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'Osage' wooden ship

'Osage' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Osage' wooden ship.

'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship

'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Donald Mac Kay' wooden ship.

'Abraham Rydberg'

'Abraham Rydberg'

The boats of 'Abraham Rydberg' racing at Wallaroo, 1937.

'Moshulu' 4 masted barque

'Moshulu' 4 masted barque

Main deck, looking aft; 4 masted barque 'Moshulu'.

'Claymore' wooden barque

'Claymore' wooden barque

Figurehead, 'Claymore' wooden barque. [wooden 3 mast barque, 287 gross, 273 net tons. 114.0 x 26.4 x 14.0. ON20433. Built 1858 (3) R. James, Leith. Owners: in July 1869 acquired by John Bickers, registered Port Adelaide. Vessel condemned at Calcutta in 1892 and sold for the benefit of all concerned.]

'Augusta Louise' wooden ship

'Augusta Louise' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Augusta Louise' wooden ship.

'Katherine' 4 masted ship

'Katherine' 4 masted ship

Looking aft, US 4 masted ship 'Katherine'.

'Columbia' wooden schooner

'Columbia' wooden schooner

Figurehead, 'Columbia' wooden schooner.

'Hamburg' ship

'Hamburg' ship

Looking forward from mizzen-mast; ship 'Hamburg'.

'Mozart' 4 masted barquentine

'Mozart' 4 masted barquentine

Looking down on the head sails; 4 masted barquentine 'Mozart' [steel 4 mast barquentine, 2003 gross, 1875 net tons. 262.9 x 40.1 x 24.2. Built 1904 (2) Grangemouth and Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd. Greenock. Owners: AC de Freitas & Co., registered Hamburg]

'Amphitrite' iron ship

'Amphitrite' iron ship

Figurehead, 'Amphitrite' iron ship. [iron ship, 1777tons, ON81833, 264.9 x 39.5 x 23.4. Built 1882 (3) R. Duncan & Co. Port Glasgow. Owners CS Caird, reg. Greenock, later MacVicar, Marshall & Co. Early 1900's passed to Italian owners without change of name.]

'Derry Castle' iron ship

'Derry Castle' iron ship

Figurehead, wreck of 'Derry Castle' iron ship, Auckland Island March 28th 1887.

'Lord Canning' iron ship

'Lord Canning' iron ship

Figurehead, 'Lord Canning' iron ship [iron ship, 1518 tons. ON60038. 224.2 x 37.8 x 23.5. Built 1867 (12) T Royden and Son, Liverpool. Owners: John Farnworth, registered Liverpool then CW Kellock and Co., registered Liverpool]

'Ponape' steel 4 masted barque

'Ponape' steel 4 masted barque

Figurehead, 'Ponape' steel 4 masted barque [steel 4 mast barque, 2464 gross, 2365 net tons. 293.4 x 41.8 x 23.7. Built 1903 (7) Soc. Esercizio Bacini, Genoa as 'Regina Elena' for Cav. P Milesi reigstered Genoa. Later F Laiesz, registered Hamburg and renamed 'Ponape', then became the Norwegian 'Bellhouse' and later reverted to 'Ponape'. Preserved in Sweden. In Gustaf Erikson's fleet from 1929-1936]

'California' steel 4 masted barque ex 'Walter H Wilson'

'California' steel 4 masted barque ex 'Walter H Wilson'

Figurehead, 'California' ex 'Walter H Wilson' steel 4 masted barque. Postcard provided by Richard Hunter Figurehead Historian, UK from Alands Sjofartsmuseum. See also PRG 1373/79/104.

'Barossa' barque

'Barossa' barque

Dining saloon; barque 'Barossa'.

'Carmanian' barque

'Carmanian' barque

'Crossing the line' ceremony. British barque 'Carmanian'. [steel ship later barque 1867 tons, ON95406, 260.0 x 38.7 x 23.6. Built 1897 (5) R Williamson and Sons Workington. Owners Andrada Sailing Ship Co. Ltd (EF and W Roberts) reg. Workington, c.1910 to Norwegian owners without change of name.]

