Photographs re Adelaide Trades and Labour Council events [SRG 1/32/1] • Photograph

Trades Hall Adelaide. Federal Council Federal Gas Employees second Union of Australia assembled at Trades Hall in front of large poster advertising Labour Day activities (Monday March 15th). Back row; McCarthy (NSW), Inglis, Garland (SA), Kemp. Front row; O'Neill (Tas), Callin (NSW president), Crofts Genlec (Vic), Schafer (Vic), Carey (Vic). Taken 1937. With Compliments G. Crofts

Tom Garland, Secretary of the Adelaide Trades and Labor Council, addressing a group, behind a standing microphone.

Australian Council of Trade Unions Executive group 1945. Back row; left to right P. Clarey, R. Crick, C. Crofts, C. Cully, seated T. Garland, H. Harvey, J. Hanson, w. Stour, R. King.

Victorian Council Against War and Fascism banner at large meeting, possible at the Victorian Trades Hall, National Movement Against War and Fascism. Banner slogans include; War Means Murder for Profits, Defence Means War Preparations, Not a Man, Ship, Gun for Imperialist War.

Adelaide Trades and Labor Council members behind left to right; Garland, Thompson. Front; Walsh, Aspinall, Schafer. Deputation to Premier Playford re Railway Weekend 94 Hours Stoppage February 1944.