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Old colonists 1836-1840 : Henry Gawler
Henry Gawler arrived in South Australia in October 1838 on board the ship the "Pestonjee Bomanjee". Lawyer, North Adelaide, Mount Lofty.

South Australian pioneers 1840 : Governor George Gawler
Governor George Gawler arrived in South Australia in October 1838 on board the ship the "Pestonjee Bomanjee". Second Governor of South Australia.

![Map of Gulf-View, Gawler [cartographic material] /
signed by Geo. Warren](
Map of Gulf-View, Gawler [cartographic material] / signed by Geo. Warren
Plan of the southern portion of Section 6 in the Hundred of Nuriootpa, to be sold by J.C. Wilkinson on 13 March 1876. Plan created by George Warren, Licensed Surveyor of Gawler on 25 January 1876. Shows street names, lot numbers and measurements. Ink, pencil and watercolour on paper.

Paintings by George Gawler and J.M. Skipper
Nine watercolour sketches, variously attributed to George Gawler and J.M.Skipper. They include Government House, Hack's Farm, Port Lincoln, Lake Alexandrina and the Murray River. Individual records can be viewed by doing a NUMBER search on PRG 50/34.

Murray street, Gawler
Perspective drawing in pencil, with sections of black felt pen linework. Drawing showing a view from the West side of Murray Street at Gawler, showing Pascoe's Shoe Store, the 'National Bank of Australasia Limited', and the antiques shop. Demonstration drawing during Mervyn's teaching work. Listed as No.1072 in Mervyn's catalogue of works.

Back of the State Bank of South Australia building, Pirie Street, viewed from Gawler Place
Back of the State Bank of South Australia building at 51 Pirie Street, Adelaide, viewed from Gawler Place. Proposals to redevelop the building have been made with many storeys of new building to sit above the existing heritage facade.

Views of South Australia
Various locations in South Australia including the Royal Visit to Adelaide of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in 1954, the Port Pirie smelting works, Marchant's Garden in Gawler, the 1956 flooding of the Murray River in Morgan and Mannum, and various locations along the Transcontinental Railway line.

Development of Adelaide 1839-1914: series of lantern slides.
Series of 102 black and white lantern slides numbered 40-145, illustrating the development of Adelaide, 1839-1914. Some slides are of maps, lithographs and sketches made by nineteenth century artists and lithographers. The series juxtaposes views of Adelaide buildings and streets and key landmarks at several time periods, to show the changes and developments in Adelaide to 1914. The streets in focus in this series include King William Street, North Terrace, Stephen's Place, Rundle Street, Hindley Street, Pulteney Street, Grenfell Street, Pirie Street, Gouger Street, Gawler Place and Hindmarsh Square. The following slides are not held: 1-39, 63, 67, 81, 128.

Prints from glass plate negatives of South Australian scenes
Prints from glass plate negatives of photographs of scenes of country South Australia and Adelaide, taken in the first decade of the 20th century. See 'Contents' for more details about the photographs. Some locations, exact dates and the photographers' names are unknown - see 'More info' section for information. Do a NUMBER search on PRG 1377/78/1-231 to see digitised images of this collection.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east, 28th December 1935, showing the roof additions made in 1935. On the left is Gawler Place. Gawler Chambers has been topped with ornamental battlements at the centre of the roof. Cars and pedestrians are milling around Gawler Place and North Terrace.

Gawler Place
[General description] Buildings on the south eastern corner of Gawler Place and Flinders Street. On the corner stands Fred C. Segar Furniture Showroom, and next door in Flinders Street stands Mitchell's Garage and Auto Repair Service. Stotts Business College is located in the four storeys high building owned by Crompton and Sons next door. On the eastern side of Gawler Place facing north stands Mitchell Auto Repairs Service and Vivian Lewis Motor Repairs. Two young school boys are crossing the street and a lady in a summer dress and wide brimmed hat is crossing Flinders Street. [On back of photograph] Acre 272. South east corner of Gawler Place and Flinders Street. January 25, 1926. . Mitchell's Garage and Segar's premises were demolished in 1926. Compare with B 5128. Segar's frontage: 12 1/2 yards. See duplicate copy herewith for a better print of the Gawler Place frontage.

