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'Maipo' barque
Poop deck; barque 'Maipo'.

'Omega' 4 masted barque
View from boat-skids looking at midship section; 4 masted barque 'Omega'.

'Ellen' barque
Main deck of barque 'Ellen' after putting in to Lisbon following an explosion in her coal cargo.

'Omega' 4 masted barque
Looking aft from bowsprit; 4 masted barque 'Omega'.

'Loch Cree'; Afterguard, Captain's wife and child, and apprentices at Hobart
Afterguard, Captain's wife and child, and apprentices: 'Loch Cree', at Hobart [ship possibly also know as 'Giovanna B'] [iron 3 mast barque, 821 tons, ON69353, 197.6 x 32.1 x 18.4. Built 1874 (3) Macfayden and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: James Sproat, registered Liverpool. Sold to Italy and renamed 'Giovanna B' about 1908]

'Arabella' iron barque
Figurehead, 'Arabella' iron barque.

'England's Glory' iron ship
Figurehead, 'England's Glory' iron ship [iron 3 mast barque (originally ship rig) 787 tons. ON60919. 183.3 x 31.2 x 19.7. Built 1869 (3) W Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners Peter Smith (of Plymouth) registered London; later EHR Moon. Wrecked Nov 7, 1881 near the entrance to Bluff Harbour, New Zealand]

'Star of Greece' iron ship
Figurehead, 'Star of Greece' iron ship [iron ship, 1280 tons, ON60313, 227.0 x 35.0 x 22.2. Built 1868 (9) Harland and Wolff, Belfast. Owners JP Cory and Co., registered Belfast. Wrecked at Willunga, South Australia July 13, 1888]

'Golden Gate' steel 4 masted barque
Figurehead, 'Golden Gate' steel 4 masted barque 'Golden Gate' steel 4 masted barque 2341 tons [see also 'Lord Shaftesbury']

'Barossa' barque
Main topsail haul; barque 'Barossa' 1899.

Working on the bowsprit of the 'Calbuco'

'Bermuda' 4 masted barque
Longest unbroken sweep of deck in any sailing ship - British hurricane-decked 4 masted barque 'Bermuda'; looking forward.

'Beatrice' 4 masted barque
Main deck looking aft; 4 masted barque 'Beatrice'.

'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship.

'British Admiral' iron ship
Figurehead, 'British Admiral' iron ship.

Un named vessel
Figurehead, un named vessel in dry dock.

'Priwall' 4 masted barque
Looking forward from poop deck; 4 masted barque 'Priwall' [steel 4 mast barque, 3105 gross, 2849 net tons. 323.0 x 47.2 x 26.3. Built 1918 Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. Owners: Reederei F Laiesz G m b H, registered Hamburg. Laid up in Valparasio at outbreak WW2, c. 1942 taken over by Chilean Government and renamed 'Lautaro' and destroyed by fire off the coast of Peru in 1945]

'Argomene' ship
Crew of British ship 'Argomene'. [iron ship 1716 tons. ON76415, 241.0 x 38.7 x 24.0 Built 1877 (1) TR Oswald, Southampton. Owners H Fernie and Sons. Liverpool (Later Liverpool Shipping Co. Ltd. managed by Fernies) c.1899 sold to S. Hampton Co. Ltd. (JB Thomson) registered Glasgow (renamed 'Hampton') c.1910 to Italian owners and renamed 'Bianchetto' and drops from registers after 1917.]

'Alicia' wooden schooner
Figurehead, 'Alicia' wooden schooner.

'Amy Turner' wooden barque
Figurehead, 'Amy Turner' wooden barque.

'Passat' experiencing heavy weather in the North Atlantic.

'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque
Figurehead, 'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque [steel auxiliary 5 mast barque, 3901 gross, 3229 net tons. 369.8 x 49.3 x 26.9. Built 1921 (9) Ramage and Ferguson, Leith machinery aft, single screw 4 cylinder diesel by Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen. Owners: East Asiatic Company , registered Copenhagan, sail training ship for the company. Missing left Buenos Aires Dec. 14, 1928 for Melbourne, spoken 8 days later and then disappeared. 60 lost including 45 cadets]

'British Admiral' iron ship
Figurehead, 'British Admiral' iron ship.

'Emma' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'Emma' wooden ship.

'Maud' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'Maud' wooden ship.

'George R Skolfield' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'George R Skolfield' wooden ship.

'Glory of the Seas' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'Glory of the Seas' wooden ship.

Fo'c's'le-head of 'Lawhill'.

'Alice Williams' wooden schooner
Figurehead, 'Alice Williams' wooden schooner.

'Parramatta' wooden ship
Figurehead, 'Parramatta' wooden ship.