Photographs from the First World War [SRG 435/1] • Photograph

World War One album of hospital ships, medical officers and nurses
Album of photographs from the First World War, including hospital ships, Australian nurses, medical officers and soldiers aboard ships, arrival in the Middle East, and setting up camps. Names and locations unknown. See below for details.

World War One album of active service in the Middle East
Album of First World War photographs of Australian Light Horse camps in the Middle East, troops visisting cities, war graves and Australian soldiers. On the inside back cover of the album is a newspaper cutting of a poem 'The ANZAC Horse' by Captain W.F. Templeton of the 4th Royal Scots Fusiliers, who met the 10th Light Horse in the Sinai Dessert during the First World War. Selected images have been digitised. See below for details.

Group portrait of soldiers
Group portrait of eleven Australian troops standing with a woman and some of the local population outside a brick building. Possibly in Egypt.

World War One Light Horse album
Album of small photographs of Australian Light Horse regiments in Egypt during the First World War, including: field camps, horses, Pyriamids, Cairo, Light Horsemen, River Nile, cities, the Sphinx, local people, soldiers resting, and the Cairo museum. Selected photographs have been digitised. See below for details.

RAA Road Service
Two men wearing gas masks and protective gear sitting on a BSA late 1930s motorcycle with side-car. Signage on the side-car for 'RAA Road Service'. The image appeared in a RAA Magazine of the time with the caption 'The R.A.A. Road Service Staff have been trained to operate as a gas decontamination squad in conjunction with the air raid precautions. Illustration shows portion of the squad, fully equipped and dressed in readiness to operate.

World War One photographs
Photographs of an unknown Australian soldier of his active service during the First World War, including: men participating in sports and games on board the S.S. Ascanius, the 'Ascanius' in harbour at Durban and Cape Town, buildings in Durban and Cape Town, buildings and sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and Light Horse troops training in Australia. Selected photographs have been digitised. See below for details.

World War One Light Horse photographs
Negatives (including photographic prints of the first 17 of the negatives) and prints of an unknown serviceman showing First World War Australian Light Horse camps in the Middle East, the photographer's horse and other horses, troops eating and swimming, grain dumps, landscapes of the Jordan River and valley, and mosques in Jerusalem. Selected images have been digitised. See below for details.

World War One Light Horse photographs
Negatives and prints of an unknown serviceman showing First World War Australian Light Horse camps in the Middle East, the photographer's horse and other horses, troops eating and swimming, grain dumps, landscapes of the Jordan River and valley, and mosques in Jerusalem. Selected images have been digitised. See below for details.

S.S. Euripides
The S.S. Euripides troopship at sea. Faded signatures of Australian soldiers and their regiments are written on the mount. Photograph by Munns of Gravesend. Some of the names include: No. 2 G.S. (George Sydney) Redsell of Adelaide, Warrant Officer, 43rd Battalion; and No. 1310 Private F. (Frank) Wilson of New South Wales, 18th Battalion.

William George Raftery
Studio portrait of No. 2478 Gunner William George Raftery, 47th Battery, 12th Army Brigade, Australian Field Artillery, Australian Imperial Forces abroad. Son of Robert Raftery and Mary (nee O'Neill), of Tarcowie, South Australia.

Postcard from Jack
Portrait of 'Jack', a medical field officer, wearing his trench uniform, boots, fur vest and helmet. Printed on a postcard and signed on the front 'Your loving Grandson Jack 12/1/17'. Message on back: 'France, 12/1/17. Dear Grandma, Just a photo in trench garb. Things are very quiet here at present. I am very well and haven't (thank God) had a cold since leaving home. Fred is in England and Em is also. I have been recommended for a commission. How's Renee and Jim, the latter I will see shortly I suppose. Best love to you and hope you are well. Goodbye Grandma, Jack xxx. Haven't seen Wally Minerds yet, but heard he is well.' The Wally Minerds mentioned is likely to be No. 3411 Private Walter Thomas Minerds of Torrensville, South Australia, 10th Battalion.

Unidentified soldier
Studio portrait of an unidentified soldier in army uniform with sergeant stripes on the left sleeve. The soldier may be No. 1889 Frederick Ernest Adam Borthwick, 27th Battalion.

Light Horse regiment training
A Light Horse Regiment in formation, training on a race course. On the back is written 'Yours Truly, C.T. Alragg (?)'.

9th and 10th Battalions at Mena Camp
The camps of the 9th and 10th Battalions of the AIF, located 10 miles from Cairo. Two pyramids can be seen in the background. Handwritten note on back: 'This is a photo of part of the old camp at Mena. It shows the road between our lines (on the left) and the 9th on the right. I picked it up when in Cairo last.'

HMHS Assaye
The Hospital Ship HMHS Assaye at anchor in a harbour.

Australian troops in a shelter
Australian troops in a shelter dug into a small hill, with a wall made of rocks and branches. Packs are hanging on the wall to the left and there is a bugle leaning on the wall next to the packs.

Soldiers' Fund Committee
Group portrait of the World War I Soldiers' Fund Committee. Names unknown.

Wedding portrait of Gladys Ellen Symons and Private William Linton Rowett
Group portrait of a World War One bridal party. In the centre are the bride, Gladys Ellen Symons, and groom, Private William Linton Rowett, No. 850, in uniform. The two bridesmaids are Ethel May Symons (bride's sister) and Thelma Parkyn (groom's niece). The best man is Private Stanley Harold Stevens, No. 855, and the groomsman is Driver Meredith Harrison, No. 827. Gladys and William were married on 12 April 1916 at the Halifax Street Methodist Church. Handwritten note on the back: 'To Dick and May, with fondest love from Will and Gladys'. For further details see 'The Mail' (Adelaide newspaper), Saturday 29 April 1916, page 4.

Portrait of soldier Glen
Photographic studio portrait of an unknown Australian soldier in uniform. The patch on his left shoulder has an Anzac letter 'A', denoting service at Gallipoli. Handwritten on back: 'For Dick and May. This is Glen'. Stamp on back: 'I.D.L. LTD [?] Photographers, 284 Edgware RD, W.2'.

Souvenir Declaration of War, August 1914
Souvenir Declaration of War, August 1914 photographic poster, featuring British and Australian flags, illustrations of cannon and native flowers, and photographs of the Generals of the United Kingdom and Australia, King George V in the centre, and battleships. The photograph originally belonged to Private Leslie Howard Thompson, No. 4768.

119th Howitzer Battery
The 119th Howitzer Battery, 12th Australian Field Artillery Battery, lined up by their stables in England, February 1917. The 119th Field Artillery (Howitzer) Battery was formed in England in 1916 for the 12th Field Artillery Brigade and was disbanded in April 1917.

119th Howitzer Battery
Group portrait of the 119th Howitzer Battery, 12th Australian Field Artillery Battery, taken in England, February 1917. The 119th Field Artillery (Howitzer) Battery was formed in England in 1916 for the 12th Field Artillery Brigade and was disbanded in April 1917.