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Crowds attending a memorial service at the South African War Memorial

Crowds attending a memorial service at the South African War Memorial

Large crowds attending a memorial service conducted at the foot of the South African War Memorial on North Terrace, Adelaide.

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

A crowd attending a memorial service at the South African War Memorial, North Terrace, Adelaide: two views in one.

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War and later in World War I: a studio view of her wearing evening dress.

Ambulance Presentation

Ambulance Presentation

Members of the I.O.O.F. Manchester Unity present the Governor with a motor ambulance for the military authorities, 2 August 1915.

Postcard views of South Australia

Postcard views of South Australia

Collection of postcards with views of Adelaide, Victor Harbor, Goolwa, Glenelg and Trans-Australian Railway. See 'Contents' for details.

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

A clergyman addressing spectators during a service held at the South African war memorial statue on North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia.

Concentration camp memorial monument in South Africa

Concentration camp memorial monument in South Africa

A monument in South Africa to commemorate the concentration camps established for women and children during the South African War, 1899-1902.

Sir Henry Galway at the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

Sir Henry Galway at the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia speaking to a large crowd assembled for a remembrance ceremony at the South African War Memorial on the corner of King William Street and North Terrace, Adelaide.

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

South African War Memorial service, Adelaide

A clergyman addressing spectators during a service held at the South African war memorial statue on North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia.

Soldiers during the South African Campaign

Soldiers during the South African Campaign

GENERAL: Group of soldiers during the South African Campaign, 1899-1902.

Inspection of horses, South African War

Inspection of horses, South African War

GENERAL: Army officers of the first South Australian Contingent in South Africa inspecting the condition of a horse which has a sore back at a camp on Maeder's Farm, Rensburg, in February 1900.

Army officers in South Africa

Army officers in South Africa

GENERAL: Army officers serving with the first South Australian Contingent in the South African War photographed at their camp at Rensburg; left to right: Lieutenant Muir; Major Thea; Lieutenant Blue; Lieutenant Stirling; Dr. Noonan; Lieutenant Shearer; Lieutenant Roy Fotheringham.

Mount Gambier soldiers en route to South Africa

Mount Gambier soldiers en route to South Africa

GENERAL: Mount Gambier men of the S.A. 1st Contingent to the South African War on board SS Medic.

South Australian medical team in South Africa

South Australian medical team in South Africa

GENERAL: A medical team, South Australian military forces, dressing a wound, South African War.

First South Australian Contingent

First South Australian Contingent

Soldiers of the first South Australian Contingent to the South African war and crew on board ship travelling to South Africa, with Nelson, the Newfoundland mascot of the Contingent and two ducks.

Lord Kitchener greeting returned army officers in South Australia

Lord Kitchener greeting returned army officers in South Australia

GENERAL: Lord Kitchener greeting returned army officers from the South African War during his visit to South Australia in 1910. Major Frank Blair is third from the right.

An army chaplain addressing a crowd by the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

An army chaplain addressing a crowd by the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

A large crowd attending a function held at the South African War memorial statue outside Government House gates, Adelaide; an army chaplain is delivering an address in front of the monument to the audience which includes Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, possibly a memorial service.

Sir Day Bosanquet at the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

Sir Day Bosanquet at the South African War Memorial, Adelaide

The Governor of South Australia, Sir Day Bosanquet and Lady Bosanquet with an official party at a wreath laying ceremony at the South African War Memorial on North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia.

Nurse Agnes Cock who served in the South African War

Nurse Agnes Cock who served in the South African War

Nurse Agnes Cock who served in the South African War: a studio view of her in walking out uniform.

Corporal W.B. Currie

Corporal W.B. Currie

View of 'Corporal W.B. Currie killed in action at Nitrals Kop Febr. 3rd 1901. Buried at Ebenezer, South Africa'. Currie is pictured in army uniform, and is seated on his horse. [On back of photograph] 'Trooper, S.A. Bushmen's Corps. (South African War) / Probably 1900'

South Australian Contingent

South Australian Contingent

First South Australian Contingent, South African War.

Soldier of 2nd Contingent, S. A. Mounted Rifles

Soldier of 2nd Contingent, S. A. Mounted Rifles

GENERAL: A soldier of the 2nd Contingent, South Australian Mounted Rifles at the time of the South African War; name not known.

Three South Australian soldiers

Three South Australian soldiers

Studio view of three South Australian soldiers including Trooper George Frost, left, a veteran of the South African War.

Scottish horse memorial, Caledonia Hill

Scottish horse memorial, Caledonia Hill

Stone memorial to the fallen of the South African War, Caledonia Hill, Johannesburg,South Africa.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

ACRE 17: King William Street, Adelaide, photographed from the North Terrace intersection, including the South African War memorial statue.

Trooper James William Goodes

Trooper James William Goodes

Cabinet card studio portrait of Trooper James William Goodes wearing military uniform, including a slouch hat and a bandolier. He served in the South African, or Boer War, with the 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Lord Kitchener carrying out an inspection of officers

Lord Kitchener carrying out an inspection of officers

Lord Kitchener inspecting returned officers from the South African War ('Members of the South African Medal Corps') in the grounds of Government House, Adelaide during his visit to South Australia in January 1910. From left: General Hoad; Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia, wearing a naval uniform; Colonel Frank M. Rowell (in light uniform and helmet); Lord Kitchener; Dr W. Ramsay Smith; Professor [formerly Major] Watson; Majors Blair and Stapleton and Constable Wells. [Other identified but unsure as to which person they are are: Lieutenant CoCilaloh, Lieutenant Peckman, Colonel Kirkpatrick and Colonel Pattinson - possibly behind the main group.] A photo taken during the same event was published in 'The Chronicle', Saturday 29 January 1910, page 29.

Troopship, Port Adelaide

Troopship, Port Adelaide

[General description] A large crowd has gathered at Queen's Wharf to send off the First Contingent to the South Africa War. In the foreground men are standing on their wagons to get a better view. [On back of photograph] 'South African War, 1899-1902 / Departure of First Contingent / leaving Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide in the tug Yatala to join the Medic at Largs Bay / October 31, 1899 / Reproduced in the Chronicle / November 4th, 1899'.

Professor Archibald Watson

Professor Archibald Watson

Two surgeons at 'The Front' during the South African War: Professor Watson & Sir William Stokes.

South African War Memorial

South African War Memorial

Original plaster model used to create the South African War Memorial on display in the Ludlow (U.K.) Town Hall.