Tubercular Soldiers's Aid Society photographs [SRG 488/18] • Photograph

A car decorated with flowers at Angorichina Hostel
A group of people standing with a car which has been decorated with sprays of flowers, as a farewell tribute to Mrs Martin from the hostel. [The vehicle is believed to be a 1923 or 1924 Chevrolet Superior, 4 cylinder engine. From the photo it appears that the body maybe a 'C' cab utility, a style which was quite common, especially for use in the Australian country areas. The registration number (partly obscured) tends to indicate a South Australian first registration plate issue of late 1927, however this was possibly as a result of a change of ownership of the vehicle, where the previous plate was retained by the former owner for the purpose of their new vehicle. There is no SA prefix on the plate, confirming the photo was taken prior to January 1931.].

Prospect Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
Prospect Chalet, family accommodation, at Angorichina Hostel.

Prospect Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
Prospect Chalet, family accommodation at Angorichina Hostel.

Prospect Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
Three men installing a rain water tank at Prospect Chalet, Angorichina Hostel.

Hayward Ward at Angorichina Hostel
The main entrance to Hayward Ward at Angorichina Hostel on the left, Prospect Chalet in the distance.

Stock grazing at the Angorichina Hostel
Stock grazing on the lucern patch at Angorichina Hostel.

Produce from the garden at Angorichina Hostel
A woman sits surrounded by produce from the garden of Angorichina Hostel.

Patients at Angorichina Hostel
A group of patients at Angorichina Hostel.

Tree planting ceremony at Angorichina Hostel
Lady Hore-Ruthven is given 'three cheers' after planting a gum tree at Angorichina Hostel.

People looking around the Angorichina Hostel
AGroup of people looking around the Angorichina Hostel. L-R: J. Lee; Mrs. P. Douglas; Dr. H.E. Russell; Major C.F. Woodcock; Lady Hore-Ruthven; Dr. W.J. Mabin; Mr. W. Walters; Dr. B.H. Morris; Mrs T.E. Barr Smith and Dr. A.H.E. Walton.

Laying foundation stone for Cornell Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
The laying of the foundation stone for Cornell Chalet at Angorichina Hostel. L-R: Mr. R. Cakey of Blinman; Mr. P.W.E. Culley; Mr.F. Morely; Mr. W.G. Muller and Mr. C.H.L. Craigee.

Construction of Angorichina Hostel
Charles Moore Chalet under construction at Angorichina Hostel.

Cornell Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
View of Cornell Chalet after completion.

Cornell Chalet at Angorichina Hostel
Interior view showing the sitting room in Cornell Chalet at the Angorichina Hostel.

Garden at Angorichina Hostel
View showing the garden surrounding Cornell Chalet, looking east.

Garden house and rest room at Angorichina Hostel
Garden house and rest room after completion.

Garden house at Angorichina Hostel
Completed garden house and rest room at Angorichina Hostel.

Garden house and rest room at Angorichina Hostel
Interior view of the garden house and rest room at Angorichina Hostel, looking through the door.

Garden House and rest room at Angorichina Hostel
Garden house and 'Bowlers' rest room after completion at Angorichina Hostel.

Garden house and rest room under construction at Angorichina Hostel
Garden house and rest room under construction, with a family out the front.

A cow bred as part of the Angorichina Hostel herd
A cow bred as part of the Angorichina Hostel herd.

Engine room and workshop at Angorichina Hostel
The engine room and workshop at Angorichina Hostel, with wood ready for winter.

View of 'Gowrie House'
A view of 'Gowrie House', which was named after Lord and Lady Gowrie, and opened in 1935.

Interior view of 'Gowrie House'
Interior view at 'Gowrie House', showing a sitting room with fine furniture including a card table.

Lord Gowrie
A portrait of Lord Gowrie in army uniform.

Lady Gowrie
A portrait of Lady Gowrie.

A man and a women with three camels on Angorichina Station
A man and a woman with three camels on Angorichina Station.

Gardeners quarters at Angorichina Hostel
The gardeners quarters and surrounding garden at Angorichina Hostel.

Ruins at Angorichina Hostel
The ruins of the gardeners quarters and garden at Angorichina Hostel.

Presentation of cheques from the Radio Ball Committee
Presentation of cheques from the Radio Ball Committee to the TB Soldiers' Aid Society Hospital Fund, with both the Cheer-up Hut and Uncle Vic's Radio donating £73/2/10 each. Standing (left to right): Messrs Stephens, F, Cawthorne, J. Vardon, J. Havey, R.W. Paton, R. G. Dugan, Granfield, Miss E. Cleggett, Mr A.H. Garth, Miss A. Edwards, Mtrs J. Vardon. Sitting (left to right): Mesdames A.H. Garth, Shepherd, R. Weaver, R. Bishop, E. L. P. Goddard, B. Roberts, C.H. Freeman.