Find • Lutheran • Results 151 to 180 of 459

'Churches at Tanunda' - St. John's Lutheran Church
Saint John's Lutheran Church at Tanunda in the Barossa Valley in South Australia.

'Lutheran Church - Magill'
[Pilgrim?] Lutheran Church on the corner of Edward and Russell Streets in Magill in South Australia.

'Lutheran Church - Hectorville'
Looking across a wide road towards the Lutheran Church at Hectorville in Adelaide's north eastern suburbs.

'Lutheran Church - Centennial Park'
Lutheran Church on the corner of Daws Road and Goodwood Road near Daw Park in South Australia.

Immanuel Lutheran Church at North Adelaide
Immanuel Lutheran Church on Archer Street in North Adelaide.

'Lutheran Church - Rowland Flat'
Lutheran Church at Rowland Flat in the Barossa Valley in South Australia.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at Hampstead Gardens
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Mullers Road at Hampstead Gardens in South Australia.

Sunday school anniversary at Tanunda
Children forming a choir stand behind a small orchestra in a Lutheran Church during a Sunday school anniversary celebration at Tanunda, South Australia.

Group of settlers riding in horse drawn wagon on the German Lutheran Mission Station
Group of settlers riding in horse drawn wagon on the German Lutheran Mission Station.

The Lutheran Church with a thatched roof
The Lutheran Church with a thatched roof.

Men watching Aboriginal people from a Lutheran Mission fishing at Denial Bay jetty
Men watching Aboriginal people from a Lutheran Mission fishing at Denial Bay jetty.

In the Lutheran Pioneer Cemetery
Copy of a photograph taken within the Lutheran Pioneer Cemetery (near O.G. Road) which was dedicated as part of the state's centenary celebration. This view shows chairs on a raised platform, with many more in front, and a large crowd to one side.

Photographs of Noack family members
Family photographs of the Noack family along with a group photograph of the workers at the SAFCOL Port Lincoln factory taken in the 1960s. Also includes a photograph of Moores Department Store in Victoria Square and photographs of the Lutheran church at Peters Hill.

Altar at Peters Hill Lutheran church
Church altar decorated with vases of flowers

Interior of Lutheran church at Peters Hill
Interior of church showing pews, altar rails and altar.

St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Loxton
View of St. Peter's Lutheran Church at Loxton. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/13.

St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Loxton
Doorway of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Loxton. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/13.

St Paul's Church, Hahndorf
St Paul's Lutheran Church, Hahndorf, South Australia.

Women picking fruit in Hahndorf
Women wearing long skirts, shirts with puffed sleeves, and straw hats, picking fruit from a small orchard in Hahndorf, South Australia. Buildings, houses and St Paul's Lutheran Church located on Mount Barker Road, can be seen in the background.

Sign at St.Johns Lutheran Church, Tea Tree Gully
A sign on the door of St. Johns Lutheran Chuch,Tea Tree Gully, informing people that services have been suspended and facilities closed due to COVID-19.

Sign at St.Johns Lutheran Church, Tea Tree Gully
A sign on the door of St. Johns Lutheran Chuch, St Agnes, informing people that bread is no longer available due to COVID-19.

St.Johns Lutheran Church sign, Tea Tree Gully
St John's Lutheran Church sign with the message, 'The church has left the building & is living among you'. Church services had been suspended due to COVID-19.

Sign at St.Johns Lutheran Church, Tea Tree Gully
St John's Lutheran Church sign with the message, 'The love of Jesus has no restrictions'. Church services had been suspended due to COVID-19.

Sign at St.Johns Lutheran Church, Tea Tree Gully
St John's Lutheran Church sign with the message, 'Trust Jesus, Love others, Wash your hands'. Church services had been suspended due to COVID-19.

Jesus cleans the heart
COVID—19 inspiring some sassy church service signage! The sign is in front of St Paul's Lutheran Church in Hahndorf.

Barossa Valley buildings
Fourteen photographs of buildings in the Barossa Valley identified in 1987 as possible venues for a Barossa Music festival event. Details of these places can be found in SRG 518 Box 15 File 3.

Heinrich family album
Heinrich family album, compiled by Ilona Oppenheim from loose family photographs. Notes found on the verso of photographs are noted in the caption in inverted commas. Topics include life at Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory in the nineteen twenties, with photographs of some Aboriginal people and visitors to Hermannsburg, including scientists, government officials and tourists. Photos 293-295 are restricted from view pending assessment of Aboriginal content. These images include 293. Ceremonial tjuringa stones of the Hermannsburg area (restricted); 294. 'Manangananga' sacred cave (restricted); 295. 'Holy cave 17 April 1929 (Dad's birthday)'. Large group of Aboriginal people from the Hermannsburg Mission gathered at a sacred spot (restricted). Photos 296-302 have not been digitised. These are duplicated elsewhere in other Heinrich albums or lantern slides.

Photographs of activities, people, animals and scenic views in South Australia
A collection of 771 glass plate negatives of photographs taken by Carl Emil Alexander 'Alex' Bode (1886-1972) mostly of individuals and families of the Murraylands area, Cambrai and surrounding districts. The images include 'fun' shots taken at Cambrai, and a number of Concordia Lutheran College at Malvern, depicting students and staff at study and play, and various stages of the building development of the college. There are also a number of Lutheran churches, mostly in the country, but including Bethlehem Church in Adelaide. Other popular subjects are family, including Heinrich Friedrich Armin (Armin) Bode 1886-1972 (brother), Emilie Johanna Elisabeth Bode (nee Appelt) 1858-1954 (mother), Johanna Emilie Meta (Meta) Zschech (nee Bode) 1883-1966 and Dorothea Maria Dagmar (Dagmar) Bode 1892-1955 (sisters); Dutton and Concordia College. Many of the plates were damaged at some stage, possibly by water, so the quality varies. A researcher has provided the following information about B 50001/47 : 'Miss Mathilde Sperling was from Sandleton and worked as a maid for the Bode family of Dutton. From about 1906 - 1915 she used a room on the side of their home to conduct a dressmaking business.'

Views of Mannum
A collection of images of Mannum.

Congregation Chapel Angaston
Congregational Chapel, now Lutheran Church at Angaston. c 1855-1860. In 1854-1855 the Union Congregation built a new and larger church in Angaston known now as Zion Lutheran Church