Stores on the construction site of the Barossa Reservoir
View of stores on the construction site of the Barossa Reservoir, South Australia. On the left is R.J. Lavis' Barossa Cash Stores, selling groceries, drapery, clothing and shoes, with the Post Office Attached. On the right is Jas. Harris & Sons Gawler Stores, Barossa Branch, and T.J. Hunter Co. Ltd. a men's and boys' general outfitter. In the distance is the 'Barossa Restaurant'. In the foreground is a wagon being pulled by four horses, with a sign on the side, 'F.W. Parmenter, Sandy Creek'.

J.B. Hack's farm at Echunga Springs
Watercolour painting of J.B. Hack's farm at Echunga Springs, Mount Barker. Attributed to Governor George Gawler. Inscription on verso reads 'Sketch of J. Barton Hack Esq.'s Farm. by Col Geo Gawler. Govr of S. Australia. 1838-1842. Echiunga [sic] Springs. Mt Barker. S. Australia. Grandfather of R. & L. Poulden.' The artwork is painted from a view point downwards towards a white two storey house in a wide valley, with a smaller building beside it. There is cattle in fenced paddocks around the house and more buildings beyond. There has been a degree of land clearing although some remaining bush is represented. There is a small hut in the left foreground.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east. The right side of the single storey building west of Gawler Chambers is 34 yards west of Gawler Place. For a view of the completed building see B 7790. This five storey building designed in 1913/14 by architects English and George Klewitz Soward is built of red brick with cream detailing. The building will be symmetrical and the entrance uses Murray Bridge granite and freestone with a castellated parapet over the entry. This photograph shows the empty block on the western side of the building upon which the rest of this symmetric building is to be built.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east. The left side of Gawler Chambers abuts Gawler Place. Frontage: 34 yards. For a view of the completed building see B 7790. This five storey building designed in 1913/14 by architects English and George Klewitz Soward is built of red brick with cream detailing. The building is symmetrical and the entrance uses Murray Bridge granite and freestone with a castellated parapet over the entry. This photograph shows the finished building unlike B 7788 and B 7789. For additions made in 1935 see B 6774.

Gawler Place
[General description] Colonial Tinware Manufactory frontage on Gawler Place. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 105 / About 1877 / North-east corner of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street / Gawler Place frontage: 47.5 yards. / Grenfell Street frontage (Simpson's only): 19 yards'.

Gawler Place corner of Grenfell Street
Gawler Place, north east corner of Grenfell Street, 1899. Gawler Place frontage: 47 yards; Grenfell Street frontage: 18 1/2 yards. This building was unchanged until 1935, except for the fact that shop fronts were installed in the Gawler Street frontage in the portion of the building which is to the left of the cart. The photograph shows alterations effected in 1935. See B 6763. The building houses A Simpson and Son, colonial tinware manufactory and iron and tinplate workers. The two storey building holds a commanding position on the corner of Gawleer Place and Grenfell Street.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place at the north east corner of Grenfell Street, 27th December 1935. City Motors frontage on Grenfell Street: 18 1/2 yards. The words Y.M.C.A. are cast as a shadow from a sign on the opposite side of Gawler Place. All of the structures shown were demolished in 1955. For alterations effected in 1935 compare with B 5278. This photograph does not show the complete frontage on Gawler Place and all of the structures shown in this view were demolished in 1955. For building subsequently on this site see B 14545.

