Find • Duryea, Townsend, 1823-1888, photographer • Results 91 to 120 of 1,060

Panorama of Adelaide
A panorama made up of five individual images, taken looking south from Montefiore Hill in North Adelaide. The resulting view shows the largely denuded Adelaide Hills behind the buildings that make up Adelaide. Two church spires and the Town Hall tower rise above the other buildings.

Opening Ball at the Adelaide Town Hall
Photograph of a painting by James Shaw of the opening ball held in the Adelaide Town Hall on 22 June 1866, part of the celebrations of the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh. A colour copy of the painting can be found at B 3749.

View of Adelaide looking north
View of Adelaide looking north down King William Street towards North Adelaide, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The Adelaide Town Hall is in the right foreground, and Government House, the S.A,. Institute and the Armoury Building can be seen along North Terrace. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking north-east
View of Adelaide looking north-east to the Parklands and Hackney, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The rear section of the Adelaide Town Hall is in the left foreground, with Pirie Street Methodist Church adjacent. Chalmers Presbyterian Church (later renamed Scots Church), the Adelaide Hospital, St Peter's College (at Hackney) and the Hindmarsh Square Congregational Church (with twin towers) can also be seen. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking east
View of Adelaide looking east down Flinders Street to the Parklands and eastern suburbs, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The rear section of the Treasury Building, under construction, is in the foreground, with Stow Memorial Church (now Pilgrim Uniting Church) adjacent. Scots Presbyterian Church with its distinctive tower, (demolished after 1955), faces the Flinders Street Baptist Church across the road, with St Paul's Anglican Church, its tower unfinished, further down the street. In the background at left can be seen Prince Alfred College (at Kent Town) and the Hindmarsh Square Congregational Church (with its domed octagonal towers). The Earl of Zetland hotel can be seen on Flinders Street. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking south-east
View of Adelaide looking south-east to Wakefield Street, the Parklands and the Parkside Lunatic Asylum, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The Unitarian Church with its octagonal tower (demolished 1973) faces the St Francis Xavier Hall across the street (extreme right of image), with St Andrew's Presbyterian Church (demolished 1958) a little further down Wakefield Street. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking south
View of Adelaide looking south into Victoria Square, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The unfinished St Francis Xavier (Catholic) Cathedral and the Supreme Court Building, completed in 1851, can be seen. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking south
View of Adelaide looking south into Victoria Square, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. The Supreme Court and the Local and Insolvency Courts, with the Draper Memorial Church and its Gothic spire (demolished in 1971), on the corner of Gilbert and Norman Streets, can be seen. In the South Parklands the raised structures appear to be targets for rifle training. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking west
View of Adelaide looking west down Franklin Street, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. In the left foreground can be seen the Methodist New Connexion Church (later Maughan Methodist Church, demolished in 1964). At right, on the edge of the image, is the Bible Christian Church in Young Street, demolished in 1979. At the far end of Franklin Street, on West Terrrace, is the flagstaff, where different signals were hoisted to indicate what vessels were passing up and down the gulf. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking north-west
View of Adelaide looking north-west, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870. Waymouth Street crosses diagonally through the image, and Light Square with Colonel William Light's memorial, can be seen in the left centre. Several timber businesses and a monumental mason's works are along Waymouth Street. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

