Find • Sir Henry Galway • Results 241 to 270 of 296

Presentation of colours

Presentation of colours

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, presenting colours to Lieutenant Colonel Dollman at a ceremony at Adelaide Oval.

Tree planting

Tree planting

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, planting a tree.

Governor's inspection

Governor's inspection

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, inspecting a guard of honour opposite Parliament House, Adelaide. Colonel Irving (State Commandant) on left.

Boy scouts at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

Boy scouts at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, taking the salute from boy scouts parading at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide.

Stirling West Hills Carnival

Stirling West Hills Carnival

At the Stirling West Hills Carnival in aid of the Red Cross Prisoners of War fund. L-R Mr. William Enoch Coombs (Secretary), His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, Mr. Whitmore Blake Carr (Judge) and Dr. Sydney Letts Dawkins.

9th Light Horse presentation of colours

9th Light Horse presentation of colours

Colonel Albert Miell stands to attention prior to receiving the colours of the 9th Light Horse from the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, at Montifiore Hill on 19 November 1914.

9th Light Horse Regiment presentation of colours

9th Light Horse Regiment presentation of colours

Colonel Albert Miell receiving the colours of the 9th Light Horse Regiment from the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, at Montefiore Hill on 19 November 1914.

Lady Galway with an Anglican Bishop

Lady Galway with an Anglican Bishop

Lady Galway, wife of Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, carrying a bouquet of flowers and being escorted by an Anglican Bishop during a outdoor function.

Lady Galway and others in Whitmore Square, Adelaide

Lady Galway and others in Whitmore Square, Adelaide

Lady Galway, wife of Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, standing with other women and three men outside the premises of a women's club in Whitmore Square, Adelaide.

Lady Galway addressing a large crowd in Adelaide

Lady Galway addressing a large crowd in Adelaide

Lady Galway, wife of Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, speaking to a large crowd on North Terrace outside the entrance to Government House.

Sir William Sowden delivering a speech

Sir William Sowden delivering a speech

A group of women, including Lady Galway, wife of Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, listening to Sir William Sowden, who is delivering an address; at this time Sir William was editor of the Register, President of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia and co-founder of the Cheer Up Society.

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts who formed a guard of honour for the Governor Sir Henry Galway at the opening of the Clare Railway. The local scoutmaster, Reverend Henry Hopton, is in the centre of the group. This photograph is published in The Observer newspaper, 13 July 1918, page 25.

Governor-General carrying out a military inspection in South Australia

Governor-General carrying out a military inspection in South Australia

Lord Munro Ferguson, Governor-General of Australia, carrying out a military inspection at Mitcham Camp. Sir Henry Galway is on the left, with Harper (adjutant) immediately in front of him. Lt Colonel Walter Dollman is to the right of Sir Ronald Munro Fergusonwho are behind the two soldiers at the front of the inspection party.

Australia Day

Australia Day

Australia Day procession, King William Street, Adelaide. "The saluting base for the troops was at the Town Hall, where his Excellency the Governor (Sir Henry Galway) was waiting with the Military Commandant (Brigadier-General Forsyth). Also at the base were Lady Galway, Madame Melba, and Lady Susan Fitzclarence, his honor the chief Justice (Sir George Murray), the Premier (Hon. A.H. Peake), the Treasurer (Sir Richard Butler), the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. J.G. Bice), the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Hon. G. Ritchie), the Attorney General (Hon. H.N. Barwell), the Mayor of Adelaide (Mr. I Isaacs) and Mrs. Isaacs, and prominent citizens and military officers. The vice-regal party was attended by Mr. Legh Winser (private secretary), and Captain d'Erlanger, A.D.C. A guard of honor for his Excellency was provided by 50 men of D Company, AIF., under Captain Lloyd." The Advertiser newspaper 28 July 1917 page 7.

Soldiers riding along King William Street, Adelaide

Soldiers riding along King William Street, Adelaide

A parade of mounted soldiers of the Light Horse Regiment riding along King William Street past the Adelaide Town Hall, South Australia. This photo appeared in 'The Observer' newspaper, Saturday 27 April 1918, page 23, along with a description of the parade: 'Returned Soldiers' Building Fund Appeal. The appeal which is being made to the public in behalf of our returned sailors and soldiers for a central home or clubhouse was continued on Saturday afternoon, when a fine programme of sports was contested on the Juibilee Oval. The military authorities lent their hearty co-operation, with the result that one of the finest processions which has been seen in Adelaide for some time was witnessed by thousands of patriotic citizens, who thronged the main thoroughfares of the metropolis.' This particular photo was captioned 'The march past of the Light Horse.'