Grenfell Street and Gawler Place corner
North west corner of Grenfell Street and Gawler Place. Grenfell Street frontage: 40 1/2 yards; Gawler Place frontage: 48 1/2 yards. The three storey stone building houses Goode Durrant and Company. Charles Henry Goode was a merchant, draper, businessman, politician and philanthropist in the early days South Australia. He founded Goode, Durrant and Company in 1882. On the Gawler Place side sits Smith and Hawkes, a Cricket and Sports Depot and Cawthorne and Company.

Gawler Place, south west corner of Grenfell Street
South west corner of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street, Gawler Place frontage is 43.5 yards and Grenfell Street frontage is 37 yards. This newly built two storey building has rooms to let. On the Gawler Place side stands H Schulz Hairdresser, and London House. Ladies with parasols are walking by. The flag on top of the building appears to be flying at half mast.

Gawler Place, corner of Grenfell Street
South East corner of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street, July 1st 1902, Gawler Place frontage of Hill's is 20 yards and Grenfell Street frontage is 9.5 yards. At No. 63 the four storey brick building houses the businesses of James Hill and Sons merchant engineers and warehousemen (established in 1854) and Crossleys Oil and Gas Engine Depot. The building also houses Imperial Life Insurance. Kauffman Organs stands at the east of the building. At the side of the building in Gawler Place is the business of Lykke's paperhangers, painters and sign makers.

Gawler Place Car Exchange, Gawler Place
Gawler Place Car Exchange, Gawler Place, east side, March 26th 1935, left side of car exchange is 39 yards south of Pirie Street and frontage is 15 yards. For alterations effected in 1935 see B 6812.

Gawler Place
North-east corner of Gawler Place and Flinders Street, The Earl of Zetland Hotel frontage is 44 yards on Gawler Place. November 8, 1956. Hotel frontage is 44 yards on Gawler Place. For a view of the hotel in 1958 see B 14059. The Earl of Zetland Hotel existed from 1870 until 1984

Para Roy
'Para Roy' winning the Hambletonian Cup, Gawler. E.H. Murdoch was the owner-breeder of the the horse, and R. Fryar was the Reinsman. The silks of the jockeys, and the grass and trees have been colour tinted.

Para Roy
Mrs. T. Phillips placing a garland on 'Para Roy' after winning the Hambletonian Cup, Gawler. E.H. Murdoch was the owner-breeder of the the horse, and R. Fryar was the Reinsman. The silks of the jockeys and the garland have been colour tinted.

![Plan of Willaston [cartographic material]](
Plan of Willaston [cartographic material]
Hand drawn map of Willaston, South Australia, showing numbered allotments, roads and Gawler River. Indicates townships of Bertha, Gawler North and Gawler Town. Ink and watercolour with pencil annotations.

![Plan showing allotments in Bassett Town [cartographic material]](
Plan showing allotments in Bassett Town [cartographic material]
Plan of Bassett Town, Gawler of allotments for auction at the Commercial Hotel, Gawler, 17 April 1873. Shows Gawler Railway Station in centre of plan and includes neighbouring streets. Includes street names, lot numbers and some lot measurements. Lithograph with manuscript annotations in pencil and coloured ink.

'The Murray just before it falls into the Lake'
Painting of 'The Murray just before it falls into the Lake. A false arm of the river in the foreground'. Following this, in a different hand, are the words '(his handwriting) [referring to Gawler] and also in the same hand 'Sketch by Col. Geo. Gawler. Governor of S. Australia. 1838-1842'. [A note in the series list challenges this: 'Attributed to Governor George Gawler, but probably by J.M. Skipper.'] The artist has painted the scene looking down from a small rise above the Murray River, with a flock of birds in the water, and a small craft with a sail further out. A small group of Aborigines are shown seated around a fire in the foreground.

Gawler Bridge, Gawler
Distant view of the opening of the Bridge south end of Murray Street.

May's 'Climax' harvester
Promotional illustration of 'May's "Climax" Harvester - patented - Manufactured by May Bros. & Co., Ltd., Gawler, South Australia'.