c. 1920, Photograph, B 32222/61
Innamincka police with a black tracker (believed to be 'Sambo' who was employed by the Innamincka police) in the role of punt operator crossing Cooper Creek. Information provided by a researcher: The Aboriginal man in the punt was a local police tracker 'Jack the Ripper' whose native name was Mara Mundu, a Yandruwandha man, and his totem was the 'big-footed yellow wallaby'. He was married to Annie, a Yandruwandha woman, and they had two daughters. His nephew, Geordie was the third husband of Cora Parker (Nee King), who was the granddaughter of John King, and a full-blooded Yandruwanha woman. Cora's mother was Alice, and grandmother was Turinyi, the daughter of Carrawaw, mentioned in Alfred Howitt's relief expedition journals of 1861. His pary found John King with the people of the pitchery clan of Yandruwandha.