Army parade in Adelaide

Army parade in Adelaide

Marching soldiers and ambulances of the Medical Corps in a parade along King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia.This photo appeared in 'The Observer' newspaper, Saturday 27 April 1918, page 23, along with a description of the parade: 'Returned Soldiers' Building Fund Appeal. The appeal which is being made to the public in behalf of our returned sailors and soldiers for a central home or clubhouse was continued on Saturday afternoon, when a fine programme of sports was contested on the Juibilee Oval. The military authorities lent their hearty co-operation, with the result that one of the finest processions which has been seen in Adelaide for some time was witnessed by thousands of patriotic citizens, who thronged the main thoroughfares of the metropolis.' This particular photo was captioned 'The Men of the A.S.C. and A.M.C.'

Adelaide Book Society : H.L. Galway

Adelaide Book Society : H.L. Galway

Member of the Adelaide Book Society : H.L. Galway.

Officers observing an army cook

Officers observing an army cook

Half-plate glass negative of six army officers observing a cook preparing a meal in an army camp. The army cook is placing large pots of food into ground ovens to cook. In the background are tents in a field. A researcher has identified the following officers standing around the fire (from left): Major Bentley S. Connor (Governor's Aide-de-camp); Governor Sir Henry Gallway; Lieut-Colonel F.M. Rowell; Colonel Stanley Weir; Major W. de Passey, Colonel Irving (South Australian Commandant).

Grieving women during World War, 1914-1918

Grieving women during World War, 1914-1918

Lady Galway, carrying the umbrella, wife Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, with other women, some still wearing mourning, listening to Colonel Rowell speaking at a war memorial occasion during the First World War. It appears that the memorial is the South African War memorial on the corner of King William Street and North Terrace (see PRG 280/1/24/106).

Governor-General's visit to Port Pirie, South Australia

Governor-General's visit to Port Pirie, South Australia

Distant view of Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, Governor-General of Australia and Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia arriving at the Institute Building, Ellen Street, Port Pirie, South Australia.

Governor-General's visit to Lameroo

Governor-General's visit to Lameroo

The arrival of the vice regal train bringing Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, Governor-General of Australia, and Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia to Lameroo railway statiom where welcoming crowds wait to greet them.

Hedley John Rowney

Hedley John Rowney

Constable Hedley John Rowney, presented with Kings Police Medal for bravery at St. Peters on 18 November 1913, when he was shot at while effecting the arrest of felons. Presentation made by the Governor Lt. Col. Sir Henry Galway, at the mounted Police Barracks North Terrace.

St. Peters Cathedral

St. Peters Cathedral

War memorial being unveiled at St. Peters Cathedral by Governor of SA, Sir Henry Galway.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police barracks quadrangle. The Governor, Sir Henry Galway, is presenting the King's Medal for Bravery to Constable J. Rowney of the Adelaide Police Force, on the 6th May, 1915.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Governor Lt. Colonel Sir Henry Galway presenting Kings Police medal for bravery to Constable Hedley John Rowney.

North Terrace

North Terrace

The Governor, Sir Henry Galway, announcing the signing of the Armistice outside Parliament House.

Captain H. E. Rowell

Captain H. E. Rowell

Inspection of troops as unknown location. It has been suggested by a researcher that the man on the left is Colonel .E. Rowell, father of Captain H.E. Rowell on the right. The heavy set officer (3rd from left) is believed to be Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Gordon, Commanding Officer of the 43rd Battalion, with the Governor, Sir Henry Galway is partially visible to the left of the man 2nd from left.

Unveiling of the Captain Charles Sturt monument, Victoria Square.

Unveiling of the Captain Charles Sturt monument, Victoria Square.

ACRE 267: Crowds present at unveiling of the Captain Charles Sturt monument, corner of Franklin and King William Streets, Victoria Square corner.

Captain Charles Sturt monument unveiling

Captain Charles Sturt monument unveiling

Crowds present at the unveiling ceremony performed by Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, of the Captain Charles Sturt monument originally placed in Victoria Square, Adelaide.

The Cheer-Up Hut in Adelaide

The Cheer-Up Hut in Adelaide

The Cheer-Up Hut in Adelaide, opened by the Governor Sir Henry Galway on 4 November 1915.