Dankel (Family), c. 1930, Photograph, PRG 638/5/17-31
Photographs relating to George Dankel, comprising early farming scenes and including Aboriginal people and Aboriginal dwellings. One of the images has been positively identified as created by D. Darian Smith, with the remainder strongly attributed to the photographer. On comparison with SLSA images of Hermannsburg and the Aranda (Arrernte/Aranta), it is possible that the location of the images is Alice Springs, Terowie, Finke River and McDonnell Ranges area (see PRG 1559/8/1-295). One image has been withdrawn from access and viewing online (PRG 638/5/16) : Unknown location, a group on twelve young Aboriginal children standing with four men, ca. 1930 (negative, black and white, 9 x 14 cm). This image has been restricted from general viewing for cultural reasons. To discuss accessing this image contact the Library's enquiry service 08 8207 7250 or info@slsa.sa.gov.au.