. These are duplicated elsewhere in other Heinrich albums or lantern slides.