St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos [SRG 94/A4/6/1-4] • Photograph

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club - Premiers YMCA Association, 1928. Played 18. Won 18. Goals for - 1265. Against - 226. Standing (from left): G. Norman, B.W. Warrick, A.F. Warrick, F. Devitt, F.A. Wills, A. Lawn, C.Hughes. Sitting: Rev. C.W.T. Rogers (Patron), A.R. Crocker (Captain), A.W.M. Hughes (Scorer). Photo by K.G. Crane, 113 King William Street [Adelaide]

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club - Runners Up YMCA Association, 1929. Played 16. Won 14. Goals for - 819. Against - 277. Standing (from left): E. Coventry, A.F. Warrick, A. Boyley, B.W. Warrick, E.A. Wills. Sitting: A.R. Crocker (Captain), Rev. C.W.T. Rogers (Patron), F. Devitt (Vice-captain). Front: C. Hughes, A. Lawn (inset) [Note - inset seems to have been missed out]. Photo by K.G. Crane, 113 King William Street [Adelaide]

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St Luke's Remnants Basketball Club - Premiers Metropolitan Association. Played 16, won 16. Goals for 667, Against, 227. Back row (from left) F. Devitt, R. Nieman, F. Summerfield, D. Cahill. Sitting (from left) A. Lawn, A.R. Crocker (Capt.), R. Lawn. Front - C. Hughes. Photo by K.G. Crane, 113 King William Street [Adelaide]

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St. Luke's "B" Basket Ball Club team photos

St Luke's "B" Basketball Club - Premiers M.B.A., B Grade. Played 16. Won 16. Goals for, 647. Against, 212. Back row (from left): R. Rankin, A.F. Warrick, E.S. Mason, R.B. Nieman, A. Peterson. Front: C. Hughes, E.H. Coventry. Photo by K.G. Crane, 113 King William Street [Adelaide].