'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque

'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque

Figurehead, 'Kobenhavn' steel 5 masted barque [steel auxiliary 5 mast barque, 3901 gross, 3229 net tons. 369.8 x 49.3 x 26.9. Built 1921 (9) Ramage and Ferguson, Leith machinery aft, single screw 4 cylinder diesel by Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen. Owners: East Asiatic Company , registered Copenhagan, sail training ship for the company. Missing left Buenos Aires Dec. 14, 1928 for Melbourne, spoken 8 days later and then disappeared. 60 lost including 45 cadets]

'Lingard' barque

'Lingard' barque

Captain, wife and child and pilot; Norwegian barque 'Lingard' [steel 3 mast barque. 1081 gross, 999 net tons. 216.0 x 34.0 x 18.1. Built 1893 (6) Fevig Jernskibsbyggeri, Grimstad. Owners: BA Olsen, registered Risor, Norway]

'General Gordon' iron 4 masted barque

'General Gordon' iron 4 masted barque

Figurehead, 'General Gordon' iron 4 masted barque [iron 4 mast ship, 1690 tons. ON93678, 258.0 x 38.8 x 22.7. Built 1886 (5) R&J Evans and Co. Liverpool. Owners L Davies and Co. Registered Liverpool c.1910 to Norway without change of name]

'HMS Nelson' wooden ship

'HMS Nelson' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'HMS Nelson' wooden ship.

'Sir Galahad' British vessel

'Sir Galahad' British vessel

Figurehead, Unknown British vessel believed to be 'Sir Galahad'. In the photograph the figurehead is mounted on the outside wall of the old Seaman's Church Institute, New York; probably prhotographed in 1950's. The carving is now inside the New Church building near the South Street Seaport Museum, New York.

'Brodick Castle' iron ship

'Brodick Castle' iron ship

Figurehead, 'Brodick Castle' iron ship.

'Caithness-Shire' iron 4 masted ship

'Caithness-Shire' iron 4 masted ship

Figurehead, 'Caithness-Shire' iron 4 masted ship. [steel barque, 1641 tons. ON104546, 247.3 x 37.6 x 22.6. Built 1894 (7) Russell and Co, Port Glasgow, Owners T. Law and Co. reg. Glasgow. Wrecked on Watling Island, Bahamas, Feb. 4, 1911.]

'Edith Alice' wooden ketch

'Edith Alice' wooden ketch

Figurehead, 'Edith Alice' wooden ketch [wooden 2 mast barge, ON57508. 39 tons. 61.6 x 17.7 x 6.1. Built 1869. Thomas Inches, Huon River Tasmania. Made into an auxiliary vessel in 1927 and now 2 mast ketch. 41 gross, 33 net tons. Owners Thomas Inches, registered Hobart. Oct 1871. Charles Heath registered Port Adelaide by 1919 EH Heath and others, 1924 C Hipkins 1928 J Davis, 1934 TD Garnaut, 1936 MJ Davies. Broken up at Port Adelaide and register closed in 1938]

'Imperator Alexander' ship

'Imperator Alexander' ship

"Running the easting down'; ship 'Imperator Alexander' with decks awash.

'Priwall' 4 masted barque

'Priwall' 4 masted barque

Making up sails preparatory to sending them aloft to be bent' 4 masted barque 'Priwall' [steel 4 mast barque, 3105 gross, 2849 net tons. 323.0 x 47.2 x 26.3. Built 1918 Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. Owners: Reederei F Laiesz G m b H, registered Hamburg. Laid up in Valparasio at outbreak WW2, c. 1942 taken over by Chilean Government and renamed 'Lautaro' and destroyed by fire off the coast of Peru in 1945]

'Eden Holme' barque

'Eden Holme' barque

Men at the wheel; barque 'Eden Holme' [iron 3 mast barque 818 tons. ON62035. 201.8 x 32.2 x 18.5. Built 1875 (1) Bartram, Haswell and Co,. Sunderland. Owners Hine Bros. registered Maryport. Wrecked Hebe Reef, Tamar River, Tasmania Jan. 6th, 1907]

'Great Admiral' wooden ship

'Great Admiral' wooden ship

Figurehead, 'Great Admiral' wooden ship [wooden ship rigged vessel, 1576 gross, 1402 net tons. ON(US)85007, 214.2 x 40.3 x 25.2. Built 1869. ER Jackson, East Boston, USA. Owners: 1897 ER Sterling, registered New York. Engaged from this time in the Pacific delivering cargoes of timber. Wrecked Dec. 1907 on the West Coast of South America. Much additional material on early career in 'The Downeasters' by Basil Lubbuck, Brown, Son and Ferguson, Glasgow, reprinted 1971]

'Mozambique' wooden barque

'Mozambique' wooden barque

Figurehead, 'Mozambique' wooden barque.