Find • SOUTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAYS • Results 121 to 150 of 811

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : platform
Two photographs : passengers on railway platform.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Tarcoola
Tarcoola Railway Station.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Tarcoola
Tarcoola Railway Station.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Depot Creek
Depot Creek near Port Augusta. Source of water supply for Commonwealth Railways.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Depot Creek
Depot Creek near Port Augusta. Source of water supply for Commonwealth Railways.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting 'Ooldea via the east-west railway' by Capt. S.A. White, M.B.O.U. from The Register 16th November 1917.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cuttings : continuation of 'Ooldea via the east-west railway' by Capt. S.A. White, M.B.O.U. from The Register 16th November 1917 (B 14102/44); 'A Desert Oasis', 'First Train on the way' and 'Train leaves Port Augusta' extracts from Advertiser 23rd October 1917.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Train and cottage
Two photographs : a. Train going through scrub land and b. Railway Cottage, Barton, 377 miles. To see individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 14102/62a and b.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : timetable
Time Table. East-West Transcontinental Railway. Trial passenger train. Monday, October 22nd, 1917. Adelaide to Pt. Augusta.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Letter from John Forrest
Letter from John Forrest to Mr Gillman, S.A. Railways enclosing the photographs in B 14102/87 and 88 dated 1918.

Railway Exhibition 1954 : collection of views
Collection of mounted photographs used in a Railway Exhibition 1954. Two volumes of photographs include engines, carriages, rolling stock, railway stations, motor bus services, derailments, railway construction, camel transport related to construction of the transcontinental railway. Engine No. 1 (photograph 38, ca. 1873), Engine No. 2 (photograph 87, ca. 1879), Engine No. 3 'Jinnie' (photograph 45, ca. 1876), Engine No. 4, G class (photograph 46, ca. 1870), Engine No. 5 (photograph 43, ca. 1885), Engine No. 6 'Dirty Girt' (photograph 42, ca. 1886) and some other engines are included. Most images are already held elsewhere in the Pictorial collection. To view all photographs request album. Thirteen mounts have photographs missing.

Men present at the inauguration of the East West Line
The Mayor of Port Augusta (centre) the Town Clerk (left) and Captain Saunders photographed at the inaugural ceremony for the East West railway line (Trans Australian Railway) at Port Augusta.

Turning of the first sod ceremony, East West Line
Lord Denman, Governor-General of Australia pushing a wheelbarrow during the turning of the first sod ceremony for the inauguration of the construction of the East West railway line from Port Augusta to Western Australia (Trans Australian Railway).

Woocalla railway station on the Trans-Australian Railway
The tiny wooden railway station at Woocalla on the Trans-Australian Railway, north west of Port Augusta, South Australia.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : card cover
Cover of the card has a black circle around the letters CR [Commonwealth Railways]. Inside the card is a hand drawn map of the train route from South Australia to Western Australia - see B 14102/1B.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : title page
Hand printed title page 'Trans-Australian Line Commonwealth First Passenger Train Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie. October 22nd 23rd & 24th 1917. Signatures of passengers & officials, views, etc.'

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Hut and wild flowers
Two photographs : a. A small wooden hut with men and women (probably passengers) standing outside. Probably beside the railway line and b. Wild flowers. To see individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 14102/29a and b.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Hut
A small wooden hut with men and women (probably passengers) standing outside. Probably beside the railway line.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting 'North to South - argument for railway' from The Daily Herald 15.11.17.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : First Express
First Express in Trans-Australian Line taken at 408 miles Siding. The Pipe Line is for water supply from 408 to 424 miles through Sandhills.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting. 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 65).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 64) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 66).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 65) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 67).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 66) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 68).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 67) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 69).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 68) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 70).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 69) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 71).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 70) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 72).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 71) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 73).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 72) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman.