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An early model Ford motor car and owners Mr & Mrs J.B. Tothill

An early model Ford motor car and owners Mr & Mrs J.B. Tothill

Mr and Mrs John B. Tothill of 'Richings Lodge', India, standing by their Ford motor car.

Sir Henry Galway and others in a formal group

Sir Henry Galway and others in a formal group

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia with a group of women and army officers. Most of the men in the back row have been identified (from left): Major H.S. Connor (Governor's Aide-de-camp); Captain P.M. McFarlane; the Governor (Sir Henry Galway); Colonel Irving, (South Australian Commandant); Governor General (Sir Ronald Munro); Colonel G.H. Dean; Major W. De Passey; Captain Foxton, A.D.C. to the Governor-General; Major Goldsmith; Lieutenant T.R. Richards.

Large stacks of wheat at Port Wakefield

Large stacks of wheat at Port Wakefield

Large stacks of bagged wheat waiting for shipment in Port Wakefield, South Australia.

Men loading bagged wheat on to large stacks at Port Wakefield

Men loading bagged wheat on to large stacks at Port Wakefield

Men loading bagged wheat from a horse drawn wagon on to a large stack of grain waiting for transportation in Port Wakefield, South Australia.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks waiting for shipment in Port Wakefield, South Australia.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield, South Australia waiting for shipment by a railway track where men can be seen working near two trucks.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks of 200,000 bags of grain awaiting shipment near railway tracks in Port Wakefield, South Australia. This photograph was published in the 'Chronicle' on Saturday 17 December 1910, page 3.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Horse drawn wagons bringing bagged wheat to a receiving area in Port Wakefield where large stacks of 200,000 bags of grain await shipment. This photograph was published in the 'Chronicle' on Saturday 17 December 1910, page 3.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks awaiting shipment in Port Wakefield, South Australia, a locomotive waits on railway tracks nearby.

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks in Port Wakefield

Large wheat stacks awaiting shipment in Port Wakefield, South Australia near railway tracks.

Fashion at the races in Adelaide

Fashion at the races in Adelaide

Fashionably dressed women at the races in Adelaide.

Fashion at the races at Victoria Park, Adelaide

Fashion at the races at Victoria Park, Adelaide

Four fashionably dressed women at the races held at Victoria Park racetrack in Adelaide.

Mr and Mrs Adams of Ardrossan on their sixty-third wedding anniversary

Mr and Mrs Adams of Ardrossan on their sixty-third wedding anniversary

A copy of a photograph published in the newspaper Observer, 20 August 1927, page 34, with the heading 'Sixty-three years married' and the caption, 'Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Adams, of Ardrossan, with the members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Adams on August 1 celebrated the sixty-third anniversary of their wedding. Mr. Adams claims to be, not only the oldest South Australian living, being nearly 86 years of age; but that he is the eldest motor driver in the State. He is seen in the other photograph [on the page of the newspaper] at the wheel, and says he is game enough to go at 40 miles an hour if another motorist tries to pass him. Two generations of his descendants are shown on the footboard. The photograph was taken on the sixty-third anniversary of his wedding. Mrs. Adams is sitting beside him in the car, but in the shadow is hardly discernible. The grandchildren number 47, and the great-grandchildren 16'. Mrs. Adams was Eliza Stone before their marriage on 1 August 1864. Both William and Eliza Adams were born in South Australia. Another photograph taken on the same occasion, showing more of the family, is held at PRG 280/1/10/497.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Ardrossan on their sixty-third wedding anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Ardrossan on their sixty-third wedding anniversary

Mr and Mrs Adams of Ardrossan photographed with a large number of their family on their sixty-third wedding anniversary. The photograph was taken on the same occasion as another, held at PRG 280/1/10/496, which was published in the newspaper Observer, 20 August 1927, page 34, with the heading 'Sixty-three years married' and depicted a subset of the adults. The caption to that photograph included, 'The grandchildren number 47, and the great-grandchildren 16'. Mrs. Adams was Eliza Stone before their marriage on 1 August 1864. Both William and Eliza Adams were born in South Australia.

An old wooden bridge over Murray River waters

An old wooden bridge over Murray River waters

A girl stands on an old wooden bridge erected over Murray River waters flowing amongst reeds and gum trees. Photograph by Fred Withers, Mannum.

Cottages at Kapunda mines

Cottages at Kapunda mines

A group of cottages near a fenced track at the Kapunda mines. Part of a panorama view along with PRG 280/1/14/583. This photograph was published in the 'Observer', Saturday 5 February 1910, page 30.

Prize winning horse at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

Prize winning horse at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

A prize winning horse and its woman rider standing for the camera during a horse show held at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

Prize winning horse at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

Prize winning horse at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide

A prize winning horse and its woman rider standing for the camera during a horse show at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

Women tennis players in Adelaide, South Australia

Women tennis players in Adelaide, South Australia

Women tennis players wearing long skirts and hats in Adelaide, South Australia; Ms.Wyatt stands third from the right, other names unknown.

A reception committee to welcome the Governor of South Australia

A reception committee to welcome the Governor of South Australia

Five top hatted men waiting to welcome the Governor of South Australia to a garden party in Adelaide; Sir Jenkin Coles, politician stands first left, James Marshall, merchant and philanthropist second from the right next to Charles Willcox, former mayor of Adelaide from 1892-1894, far right.

A military camp in South Australia

A military camp in South Australia

A military camp scene in South Australia where a line of horses can be seen feeding from nose bags near the tents and soldiers stand in the foreground.

Soldiers at the camp cookhouse in Nairne, South Australia

Soldiers at the camp cookhouse in Nairne, South Australia

Soldiers gathered together at the cookhouse on an army camp in Nairne, South Australia; they are standing amongst camp ovens and pans watching a small boy blow the bugle.

Horses and their handlers at an army camp in South Australia

Horses and their handlers at an army camp in South Australia

A line of horses and their handlers at an army camp in South Australia; saddles, harnesses and nose bags ae stacked in front of each animal.

Sir George Le Hunte visiting Port Germein, South Australia

Sir George Le Hunte visiting Port Germein, South Australia

Sir George Le Hunte, Governor of South Australia and members of the Marine Board on a visit to Port Germein. A locomotive is in the foreground and Brown's Hotel (Prop. G. Lord) is behind.

Soldiers firing the last salute at the funeral of Colonel Havilland Le Mesurier

Soldiers firing the last salute at the funeral of Colonel Havilland Le Mesurier

Close view of mourners in a cemetery, possibly at West Terrace, Adelaide, as soldiers fire the last salute in honour of a dead soldier. According to a researcher, this is the funeral of Colonel Havilland Le Mesurier. The headstone is inscribed: In memory of Colonel Havilland Mesurier late commandant of SA military forces died 25 November 1913. Adjacent memorials and the Smythe Chapel in the background of the West Terrace Cemetery help to identify the photograph contents. See also 'Soldiers firing the last salute at a funeral in Adelaide' [PRG 280/1/14/342] for an image of the same funeral.

Murray River, Swan Hill

Murray River, Swan Hill

A scene of the Murray River at Swan Hill in Victoria. The bridge was constructed in 1896 [See also PRG 280/1/43/341].

Western Australian women's hockey team

Western Australian women's hockey team

Members of the Western Australian women's hockey team that played against a South Australian team on the Jubilee Oval on Saturday 31 August 1918. The South Australian team won 2-0.

South Australian women's hockey team

South Australian women's hockey team

Members of the South Australian women's hockey team that played against a Western Australian team on the Jubilee Oval on Saturday 31 August 1918. The South Australian team won 2-0.

Lord and Lady Jellicoe on board H.M.S. New Zealand

Lord and Lady Jellicoe on board H.M.S. New Zealand

Lord and Lady Jellicoe on board H.M.S. New Zealand during a visit to Adelaide in May 1919.

Eight army officers in South Australia

Eight army officers in South Australia

A group of eight uniformed army officers in South Australia during World War I. This photo was published in 'The Observer', Saturday 28 August 1915, page 28, under the general heading 'Responded to the call - recruiting and military camps'. The caption under the photo reads: 'Headquarters staff at Exhibition Camp: - Back Row Lieut. H. K. Bews (Quartermaster), Lieut. A.A. Scarfe (Orderly Officer), 8th Light Horse, Lieut. C.C. Tucker (Adjutant), Lieut. Knowles (Army Service Corps). Front Row - Lieut. A.R. Creswick (Camp Orderly Officer), Capt. J.R. Borrow (second in command); Lieut.-Col. T. Hancock, Brigade Major (Camp Commandant), Capt. J.B. McGlashan (Army Medical Corps)'. [Duplicate of PRG 280/1/3/285.]