1910, Photograph, PRG 280/1/14/680
Lord Kitchener inspecting returned officers from the South African War ('Members of the South African Medal Corps') in the grounds of Government House, Adelaide during his visit to South Australia in January 1910. From left: General Hoad; Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia, wearing a naval uniform; Colonel Frank M. Rowell (in light uniform and helmet); Lord Kitchener; Dr W. Ramsay Smith; Professor [formerly Major] Watson; Majors Blair and Stapleton and Constable Wells. [Other identified but unsure as to which person they are are: Lieutenant CoCilaloh, Lieutenant Peckman, Colonel Kirkpatrick and Colonel Pattinson - possibly behind the main group.] A photo taken during the same event was published in 'The Chronicle', Saturday 29 January 1910, page 29.