View of Adelaide looking north
View of Adelaide looking north, taken by Townsend Duryea from the tower of the Adelaide General Post Office in 1870, Waymouth Street crossing the foreground of this image. The names of many businesses can be read on building signs in this view. The Victoria Bridge crossing the River Torrens on Montefiore Road to North Adelaide, the early railway station buildings and the first Parliament House along North Terrace can be seen. To see a summary of this panorama group do a number search on B 16004.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower showing horse paddocks abutting Gawler Place. On the opposite side of Gawler Place are shingle roofed workman's cottages. A hotel, the 'Young Queen Inn' is in the centre of the view and Thomas Wells is the licensee at this time. Rooftops, parklands and foothills recede into the background. Part of panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of Adelaide, looking east from the Town Hall Tower. Pirie Street cuts across the centre of the view, which shows shingle roofed workmen's cottages, open paddocks and a mix of city buildings. In the right foreground is the roof of the Pirie Street Methodist Church. On the upper left of the view is the Hindmarsh Square Congregational Church. Parklands, eastern suburbs and hills lie beyond. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower looking south east. Flinders Street cuts diagonally across this view. Two recently completed churches face each other across the road: On the left the Presbyterian, on the right the Baptist. City buildings give way to rural small holding and the hills make a backdrop. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of south eastern Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower. Flinders Street cuts across the lower portion of the view. There is a mix of residential and light industrial buildings intersperced with paddocks, with rural land and hills in the background. Scaffolding in the foreground is attached to the Stow Church which is under construction. The English architect of Stow Church was fond of English wildlife so had a squirrel, carved in stone, at the front of the building. The church on the right is St. Andrews Presbyterian, which opened in 1859 and closed in 1904. On the north side of Wakefield street is the Unitarian Christian Church, completed in 1854, built by the same builder who later built the Town Hall. The Unitarian Church moved to Norwood in the early 1970s and the building on Wakefield street was lost. To the South West of the Unitarian Church, on Wakefield Street, is St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, which survies today. Businesses in the foreground; from extreme right, a cooperage, T. Hills' Cabinet Maker Upholsterer and Undertaker, and G.Gooden, Basketmaker. The two storey building in the centre left is J. Dunn & Co.'s Grain and Flour stores. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of southern Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower, city buildings gradually giving way to the parklands and hills. Victoria Square is on the left with the top of the Treasury building visible in the lower right corner. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Hall is under construction in the centre left next to St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral. The Unitarian Church is on the extreme left. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of southern Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower with Victoria Square in the foreground. Parklands, distant suburbs and hills are seen in the distance. On the centre left is the original Supreme Court building (completed in 1851), later to house the Magistrate's Courts. Near the centre is the Rainbow Tavern, Acre 407, Gouger Street, first licensed in 1853. The tall chimney on the right belongs to the Crown Steam Mill (on Mill Street) which was later to become Verco's Mill. In the distance on the south parklands are the rifle butts used by the militia for shooting practice. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
View of south western Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower with Franklin Street cutting across the view. The Maugham Methodist Church is dominant in this view of city buildings intersperced with open spaces with parklands in the distance. The two storey building on the left side of the church is Duncan & Fraser, Coach Builders. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
View of Adelaide looking west from the Town Hall Tower, showing the part of the town between Franklin and Waymouth Streets. City buildings and business premises, churches and open paddocks stretch off into the distant parklands. A researcher has provided the following information: to the North East of this image (bottom right), is where the Bonython family established a significant dynasty in the Advertiser Newspaper. The building was erected in the 1950s and demolished in the naughties. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower, between Waymouth and Currie Streets, looking north west. City buildings give way to parklands and distant suburbs. The building in the foreground with the shingle roof is a livery stable and has hay for sale. Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower looking north west along King William Street across city buildings to the parklands and beyond. The white two storey building on the centre right is the Bank of Australasia on the intersection of King William and Currie Streets. The building with the verandah on its right is Green's Exchange. Lined up in the centre of the road are horse cabs, and on the Currie Street intersection is the Gouge's Fountain which will soon be removed for the Duke of Edinburgh's visit in 1867. Work is being done on the building in the left foreground as there is scaffolding on its facade and part of the roof is missing. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 14 sections from B 5099.

Adelaide View
[General description] View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower, 1865, looking towards North Adelaide down King William Street. Horse cabs line the centre of King William Road and the Gouger Fountain can be seen on the centre left. Roofs of buildings give way to the distant parkland and countryside beyond. [On back of photograph] 'Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099'.

Adelaide View
View of Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower, looking north east. Grenfell Street runs across the centre of the view. The warehouse of George P. Harris, Wholesale Ironmonger (soon to become Harris Scarfe's) can be seen, upper right of centre. In the upper left of the view is the Institute Building and the mounted Police Barracks. Beyond the city buildings is the parklands and distant countryside. [On back of photograph] 'Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099'.

Adelaide View
Adelaide from the Town Hall Tower with Waymouth Street cutting across the left side of the view. City buildings are seen in the foreground, parklands in the distance. In the middle of the photograph is the premises of architect and builder English & Brown with its extensive yard containing piles of timber and other building materials. On the left is a monumental mason's yard. Part of Panorama of Adelaide / Photographed from the Town Hall tower by Townsend Duryea in 1865 / Copied in 15 sections from B 5099.

Residents of Mount Gambier: Edward Wehl
Studio portrait of Dr Edward Wehl.

John Stokes Bagshaw
John Stokes Bagshaw trained as a millwright, engineer and patternmaker in England and migrated to South Australia in 1838. He set up flour mills and made windmills. He invented the winnowing machine. He built a "stripper" reaping machine for John Ridley in 1843. He built many farm machines. He also founded Trinity Church on North Terrace, the Ancient London Order of Oddfellows in Adelaide, he was elected to the Adelaide Municipal Council in 1870 and was a member of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society

Sir Anthony Musgrave
Sir Anthony Musgrave, Governor of South Australia for four years from 1873- 1877. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica for six years, then back to Australia to be Governor of Queensland.

Sir Anthony Musgrave
Governor Musgrave. His term of office was 1873 - 1877 when he was colonial adminstrator and governor. He arranged funding for railway construction, imposed additional taxes and introduced large numbers of immigrants to settle in the hinterland.

Barbara White
Portrait of Barbara White, of Fulham Farm, Reed Beds, South Australia. Photo by T. Duryea, Adelaide.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] This is the south-eastern corner of the King William / Grenfell Street intersection. The upstairs section of this two storey stone building with a wide verandah is the premises of Duryea's Photographic Gallery. A sign on the building advertises 'Life size sennotypes'. Downstairs is J. Whiting, Drapers where three men, probably the proprietor and staff, are posing for the photographer. This is the future (1925) site of the T & G Building. [On back of photograph] 'Grenfell Street / Before 1863 / Presented by Miss M.M. Beevois / "Wirrawa", Salisbury'.