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St. Paul's Church, Hahndorf
St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Hahndorf.

St. Paul's Church, Hahndorf
St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Hahndorf.

St. Paul's Church, Hahndorf
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Hahndorf.

St. Michael's, Hahndorf
St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church as it was when dedicated in 1859.

St. Michael's, Hahndorf
St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Hahndorf.

St. Michael's, Hahndorf
St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Hahndorf.

St. Michael's, Hahndorf
St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Hahndorf showing the addition of a Bell Tower.

St. Michael's Lutheran School
St. Michael's Lutheran School at Hahndorf.

St. Michael's Lutheran School
St. Michael's Lutheran School at Hahndorf.

Evangelical Chapel
Evangelical Lutheran Zion Chapel, Hectorville.

Church, Hermannsburg
Ntaria (Hermannsburg) Church was started by Pastors Kempe and Schwartz in 1880. In 1894 the Finke River Mission was taken over by the Lutheran Immanuel Synod. Missionaries started to arrive including CFT Strehlow who published the New Testament in Dieri and later Aranda language. A new church was built in 1897. HA Heinrich took over upon the death of Strehlow, then Albrecht arrived in 1926 and oversaw the advent of a permanent water supply, new buildings, education and training schemes.

Hermannsburg Mission Station -
Hermannsburg Mission Station - Compound : l-r. Missionary's residence, Church, Teacher's residence, Meathouse, School. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley. By the time this photograph was taken several missionaries had left due to ill health

Timber wagon, Hermannsburg
Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley. The photograph shows timber being loaded onto a horsedrawn wagon.

Camp, Hermannsburg
Woodcutters' camp near Hermannsburg - Gerhardt Andreas Johannsen standing near his tent, dressed in white, with his wife Marie Ottilie (Tilly), daughter Elsa Margaret and Aboriginal people. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley.

Timber felling, Hermannsburg
Sawing down a tree for stockyard timber under the supervision of Gerhardt Andreas Johannsen, right. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley.

School, Hermannsburg
An official visit to the Hermannsburg School by the Governor of S.A., Sir Tom Bridges in June 1923. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley.

Sports Day, Hermannsburg
Schoolchildren in a wheelbarrow race on Sports Day. Teacher's residence in the background. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley.

Lady visitors to the Mission, (possibly Miss Ernestine Hill and companions) about to take a camel ride. Aboriginal thatched huts in the background. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley. Ernestine Hill was an Australian journalist, travel writer and novelist. During the 1930s she travelled extensively around Australia and became a close friend of Daisy Bates

Camels, Hermannsburg
Lady visitors to the Mission, loading their camels near the wagon shed. Possibly the same lady visitors as shown in B15396. Hermannsburg was established in 1877 at a sacred site known as Ntaria. It was conceived as an Aboriginal mission by two Lutheran missionaries - A Hermann Kemp and Wilhelm F Schwarz. who had travelled overland from Bethany in the Barossa Valley.

Date palm, Hermannsburg
Date Palm at Hermannsburg. Lutheran missionaries planted a Date Palm plantation at Hermannsburg from which they derived important income for the running of the mission.

Lutheran Wedding, Keyneton
Lutheran wedding group at Keyneton.

Lutheran Church, Laura
Lutheran Church at Laura.

Lutheran Primary School
Pupils of the Lutheran Primary School with their teacher John Lowke . The teacher resigned at the end of 1909, the school then closed down.

Lutheran church, Loxton
Lutheran church.

Church construction, Loxton
St. Peter's Lutheran Church under construction shwing scaffolding.

Church construction, Loxton
St. Peter's Lutheran Church under construction showing scaffolding with a workman's shed in the foreground.

St. Martin's Lutheran Church
St. Martin's Lutheran Church.

St.Martin's Church, Mannum
The altar area of St. Martin's Lutheran Church at M annum.

St, Martin's Church, Mannum
The altar area, St Martin's Lutheran Church.

St. Martin's Church, Mannum
The altar area, St Martin's Lutheran Church.