Boer War photographs from an RSL display [SRG 435/7/1-21] • Photograph

Second New South Wales contingent.
The Second New South Wales Contingent preparing horses for loading on the 'Southern Cross' bound for Cape Town in 1900.

South Australian nurses.
Six South Australian army nurses. Names may include: Martha Sarah Bidmead, Agnes G. Cocks, Eliza Ann Watts, M.A. O'Shanahan, Agnes Maud Glenie, and Amelia Bramleyn Stephenson. The original photograph is held by the National Archives Australia, D4477/1.

Farewell luncheon.
A farewell luncheon for South Australian troops about to leave for South Africa, held at the Exhibition Building, Adelaide.

First South Australian Contingent.
The First South Australian Contingent at the Port Adelaide railway station, prior to departure.

First South Australian Contingent.
The First South Australian Contingent departing from Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide, aboard the 'SS Yatala', to meet troopship 'Medic' at Semaphore, Anchorage. See also B 9093 for a smiliar image.

Third Contingent, South Australian Bushmen Corps.
Third Contingent, South Australian Bushmen Corps, showing teams of horses harnessed to wagons, with tents and buildings in the background.